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Translation contests

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Nancy Pearcey said, "Competition is always a good thing. It forces us to do our best". Julieta and her team set the quality standards higher every time they arrange a new contest. I feel honored to have the opportunity to participate, test, learn, and improve my skills.
Khalid Malik
It was fun to translate [the contest source text] because it presents a certain idea or principle in many different ways (and words) and thereby reveals whether the translator has full command of his/her target language.
The contest phases were well arranged and very organized. The source text included many nuances and controversial interpretations that made the competition fierce. In my language pair, I found the final ratings and voting points very expressive and reflective of the quality and accuracy of the Arabic translations. I would like to convey my sincere thanks to the moderators and site staff.
I encourage my peers to take part or vote for the best translation!
Honestly, It was a challenging experience as you feel the pressure that all eyes will be on your translation and I was able to win one of the contests after a couple of tries. I learned a lot from my mistakes I did during the previous contests. I believe that every translator should give it a try to see how he/she is doing.
I was just so excited about winning that I couldn't wait to display the winner’s ribbon and the certificate on my profile page!