01 Jun 15:55 GMT

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Romanian: Law/Patents > Law: Taxation & Customs

Term/concept Contributor
rol Law: Taxation & Customs Nicolae Zarna 
rol fiscal Law: Taxation & Customs Nicolae Zarna 
cheltuieli cu dobanzile Law: Taxation & Customs Lish 
grad de indatorare Law: Taxation & Customs Lish 
somatie de plata Law: Taxation & Customs Mihaela Roman 
nereguli Law: Taxation & Customs Mihaela Roman 
beneficii nerealizate Law: Taxation & Customs Mihaela Roman 
(plati) nerecuperate Law: Taxation & Customs Mihaela Roman 
timbru literar Law: Taxation & Customs cristi gontariu 
CENZOR Law: Taxation & Customs IMAGDA 
DECLARATIE DE IMPUNERE Law: Taxation & Customs Lavinia Pirlog 
taxa vamala protectionista Law: Taxation & Customs Péter Tófalvi 
penalităţi de întârziere Law: Taxation & Customs babuska 

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