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Mexican Spanish Content Copywriter, eCommerce, Content Strategy, EDMs

Wysłano: Jun 25, 2024 06:17 GMT   (GMT: Jun 25, 2024 06:17)

Job type: Oferta tłumaczenia pisemnego / redakcji / korekty
Service required: Copywriting

Języki: angielski > hiszpański

Wariant języka: Mexican Spanish

Opis oferty pracy:
This is a Mexican Spanish variant.

We are seeking a Copywriter to support the International UED Content Strategy Team. This role will involve content creation, editing, and management for client’s international e-commerce platforms. We work on a wide range of content and copywriting requirements, from banners to push notifications, EDMs, navigational text, promotions/marketing material, brand names/slogans and much more. The ideal candidate will be a native English speaker, with relevant copywriting experience, capable of quickly producing quality content and comfortable working under tight deadlines. Successful candidates will also be strong communicators and highly organized. Ideally, the candidate should be based in Hangzhou, at the very least in China.


●Create high-quality and engaging content in Mexican Spanish from scratch based on provided scenarios.

●Thoroughly understand business objectives and user experience requirements.

●Follow the brand and content guidelines for accurate and consistent voice and tone.

●Track project progress. Ensure that all requests are delivered on-time.

●Manage project changes and make necessary adjustments based on business priorities, by coordinating with stakeholders in a timely manner.

●Report and escalate issues/risks as needed to prevent potential disruption of current workflows, delay of project delivery, etc.

●Work closely with other writers, product managers, graphic designers, interactive designers, marketing experts and front-end developers.

●Take ownership of projects involved and suggest solutions and creative concepts when needed.


●At least 5 years' digital copywriting experience

●Strong organizational and communication skills

●Good attention-to-detail and multitasking abilities

●Able to work in a fast-paced environment, adapt to changes and identify priorities effectively

●Good understanding of digital copywriting best practices. Experience working on digital UX content preferred.

●Comfortable working in an international team

●Bachelor’s Degree or above

Work location:

Remote in China time zone or onsite in Mainland China

If you are interested, please feel free to reach out via

Email: [HIDDEN]

Budget and payment details:
Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Poster country: Chiny

Wymagania dot. wykonawcy (określone przez zleceniodawcę):
Członkostwo: Niepełnoprawni członkowie mogą odpowiedzieć na tę ofertę po 12 godzinach
info Wymagana znajomość dziedziny: Marketing
info Wymagane dziedziny szczegółowe: Marketing
info Wymagany język ojczysty: hiszpański
Dziedzina : ecommerce
info Wymagana lokalizacja odpowiadającego: Meksyk
Ostateczny termin przyjmowania odpowiedzi: Sep 30, 2024 05:53 GMT
Ostateczny termin wykonania zlecenia: Nov 30, 2024 05:53 GMT
Wymagania dodatkowe:
Will be able to 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday, excluding Chinese public and national holidays.
O zleceniodawcy:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Contact person title: Service Support Supervisor

Otrzymane odpowiedzi: 4