Job closed
This job was closed at Sep 14, 2024 20:00 GMT.

Game Localization Linguist from English/Chinese to Japanese

Wysłano: Sep 14, 2024 09:58 GMT   (GMT: Sep 14, 2024 09:58)

Job type: Oferta tłumaczenia pisemnego / redakcji / korekty
Service required: Translation

Języki: chiński > japoński

Opis oferty pracy:
We are currently seeking a talented and dedicated Language Specialist in Game Localization from Chinese/English to Japanese. The main requirements are as follows:

Job Description:
- Proficiency in game localization with a strong understanding of industry-specific terminology and processes.
- Minimum of an associate degree, with a background in translation or related field preferred.
- Responsibilities include but are not limited to translation, proofreading, LQA (Language Quality Assessment), and vendor management.
- Work closely with game developers and the publishing team to ensure high localization quality.
- Full-time in-house translators will be given priority consideration.

Required Skills:
- Proficiency in English/Chinese and Japanese languages
- Demonstrated expertise in translation and localization
- Comprehensive knowledge of gaming terminology, passionate gamer able to understand and discuss current gaming trends
- Proficiency in using CAT tools such as SDL Trados, MemoQ, or Crowdin

Wymagania dot. wykonawcy (określone przez zleceniodawcę):
Członkostwo: Niepełnoprawni członkowie mogą odpowiedzieć na tę ofertę po 12 godzinach
info Wymagana znajomość dziedziny: Inne
info Wymagane dziedziny szczegółowe: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Dziedzina : Gry/gry wideo/hazard/kasyno
Ostateczny termin przyjmowania odpowiedzi: Sep 14, 2024 20:00 GMT
Ostateczny termin wykonania zlecenia: Dec 31, 2024 23:59 GMT
O zleceniodawcy:
This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: human resource

Otrzymane odpowiedzi: 2 (Job closed)