Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 30 '18 pol>eng cukierkowe cutesy pro closed ok
- Jul 2 '17 pol>eng przyszło mi the fate made me/led me pro closed no
- Jun 7 '17 pol>eng krąg problemowy sphere of problems pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '12 pol>eng oddajemy głos autorowi - mieszkańcowi powiatu... Here's what the author has/wants to say pro just_closed no
- Oct 20 '11 pol>eng (genialny/przerażający) w swojej prostocie outrageously simple pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '11 pol>eng "Przyszłość kształtuje się w czarnych barwach" the future is looming pro closed ok
4 Oct 13 '11 pol>eng Pytanie, które samo się nasuwa the question that immediately comes to mind pro closed no
- May 27 '11 pol>eng nieciekawa podszewka idealizmu the not-so-nice underside of idealism pro closed no
- May 20 '11 pol>eng zabytek ruchomy antique pro open no
- May 8 '11 pol>eng zranic do krwi to draw blood pro closed no
- May 8 '11 pol>eng ewentualnie może być will do pro closed no
- May 4 '11 pol>eng zabytki antiques and old buildings pro closed ok
- Jan 18 '11 pol>eng holniocek hurricane pro closed no
NP Jan 13 '11 pol>eng podstawy sztuki i techniki filmu introduction to the art and techniques of film-making pro closed no
3 Mar 20 '10 pol>eng wykonawcy medialni media performers pro closed ok
- Jan 11 '10 pol>eng na miarę naszych czasów matching our times pro closed no
4 Mar 18 '09 pol>eng przestrzeń dialogu artystycznego create/provide space for artistic dialogue pro closed no
4 Mar 16 '09 pol>eng na własną prośbę he was asking for it pro closed no
4 Jan 25 '09 pol>eng litwor Angelica (Archangelica officinalis) pro closed no
- Sep 9 '08 pol>eng praca w kołchozie working in a swarm pro closed no
4 Aug 23 '08 pol>eng postulować propose pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '08 pol>eng losy profesora the life of the professor pro closed ok
- Apr 2 '08 pol>eng to drop dead kazał mu się powiesić (1st case) pro closed ok
4 Mar 31 '08 pol>eng pasmo daypart pro closed no
- Mar 16 '08 pol>eng bić kolejne rekordy record after record was set/beat one record after another pro closed no
- Mar 10 '08 pol>eng farba musi być przeżyta the paint must be lived through pro closed no
- Mar 10 '08 pol>eng znajdować spełnienie w sąsiedztwie finds its completion in the company/neighbourhood of pro closed no
- Mar 7 '08 pol>eng dach świata kręgu ambicji sztuki the highest plateau for the world of artistic ambitions pro closed no
- Mar 7 '08 pol>eng spełnienie obrazu odbywa się the fundamental completion of the painting takes place pro closed no
4 Mar 7 '08 pol>eng obraz rozmiaru wnetrza malarza The space of the picture reflects the dimensions of the painter's inner world pro closed no
- Mar 1 '08 pol>eng dane mi bylo I was granted/admitted/allowed pro closed ok
NP Feb 22 '08 pol>eng kameralny dramat psychologiczny low-budget psychological drama pro open no
- Feb 19 '08 pol>eng doświadczyć na własnej skórze to feel it on one's own skin pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '08 pol>eng głupczątko stupie pro just_closed no
4 Jan 20 '08 pol>eng ciotka miodem i mlekiem słynąca the aunt of plenty pro closed no
- Jan 8 '08 pol>eng jak w cyrku kamizelek a dime a dozen pro closed no
- Jan 1 '08 pol>eng rozbrzmiewać śmiechem to echo with laughter pro open no
- Oct 6 '07 pol>eng stawiamy sobie za punkt honoru our ambition is to.../we make it our point to... pro closed ok
- Dec 1 '06 pol>eng prosta ta męska sprawa pro state of men pro closed no
4 Nov 14 '06 pol>eng Komoda – tzw. praska z biurem i szafką a secretary desk bureau pro closed no
- Nov 4 '06 pol>eng miano glorified for pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '06 pol>eng usposobienie bias pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '06 pol>eng zagroda rybacka fisherman's household pro closed no
- Oct 30 '06 pol>eng vip vs. vipijesz PR/peer drinking pro closed no
- Oct 20 '06 pol>eng milusińscy children/kids pro closed no
4 Oct 13 '06 pol>eng Przebudzenie "Innego" w powieści Dom na Placu Waszyngtona The Awakening of a Stranger in the novel "Washington Square" by Henry James pro closed no
- Oct 13 '06 pol>eng hochsztaplerka deception pro closed no
4 Oct 13 '06 pol>eng nachalnie blatantly pro closed no
- Oct 5 '06 pol>eng bałamutny frivolous pro closed ok
- Sep 24 '06 pol>eng widzi mi się seems to me/methinks pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered