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Money matters We're not charging the client, so will you please do the job for free? I do it from time to time Only for (very) regular clients, but 250 words
would definitely stretch it too far. Best
Regards Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Apr 5, 2011
Polish Polacy nie gęsi, lecz swój... Swoją drogą Widziałem kiedyś w Nowym Jorku podręcznik do
nauki angielskiego przedstawiający wymowę
angielskich zwrotów właśnie w postaci takiego
zapisu fonetycznego. Dla wielu ludzi zapewne je
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Mar 17, 2011
Polish Polacy nie gęsi, lecz swój... chodzi Ci o: "łiłe łiłe łakiu!"? jeżeli tak to mi kilkanascie sekund nie
wystarczyło :)
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Mar 17, 2011 suggestions Making contributions to KOG entries (more) visible Definitely, +1 When I look for reliable information I appreciate
every piece of information I can find. KOG looks
like an obvious place for opinions and
comments. S

[Edited at 2011-03-14 13:59
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Mar 14, 2011 training 101 - Legal Terminology: Patent Terminology You can always watch it later I know that it's not the same - for instance you
cannot ask questions, but once you purchase a
webinar you can watch its recordings as many times
as you wish. Cheers S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Mar 1, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you keep marketing your services even when you are fully booked? no Even though I know I should :) Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 23, 2011
Business issues May an agency ask for your translation memories Depends If they let me know beforehand I see no problem.
If I know that they are going to need it I use 2
TMs at the same time - my master TM and dedicated
TM for the client. Otherwise I use only
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 23, 2011
Money matters Colleague unable to pay It's business If this colleague gave you a job he did it not to
give you favour but to make profit. Doing it was
part of his business activity and it is only
natural that where there is possible profit
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 21, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: After planning a weekend off a regular client asks you to work on an urgent project (+/- 2 days) Really depends on what I have planed If it is something I can easily reschedule I will
accept the job - after all regular clients are my
greatest asset. However if I planned something
really special like a trip than most like
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 21, 2011 international conferences Rome Conference - wrong dates on the conference page Isn't it better to leave it to organizers? After all they are responsible for the success of
the conference and should be free to adopt such
pricing policy as they see fit. I am sure that if
there are not enough participants we may
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 16, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you exercise? After a long period of stagnation I decided that I must do something and decided to
prepare to a halfmarathone I even set up a blog to
follow my meagre progress
:) Che
ers S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 16, 2011
Money matters Would you have accepted 0.01 dollar per word from an award-winning international company? No I must make a living Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 14, 2011
Translator resources Does anyone sell specialized Terminology data? For example Microsoft provides some for free
px but there are people who sell glossaries just
like there are people selling dictionaries. The
prices I've seen so far start at some
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 8, 2011
Polish Co się dzieje z ogonkami w wyszukiwarce? u mnie nie ma takiego problemu Dla "świetność" (wpisane w wyszukiwarce bez
cudzysłowu) mam 0 wyników, dla "świetności"
mam 1 wynik. Na stałe mam włączone opcje:
- Match entire phrase i - Match whole wo
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 8, 2011
Being independent Getting used to busy/totally empty workload periods Find yourself a project Something you will work on during those quiet
moments. It could be a website, book, glossary or
simply studying something. Something that will
help you in the long run. Having something
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 7, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use two monitors to work? Main 27 inch monitor and additional 24 inch monitor for tools I like to use large fonts to protect my eyes so 2
monitors seem to be a perfect solution, using them
also helps me to monitor Skype and see several
dictionaries at the same time. S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 7, 2011
Polish Excel 4.0 - dostępność Zależy od zawartości excella Jeżeli są tam jakieś skomplikowane formuły to
może być problem z takim eksportem, jeżeli
Excell był użyty do prostego zapisania danych w
formie tabelarycznej to CSV jest dość ne
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 7, 2011
Polish Excel 4.0 - dostępność Dzięki za zaspokojenie ciekawości :) Swoją drogą jeżeli już w grę wchodzi plik txt
- to może przkonwertować całego excella na plik
txt podzielony tabulatorami/przecinkami,
przetłumaczyć i przekonwertować z
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 7, 2011
Polish Excel 4.0 - dostępność Na czym stanęło? Wiem, że ciekawość to pierwszy stopień do
piekła ale temat jest tak oryginalny, że
odważę się zapytać - na czym stanęło -
robisz tłumaczenie w Excel 4.0? Pozdrawiam S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 6, 2011 international conferences Rome Conference - wrong dates on the conference page I am really glad that we have the program and
price :) However it may be worth pointing out
that the website of the conference gives
incorrect d
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 6, 2011
Polish Excel 4.0 - dostępność Na pewno potrzebujesz Excella? Możesz to przetłumaczyć w jakimś CAT wątpię
by dodał jakieś informacje. Pozdrawiam S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 4, 2011
Polish Eksport pamięci z Wordfasta (import do Studio) Próbowałaś wyeksportować do tmx? Z tego co pamiętam Wordfast obsługuje eksport do
TMX a Studio na pewno obsługuje
import. Pozdrawiam S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 3, 2011
Lighter side of trans/interp Ancient rituals practiced by translators very true Just ask my wife :) S Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 2, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When you find (a) typo(s) in the source text, do you warn your client? What's the difference between "yes sometimes" and "it depends"? If it depends on sth. than most likely "yes
sometimes" is true as well, isn't it? Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 2, 2011
Money matters Documents lost..... work to be done from scratch.... It depends on who is the client If your client is a professional organization -
you may reasonably expect them to archieve
documents. However when dealing with clients who
need translation for their personal needs - I
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 2, 2011 suggestions Adding one more option to Profile Messages in the Email preferences I am positive that Anrose is right [quote]Ambrose Li wrote: I don’t think your
proposed option is any different than option b.
Unless I am mistaken, all members are also users.
“Members” just means “paid users”
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Feb 1, 2011 Translator Coop Beta testers needed for new cover page I would be glad to help On Monday I could start around 5 PM GMT Best
Regards Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jan 20, 2011
Getting established Few questions from a newcomer... we really need sticky topics - it's perfect example of such topic [quote]Lucia Leszinsky wrote: Hello Thierry
J, Welcome to! If if you would like
to know what colleagues think of the different CAT
tools and other translation software av
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jan 20, 2011 training SEO 1 - designing and optimizing your website No previous knowledge required Dear Isa The course does not assume any previous
experience and starts from very basic
issues. Best Regards Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jan 17, 2011
Money matters Extended task for same rate I don't understand the part about "returned" word doc I agree with previous posts saying that such
errors are unacceptable anyway so it is something
you should verify before you send the file to your
client. Also I think that it is important
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jan 13, 2011 training SEO 3 - Maintaining and Promoting your Website The webinar costs USD 15 Unless you buy it as a part of a package. The
price is mentioned on a button "Purchase for" in
the box registration top close to the top of the
right column. Best Regards Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jan 11, 2011 Translator Coop "Translator T.O." a new blog by the site team Splendid idea! I am looking forward to reading it on regular
basis :) Cheers S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jan 10, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you currently studying a language which you do not use to work? Yes German Maybe in a few years time it will become my second
working language but for the time being it's just
fun :) Cheers Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jan 2, 2011 training SEO 1 - designing and optimizing your website I have sent materials to organizers quite a few days ago I would expect that you will receive them soon,
still it may be a good idea to open a support
ticket. Best Regards Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 27, 2010
Software applications Skype problem it seems that the problem persists Let's hope that they will sort it out by
tomorrow. I am wondering what could be the
reason - increased traffic due to Christmas,
recent integration with Facebook (yet more
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 22, 2010
Lighter side of trans/interp You know you're a translator when.... Is there any other way? [quote]Vera Schoen wrote: "34- You measure your
daily life in translations... (e.g. "When I get
this translation done, I'll have dinner" or "Three
more paragraphs and I can take a showe
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 21, 2010
Machine Translation (MT) An entire machine-translated news site? Why do you think it's MT? Why do you think they used MT on this site? I
don't think the language is great but it is far
from anything you could achieve by means of MT,
also what would be the source language? Most n
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 21, 2010 training SEO 1 - designing and optimizing your website materials should reach you today or tomorrow at the latest I wanted to add a few information to these
materials but I'll be sending them to Jared
tonight and hopefully he'll distribute them to all
participants either today or tomorrow. Best
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 20, 2010
Translator resources Google wants to trick us: Strange argument This argument reminds me of what a potential
client told me upon receiving my quote. I
could buy a dictionary at this price
:) Luckily for our profession no amount of
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 17, 2010
Internet for translators Profile hits by Microsoft @ Helen Any chance that these visits will be listed as
crawlers' visits not normal visitors? Best
Regards Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 14, 2010 technical support Short Question about glossaries Not in a private glossary of another translator But you can inform that person about the problem
(and he or she may correct it) or if you think
that other translators should have opportunity of
seeing your version you can create appropr
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 13, 2010
Site forums more user friendly forums Improvements in other areas Judging by improvements in other areas I am sure
that one day ProZ will improve also
forums. After all really great part of
interaction on the site goes through
forums. :) S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 13, 2010
Site forums more user friendly forums I know that it requires resources but ability to add pictures (even small ones) would be
more than welcome :) Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 13, 2010
Polish Próbowaliście Magicscribe? Mnie jakoś to nie przekonuje Po pełnym treningu skuteczność rozpoznawania
dla terminologii ogólnej wynosi ok 90 % i nie
jest jednakowa dla każdego typu słownictwa.
System nie rozpoznaje imion, nazwisk, adres�
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 12, 2010
Internet for translators Profile hits by Microsoft 15 hits is hardly a stress test It's difficult to explain why Microsoft visits
your profile so often, I also have noticed
increased number of hits from Microsoft some time
ago -
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 10, 2010
Polish Osoba w internecie :) [quote] Dziękuję Państwu za uwagę.
:) Maciek [/quote] Jestem pewien, że
użytkownicy serwisu przeczytali powyższy post z
dużym zainteresowaniem :)
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 10, 2010
Polish Osoba w internecie Raczej nie da się ustalić jednej idealnej wersji Wszystko zależy od tego do kogo adresowana jest
strona, chociaż IMHO użycie "ty" online będzie
dopuszczalne częściej niż w druku. Jeżeli
chodzi o Politykę Prywatności - jeże
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 9, 2010
Polish MultiTerm Extract - prośba o Wasze opinie Dobry pomysł Póki co do końca grudnia jest promocja 25% ale
jeżeli nie zbiorę do tego czasu drobnych
(święta!) to pewnie spróbuję negocjacji :)
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 6, 2010
Polish MultiTerm Extract - prośba o Wasze opinie Studio i egzaminy już mam :( Więc raczej pozostaje mi polowanie na jakąś
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 6, 2010
Polish MultiTerm Extract - prośba o Wasze opinie Wielkie dzięki Dziękuję bardzo Szymon - właśnie na opinii
kogoś kto praktycznie używa tego narzędzia w
pracy mi zależało - badzo mozliwe, że w takim
razie skorzystam z grudniowej promocji SDL
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Dec 6, 2010

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