Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 8 '09 eng>esl al que matare a otro siempre que no se estableciere who killed another, provided that it is not set forth pro closed no
- Aug 8 '09 eng>eng proved an excellent focus turned out to be an excellent way to organize the info gathering phase pro closed ok
- Aug 8 '09 eng>esl se ha dispuesto librar a VS el presente has decided to issue this [letter] to you pro open no
- Jul 29 '09 esl>eng Titulo: concepto: adjudicación 2º Title: item: 2nd award pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '09 esl>eng impuesto único a los trabajadores flat-rate employee tax pro closed ok
4 May 27 '09 esl>eng “enterados”, “hemos tomado nota” "informed", "noted" pro closed no
- May 27 '09 por>eng Estou a inventar, nao sei que tipo de contrato queres I have to improvise, I don't know what kind of contract you want pro closed no
- May 27 '09 esl>eng See entire phrase The price set for this contract shall be the price resulting from ... pro closed no
2 May 26 '09 esl>eng "relevo" , which is synonymous with "certificación de cancelación de gravamen" release pro closed ok
- May 25 '09 esl>eng que modifiquen la responsabilidad legalmente exigible en ausencia de ellos that modify the legal liability enforceable in their absence pro open no
4 May 12 '09 eng>eng taking away of a man’s life by perjury for instance, lying on the stand resulting in a murder conviction pro closed no
4 May 11 '09 ita>eng garante coobbligato solidale joint and several guarantor pro closed ok
4 May 9 '09 esl>eng constan de sus manifestaciones los datos personales she provided her personal data in her representations; she provided her personal particulars in her. pro closed ok
4 May 9 '09 esl>eng inscripción de nacimiento birth record; registration of birth pro closed no
- Apr 10 '09 por>eng DAR CAUSA À MORA triggers default pro closed ok
4 Feb 24 '09 esl>eng Para tramitar jubilaciones y pensiones to apply for retirement and pension benefits pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '09 eng>esl interventoria, interventor inspection service; inspector pro closed no
- Feb 20 '09 esl>eng Secretaría de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores Ministry of Foreign Relations; Foreign Relations Secretariat pro closed no
4 Feb 18 '09 esl>eng dichas ventas no tendrían lugar de no prestarse dichos servicios these sales would not be made if such services were not provided pro closed ok
4 Feb 17 '09 esl>eng negociación incompatible y patrocinio ilegal dealings involving conflict of interest and illegal sponsorship pro closed no
4 Feb 17 '09 esl>eng la forma en que se ejercerá más del 50% de los votos how more than 50% of the votes will be cast... pro closed no
4 Feb 17 '09 eng>esl Realizing the reimbursement el reembolso efectivo; recibo del reembolso pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '09 esl>eng de una parte y por otra parte on the one hand and on the other hand pro closed ok
4 Feb 17 '09 por>eng sociedade dominante parent company pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '09 esl>eng cede y traspasa conveys and transfers pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '09 eng>esl based on the average 10 day closing trading price of the Shares con base en la cotización de cierre promedia de las acciones de los 10 días... pro closed ok
- Jan 17 '09 esl>eng cancelado de oficio cancelled by operation of law; cancelled automatically pro closed ok
4 Jan 16 '09 por>eng dever anexo implicit obligation pro closed ok
4 Jan 12 '09 por>eng direitos imateriais intellectual property rights pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '09 esl>eng excepción de compensación defense that the defendant has compensated the plaintiff in kind pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '09 esl>eng Por señalado el domicilio procesal the address for purposes of the proceeding having been deemed indicated. pro closed no
4 Dec 31 '08 esl>eng ante dos registros filed with two registries... pro closed no
- Dec 15 '08 esl>eng El presente Convenio permanecerá en vigor hasta su denuncia por uno de los Estad This Agreement [Convention] shall remain in force until it is renounced by one of the... pro closed ok
4 Dec 15 '08 esl>eng respondiendo de las infracciones en que hubiera incurrido being liable for any infractions he/she may have personally committed pro closed ok
4 Dec 12 '08 esl>eng CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES JUDICIALES A NIVEL NACIONAL good conduct certificate pro closed no
- Sep 1 '08 esl>eng que le corresponen al primero respecto del Contrato to which the seller/assignor [whatever you're calling the cedente] is entitled under this Agreement. pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '08 esl>eng quien adquiere exclusivamente los derechos al cobro de las contraprestaciones which acquires exclusive rights to the collection of [the/any] consideration pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '08 esl>eng help with last part of phrase noetheless, they reject such electronic filing, which the interested parties undertake pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '08 esl>eng Facultades para conferir poderes generales y especiales empowered/powers/authority to confer general and special powers... pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '08 esl>eng Gestor delegado Deputy registrar; interim registrar pro closed ok
- May 31 '08 esl>eng subpoderar los apoderados delegate powers pro closed ok
4 May 31 '08 esl>eng prestación contributiva contributory benefit pro closed ok
- May 31 '08 esl>eng cítese al recurrente the appellant shall be summoned pro closed ok
4 May 31 '08 ita>esl opzioni opciones pro closed ok
4 May 31 '08 ita>esl future futuros pro closed ok
- May 31 '08 ita>esl swap swaps; pases pro closed ok
- May 31 '08 esl>eng que entre en vigor, sea modificado o concluya that will take effect, be modified or be terminated pro closed ok
- May 30 '08 eng>esl Own Home Outright poseer residencia, sin hipoteca pro closed ok
4 May 30 '08 esl>eng Razonamiento Jurídico Octavo Legal Grounds Eight [or Eighth, if you prefer...] pro closed no
4 May 30 '08 esl>eng consecución de una serie de hitos pendientes de realizar achievement of a series of outstanding milestones pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered