Członek od Aug '15

Języki robocze:
polski > angielski
angielski > polski

Elzbieta Kulon

Czas lokalny: 00:51 EST (GMT-5)

Język ojczysty: angielski Native in angielski, polski Native in polski
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on Willingness to Work Again info
2 positive reviews
What Elzbieta Kulon is working on
Nov 13, 2020 (posted via  Just finished translating a Polish classic science fiction trilogy. ...more »
Total word count: 0

Typ konta Niezależny tłumacz pisemny i/lub ustny, Identity Verified Tożsamość zweryfikowana
Afiliacje This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Usługi Translation, Editing/proofreading, Interpreting, MT post-editing, Training, Language instruction
Znajomość dziedzin
Certyfikaty, dyplomy, świadectwa, CVPrawo (ogólne)
Medycyna: opieka zdrowotnaEdukacja/pedagogika
BezpieczeństwoTurystyka i podróże


Payment methods accepted PayPal, Czek
Wykształcenie Master's degree - SUNY Stonybrook,NY,USA
Doświadczenie Lata doświadczenia jako tłumacz: 31. Zarejestrowany od: Aug 2015. Członek od: Aug 2015. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Poświadczenia kwalifikacji polski > angielski (2 semesters of translation at English Philology )
angielski > polski (2 semesters of translation at English Philology)
Przynależność do organizacji N/A
Oprogramowanie Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio

Events and training
Praktyki zawodowe Elzbieta Kulon popiera's Zasady postępowania.

Bilingual Polish/English
speaker/translator/interpreter/teacher living in the USA since 1989 and
teaching English to foreigners in a H.s, and local college until 2013. Since
graduating from Jagiellonski Uniwersytet in Cracow, Poland, I was randomly
involved in translation, but made it almost a full-time job after retiring from
teaching in 2013. I entered this career with a native like proficiency in
English and extensive vocabulary acquired in either through direct experience
or by preparing my students to various Regents exams in English: Global
History, Earth Science, Biology, Math and so on. All this hasn't stopped me
from staying abreast with what is going on in my native country Poland and
changes in Polish. Each year, I stay in Poland for a month or more and catch up
with changes and current events there. My English teaching career not only
expanded my working vocabulary but made me an excellent proofreader and a copy
editor. Now, all the above make me a versatile and unique candidate for jobs
requiring the use of bilingual skills like mine. Since 2016, I have worked for
several translation companies including TransPerfect and Manpower. Stuck in
Poland during first Covid wave, I translated a science fiction novel
"Lunar Trilogy" by Jerzy Zulawski released in January 2021, and I am
still waiting for more interesting and challenging projects.

Słowa kluczowe: Polish-English technology, health care, education, social sciences

Ostatnia aktualizacja profilu
Nov 27, 2024

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