07 Jun 16:43 GMT

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Romanian: Law/Patents

Term/concept Contributor
cont participativ Law (general) Lavinia Pirlog 
desfiintare Law (general) anne monne 
model de utilitate An utility model is a statutory monopoly granted for a limited time in exch elfstone 
multiplicator de compensare Law (general) anne monne 
capital propriu Contracts = Law: Contract pur 
actiune oblica Law (general) anne monne 
putere Contracts = Law: Contract Cristian Nicolaescu 
parti sociale Contracts = Law: Contract gianina botezatu 
Agricultura privata. Law (general) marialuisa1 
organizare teritorial-administrativa Government / Politics Lish 
creditor chirografar Law (general) Claudia_28 
in temeiul Law (general) anaeugenia 
infractiune Law (general) Monica S. 
contraventie Law (general) Monica S. 
eroare materiala Law (general) giurchita 
escaladare Law (general) giurchita 
norme conflictuale Contracts = Law: Contract Cristina Stroia 
declaratii anticipative Law (general) xxxAriam 
conturi blocate Law (general) Dan Marasescu 
scris de mana Contracts = Law: Contract mara_marina 

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Law/Patents specific fields
Contracts = Law: Contract
Government / Politics
Law (general)
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Law: Taxation & Customs

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