07 Jun 19:14 GMT

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prostate specific antigen  Wordnet , PSA  Wordnet , prostate-specific antigen
A protein manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland; PSA is produced for the ejaculate where it liquifies the semen and allows sperm cells to swim freely; elevated levels of PSA in blood serum are associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia and pros  Wordnet 

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APS   1 validation  Francesca Matteoda , antigène prostatique spécifique   1 validation, antigène prostatique spécifique
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ПСА   1 validation  zanete12 
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PSA   1 validation  Marisa Condurso de Nohara , antígeno prostático específico
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antigene prostatico specifico
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KudoZ - APS > PSA

KudoZ - PSA > ???

KudoZ - prostate-specific antigene > Antig�ne prostatique sp�cifique

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