Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 21 '21 ara>eng أنا الكل في الكل I am the crème de la crème pro closed no
- Sep 14 '20 ara>eng محرمها that which declares her forbidden pro closed no
- Aug 26 '20 ara>eng وتستنج and deduces pro closed no
- Aug 24 '20 ara>eng هي من صميم الذات وإلا أجنبية Is it from the essence of the self, or is it a stranger pro closed no
- Dec 17 '19 ara>eng رئيس الهيئة الادارية the head of administration pro open no
4 Oct 21 '19 ara>eng استدعاء request for his presence pro closed ok
4 Feb 13 '19 ara>eng ليس لي بعد الله الا انت Other than God, I have no one but you pro closed ok
4 Dec 31 '18 ara>eng تحميل جميلة holding a favor over (someone) pro closed ok
- Nov 14 '18 ara>eng على الشأن to the subject of pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '18 eng>ara Is there no end to my woes? هل مشاكلي لن تنتهي؟ pro open no
- Sep 9 '18 eng>ara flailing. مرفرفا pro open no
- Jun 17 '18 ara>eng وعلِي It happened to me pro closed no
4 Apr 8 '18 ara>eng دعوة عامة Open Invitation pro closed no
4 Mar 14 '18 ara>eng سيدات الدول زينوا القاعة بحضورهن الأنيق the ladies of the countries graced the hall with their elegant presence pro closed ok
- Mar 3 '18 ara>eng جمعية المعلومات الشبابية المستقبلية المقننة لما بعد الحداثة The Organization for Youthful Future Information Established for Postmodernism pro open no
- Nov 23 '17 ara>eng عدم الالتزام not sticking to pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '17 ara>eng وكالعادة منذ زمن بعيد أعود and as I used to do, long in the past, I return pro closed no
- Jul 31 '17 ara>eng غفلة الحق عنه being disregarded and ignored by the forces of truth pro closed no
3 Mar 7 '17 ara>eng *تتداعى بك الذكريات حروفاً the memories are evoked for you, word by word pro closed no
- Mar 7 '17 ara>eng أعرفه عن بُعد I am remotely acquainted with him pro closed ok
4 Mar 6 '17 ara>eng وكم يحتاج and, oh, how much one needs pro closed ok
4 Feb 25 '17 ara>eng ومسائكم فل And a good evening to you! pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered