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English to Bengali UI/UX APP Localization Project

Wysłano: Sep 24, 2024 07:04 GMT   (GMT: Sep 24, 2024 07:04)

Job type: Oferta tłumaczenia pisemnego / redakcji / korekty
Service required: Translation

Języki: angielski > bengalski

Opis oferty pracy:
Project Overview:
Our project requires the translation of social media content, specifically for UI/UX elements within a popular app. We are looking for Bengali translators who not only have a deep understanding of the source and target languages but also possess a keen sense of cultural nuances.

Translator Requirements:
1. Native speakers of the target language - Bengali
2. Experience in translation of social app UI/UX(User Interface/Experience) copies, including market materials and campaign materials, APP or Websites localization experience
3. Proven transcreation skills to adapt content creatively and effectively across different cultures and contexts
4. A flexible and innovative language style to ensure the content resonates with the target audience.
5. Active users of social media platforms native to the target market.
6. Freelancers only

If you want to join, please contact me with your latest resume asap: [HIDDEN]

Wymagania dot. wykonawcy (określone przez zleceniodawcę):
Członkostwo: Niepełnoprawni członkowie mogą odpowiedzieć na tę ofertę po 12 godzinach
Dziedzina : Marketing/badania rynku
Ostateczny termin przyjmowania odpowiedzi: Oct 31, 2024 07:02 GMT
Ostateczny termin wykonania zlecenia: Nov 3, 2024 07:02 GMT
O zleceniodawcy:
This job was posted by a Business Plus member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Contact person title: Vendor Manager