Translation glossary: Financial Terms

Showing entries 201-250 of 2,176
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autoris�allowable / authorised 
French to English
autre contr�lesubstitute control 
French to English
autre solution r�alisterealistic alternative 
French to English
autre traitement autoris�allowed alternative treatment 
French to English
autres achats externesother purchases from third parties 
French to English
autres actifs non courantsother non-current assets 
French to English
autres avantages du personnel à long termeother long term employee benefits 
French to English
autres charges financi�resother financial expenses 
French to English
autres charges op�rationnellesother operating expenses 
French to English
autres concours � la client�leother advances to customers 
French to English
autres débiteursother receivables 
French to English
autres dettesother liabilities 
French to English
autres fond propresquasi-equity 
French to English
autres passifs non courantother non-current liabilities 
French to English
autres produitsother income 
French to English
autres produits d'exploitationother operating income 
French to English
autres produits d'exploitation bancaireother operating income - banking 
French to English
autres produits d'exploitation non bancaireother operating income - non-banking 
French to English
autres produits et charges ordinairesother ordinary income and charges 
French to English
autres produits financiersother financial income 
French to English
autres produits opérationnelsother operating income 
French to English
avalendorsement / guarantee 
French to English
avance sur les concurrentscompetitive edge 
French to English
French to English
avancesadvance / loan 
French to English
avant qu'un éventuel délai de réclamation ne vienne à expirationbefore the statute of limitation expires 
French to English
avantage au personnelemployee benefits 
French to English
avantages (au personnel) sur capitaux propresequity compensation benefits 
French to English
avantages accord�s au personnel post�rieurs � l'emploipost-employment benefits 
French to English
avantages économiqueseconomic benefits 
French to English
avantages en naturebenefits in kind 
French to English
avantages postérieur à l'emploipost employment benefits 
French to English
French to English
avoircredit / credit note 
French to English
avoir sur retours de marchandisesallowances on returned goods 
French to English
à la charge deto be borne by / to be paid by 
French to English
événement externeexternal event 
French to English
évolution de résultatschange in the results for the year 
French to English
French to English
bailleurlandlord / lessor 
French to English
balance auxiliaireageing ledger / subsidiary ledger 
French to English
balance auxiliaire clientsaccounts receivable subsidiary ledger / debtors ledger 
French to English
balance âgée des comptes clientsageing 
French to English
balance g�n�raletrial balance 
French to English
balance par antériorité (des créances)aged listing of accounts receivable/ageing/aged listing 
French to English
banc d'essai / banc de testsbenchmarking 
French to English
bande magn�tiquemagnetic tape 
French to English
banque d'affairesinvestment bank 
French to English
banques centralescentral banks 
French to English
barr�struck through 
French to English
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