videos » 2011 Virtual Event videos » Intelligent Machine Translation – the new frontier in localization

Posted by Sales Admin on Jun 1, 2011 0 views

An increasing number of International companies and Language Service Providers are adopting machine translation technology as part of their localization strategy. This latest advancement in language technology opens the door for a wealth of previously un-translated material to be delivered to an International audience, and in turn an opportunity for the localization community to benefit from an increase in translation requirement. During this session, Carla will look at why post-editing should be a part of every translator’s professional development plan. She will examine the principles of translating machine translation output v conventional translation methods and show examples of machine translation in action. Carla will also provide an overview of SDL’s approach to intelligent Machine Translation and introduce its post-editing certification program. This session is a must for all forward thinking translators, looking to take advantage of the latest developments in Language Technology

Language: angielski