Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 22 '02 deu>eng Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel When one game ends, the next one begins pro closed no
- Jan 13 '11 pol>eng przeniesienie środków pieniężnych na własność banku transferring the ownership of funds to a/the bank pro open no
3 Oct 30 '10 pol>eng przypadek zaspokojenia z zabezpieczenia event of satisfaction from security pro closed ok
- Dec 17 '09 pol>eng zapłata dyspozycji zwrotu kaucji gwarancyjnych to repay guarantee deposits pro closed no
3 Dec 12 '09 pol>eng przeniesienie praw pod warunkiem, który nie uległ ziszczeniu the transfer of rights will be subject to a condition being satisfied pro closed ok
4 Dec 10 '09 pol>eng umowa o ustanowienie spółdzielczego własnościowego prawa do lokalu mieszkalnego agreement on establishing a cooperative ownership title to residential premises pro closed ok
4 Dec 3 '09 pol>eng Prawdopodobna wola zleceniodawcy In view of the likely preference of the client / principal pro closed no
- Nov 27 '09 pol>eng wpaść w ręce it found me pro closed ok
4 Nov 15 '09 pol>eng zobowiązuje się do ubezpieczenia mienia shall take out an insurance policy covering the property... pro closed ok
- Nov 9 '09 pol>eng nie zostałem skazany prawomocnym wyrokiem I have never been convicted by a final judgement pro closed ok
4 Nov 8 '09 pol>eng o to aby pracownicy pracowali to ensure that employees work pro closed no
- Nov 7 '09 pol>eng Mistrzostwa Polski Wyższych Szkół Niepublicznych Polish National Championships for Private Colleges pro closed ok
4 Nov 7 '09 pol>eng nikt sie z nami nie nudzi a good time / good fun guaranteed for all pro closed no
4 Nov 6 '09 pol>eng spadkobierca tradycji pływackich which has inherited / is continuing the swimming traditions of pro closed no
- Nov 6 '09 pol>eng obliczonych z uwzględnieniem terminu płatności calculated in relation to the payment deadline for the VAT invoice pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '09 pol>eng zapraszamy serdecznie! we look forward to seeing you! pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '08 pol>eng na pozycji podrzędnej w stosunku do as being of secondary importance to pro closed no
- Sep 18 '08 pol>eng wnosimy jak na wstępie in view of the above, we make the request / application outlined in the introduction hereto pro closed no
- Sep 17 '08 pol>eng "myśl o nas ciepło" think of us kindly pro closed no
- Sep 17 '08 pol>eng kreacja wychodząca poza obszar billboardu the advertisement extends beyond the dimensions of the billboard pro closed no
4 Sep 16 '08 pol>eng mieć pełne prawo domagać się tego od lekarza they have every right to demand that their doctor ensures that they do not pro closed no
- Sep 12 '08 pol>eng podział, łączenie spółek mergers and demergers pro open no
2 Sep 6 '08 pol>eng pewna całość wyodrębniona pod względem rzeczowym a certain materially discrete whole pro closed no
4 Aug 28 '08 pol>eng Poczynając od pierwszego dnia po upływie jednego roku starting from the first day after the lapse of one year pro closed no
- Aug 28 '08 pol>eng powołać się na odpowiednie wyłączenie cite an appropriate exemption / the exemption in question pro closed no
- Aug 25 '08 pol>eng obsługiwać użytki rolne buildings for arable farming pro closed ok
4 Aug 19 '08 pol>eng nabyć do majątku osobistego purchase for inclusion in personal assets pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '08 pol>eng serce nie sługa the heart rules the mind pro closed no
1 Aug 18 '08 pol>eng charakter zakresowy has a defined scope pro closed no
NP Aug 18 '08 pol>eng zapis na wypadek śmierci declaration of transmission by death pro open no
- Aug 18 '08 pol>eng kaskadowo in a cascade arrangement pro closed no
4 Aug 11 '08 pol>eng własność budynku stanowiącego odrębną nieruchomość the ownership title to a building constituting a separate real property pro closed ok
4 Aug 11 '08 pol>eng samoocena szans życiowych młodzieży the hopes and aspirations of young people in the rural commune of pro closed no
4 Aug 10 '08 pol>eng sprawdzony pod względem merytorycznym verified with regard to its factual content pro closed ok
- Aug 8 '08 pol>eng Sprawozdawczość Jednostkowa stand-alone reporting pro closed no
- Aug 8 '08 pol>eng w ślad za by virtue of its example pro closed ok
- Aug 7 '08 pol>eng ścisłe centrum the core area of the city centre pro closed ok
4 Aug 6 '08 pol>eng orzecznictwo a efektywność judykatury the quality of past judgements / the effectiveness of case law pro closed no
- Aug 5 '08 pol>eng uzgodnione wcześniej co do rodzaju agreed on in advance with regard to their type pro closed no
- Jul 31 '08 pol>eng pomysł jednego okienka the idea of one-stop business registration pro closed no
- Jul 31 '08 pol>eng Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej Central Business Activity Registration and Information Office pro closed no
- Jul 28 '08 pol>eng zaistniała sytuacja as a result / because of this / this has led to pro closed no
4 Jul 25 '08 pol>eng rozszczelnienie ładunków compromise the integrity of the loads pro closed no
4 Jul 25 '08 pol>eng wskaźniki producentów performance figures for manufacturers of... pro closed no
4 Jul 25 '08 pol>eng po rozstrzygnięciu przetargu when the winner of the tender has been selected pro closed ok
- Jul 24 '08 pol>eng gdyby przepracował if he/she had worked throughout... / had completed a full month's work in... pro closed ok
3 Jul 23 '08 pol>eng jednoczesnie zaswiadcza sie this certificate also confirms that pro closed ok
NP Jul 22 '08 pol>eng rynek klientów indywidualnych the market for individual clients pro closed ok
4 Jul 22 '08 pol>eng zamieszczony set out pro closed no
4 Jul 22 '08 pol>eng obowiązek opłacania składki obligation to pay contributions pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered