8,008 registrants

2013 Recruitment virtual event

Oct 3, 2013

Group discussion

Working with teams - Group discussion

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Schedule:This session ended at 16:30

Join fellow attendees to discuss a newer trend in the industry - translation teams.

Click here to learn more about how to use the ProZ.com translation teams.

People who signed up for this focus group:

Basically to know about this trend
Marisol Rios (X)
Marisol Rios (X)

Beth Fagnant
Beth Fagnant

Interested in knowing how to effectively work as a team, grow client base, and learn how to avoid problems when dealing with large projects.

I am open to possibly joining a team; am also curious how this works.

Most user friendly tools for working in a team?

What techniques other translators use around the world to do better translation output
Nada Ahli
Nada Ahli
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie

As a beginner in the translation market, this type of collaboration may improve my skills and my opportunities.

Halim Rosyid
Halim Rosyid

I'd like to know how it works - colleagues with different language pairs/same pairs? Agreement on rates?
Lisa McCarthy
Lisa McCarthy

Martina Fink
Martina Fink
Nowa Zelandia

Stefy81 (X)
Stefy81 (X)

I'm just starting as a freelance translator and interpreter so I'd like to know how exactly this can be done

Proz.com Translators Teams

I wish to learn.

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