videos » Free LSP webinar week videos » Dec 2012 Free LSP Webinar - Skyrocket Your Translation Business... Use Projetex as your launch pad!

Posted by Sales Admin on Nov 19, 2012 0 views

Small children, small problems... Large children, ...

When translation agency reaches maturity, it is too early to relax. First, you have to streamline your business processes to make it work like a clock. Then, put a growth virus inside and see it nourish. It is next to impossible when done without strong technological base.

Technology should cover CRM, HRM, BPM, and a lot of other abbreviations in a way understood by any human being.

We know what we are talking about. One of the translation agencies, which bought 100 workstation licenses from AIT went to successful IPO 1 year later! Stay tuned!

Language: angielski