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EN-JA APP UI translation, long-term, stable, 5k-6k words per week

Wysłano: Sep 23, 2024 02:56 GMT   (GMT: Sep 23, 2024 02:56)

Job type: Oferta tłumaczenia pisemnego / redakcji / korekty
Service required: Translation

Języki: angielski > japoński

Opis oferty pracy:
Language pair: English to Japanese
Area of expertise: APP UI/UX (social media APP)
Project type: Remote part-time
Project status: Ongoing, long-term (already last for a few years), 5000 to 6000 words per week
Requirements: Native Japanese freelancers, minimum Bachelor’s, major in translation or English language, minimum 4 years UI translation experience, active user of social media APP

Feel free to reach out with your latest CV to [HIDDEN] for more details!

Wymagania dot. wykonawcy (określone przez zleceniodawcę):
Dziedzina : UI
Ostateczny termin przyjmowania odpowiedzi: Sep 30, 2024 02:52 GMT
Ostateczny termin wykonania zlecenia: Oct 1, 2024 02:52 GMT
O zleceniodawcy:
This job was posted by a Business Plus member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

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