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Przykładowe tłumaczenia: 11
szwedzki > angielski: Poetry 2 General field: Literatura/sztuka Detailed field: Poezja i literatura
Tekst źródłowy - szwedzki Är man ensam
Marie Wine
Är man ensam
Längtar man att bli två
Men är man två
Så är man alltid tre:
Den tredje är den ensamma.
Som fortfarande är ensam.
Söker jag rosor
Finner jag snö
Söker jag snö
Finner jag rosor
Söker jag ingenting
Finner jag både
Rosor och snö.
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski Are we lonely,
Do we want to be two?
So, are we always three?
The third one is the lonely one,
Who keeps being lonely.
I am looking for roses,
I find snow.
I am looking for snow,
I find roses.
Whenever I am looking for something,
I find both:
Roses and snow.
szwedzki > angielski: Poetry 3 General field: Literatura/sztuka Detailed field: Poezja i literatura
Tekst źródłowy - szwedzki
Kvällen ar vid grässet.
Vilken rörs lätt av vindar.
Solen sänker sin eld
I molnet.
Klar, utan stjärnor, är himeln.
Bo Carpelan
Translated from Swedish – Liliana Boladz Nekipelov@
The evening.
The evening is lurking
Behind the grass.
Which moves with the wind.
The sun sinks its fire
In a cloud.
Clear, without starts, is the evening.
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski
The evening.
The evening is lurking
behind the grass,
which moves with the wind.
The sun sinks its fire
in a cloud.
Clear, without stars, is the evening.
rosyjski > angielski: Fantasy General field: Literatura/sztuka Detailed field: Poezja i literatura
Tekst źródłowy - rosyjski Солнце было в зените. Медный от пыли диск висел в центре белесого, нечистого неба, ублюдочная тень корчилась и топорщилась под самыми подошвами, то серая и размытая, то вдруг словно оживающая, обретающая резкость очертаний, наливающаяся чернотой и тогда особенно уродливая. Никакой дороги здесь и в помине не было -- была бугристая серо-желтая сухая глина, растрескавшаяся, убитая, твердая, как камень, и до того голая, что совершенно не понятно было, откуда здесь берется такая масса пыли.
Ветер, слава богу, дул в спину. Где-то далеко позади он засасывал в себя неисчислимые тонны гнусной раскаленной пороши и с тупым упорством волочил ее вдоль выжженного солнцем выступа, зажатого между пропастью и Желтой стеной, то выбрасывая ее крутящимся протуберанцем до самого неба, то скручивая туго в гибкие, почти кокетливые, лебединые шеи смерчей, то просто катил клубящимся валом, а потом, вдруг остервенев, швырял колючую муку в спины, в волосы, хлестал, зверея, по мокрому от пота затылку, стегал по рукам, по ушам, набивал карманы, сыпал за шиворот…
Ничего здесь не было, давно уже ничего не было. А может быть, и никогда. Солнце, глина, ветер. Только иногда пронесется, крутясь и подпрыгивая кривляющимся скоморохом, колючий скелет куста, выдранного с корнем бог знает где позади. Ни капли воды, никаких признаков жизни. И только пыль, пыль, пыль, пыль…
Время от времени глина под ногами куда-то пропадала, и начиналось сплошное каменное крошево. Здесь все было раскалено, как в аду. То справа, то слева начинали выглядывать из клубов несущейся пыли гигантские обломки скал – седые, словно мукой припорошенные. Ветер и жара придавали им самые странные и неожиданные очертания, и было страшно, что они вот так – то появляются, то вновь исчезают, как призраки, словно играют в свои каменные прятки. А щебень под ногами становился все крупнее, и вдруг россыпь кончалась, и снова под ногами звенела глина.
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski The sun was at its highest. A huge disc-- copper in color from all the dust, was hanging in the middle of a whitish, hazy sky. Its appalling shadow seemed to be making faces, staring from underneath my feet: at times it appeared in its greyish, washed-down form to suddenly revive and regain the sharpness of its contours, to later swell with blackness, becoming even more ugly. There was no road there, or in the vicinity. There was only some porous, greyish-yellow dry clay, all cracked down, hard-trodden as a stone. The surface seemed all bare, making it a total mystery where such an amount of dust that had collected there had come from
The wind, thank God, was blowing in my back. Somewhere far behind, it was sucking up uncountable tons of repulsive hot dust, and with some dumb stubbornness dragging it down the sun-burnt protrusion between the chasm and the Yellow wall, either ejecting it up into the sky in a big perturbance, or again twisting it tight into flexible, almost coquet-like, swan necks of tornadoes. Then rushing as a gusting roll, roaring and throwing piercing particles of flour at my sweaty back, and into my hair, pounding like a wild animal against the back of my neck, hitting my hands and ears, filling my pockets with dust , and throwing dust behind my collar.
There wasn't anything there. Nothing had been there for years, and maybe ever. The sun, the clay and the wind. Only sporadically, grimacing like a clown, a thorny skeleton of some bush would drift in the air, jumping: one which had been torn out with its roots, only God knows where, somewhere far behind . Not a drop of water. No sign of life. And, only the dust, the dust, the dust, …
From time to time, the clay underneath my feet would disappear somewhere, and land covered entirely with stones would begin. Everything there was hot like in Hell. From left and right, taking turns, gigantic shapes and a cloud made of gravel kept emerging from behind the balls of the travelling dust , gray, as if sprinkled with flour. The wind and the heat were giving them the most frightening and unexpected features. It was scary that they were appearing out of nowhere, and then suddenly disappearing like phantoms, as if playing hide and seek with one another. Then, the gavel underneath my feet started getting bigger and bigger to suddenly disappear. And suddenly, I could hear clay again underneath my feet.
rosyjski > angielski: Poetic prose General field: Literatura/sztuka
Tekst źródłowy - rosyjski ... Издали, в лесном коридоре, оно показалось веселое и нарядное, сияющее необыкновенно чистой и ровной желтизной. Я подошел поближе: это было заброшенное поле, давно не паханное и не сеянное, и теперь густо заросшее какими-то невысокими растениями-кустиками. От них вдруг дохнуло приятным горьковато-цветочным ароматом. «Да это сурепка, — вспомнил я когда-то читанный ботанический атлас, — что-то вроде сорняка...».
Свежий ветер пробежал над живым ковром, все поле заиграло и запереливалось золотистыми волнами, которые докатывались до затененной солнцем стены леса, образуя удивительный контраст темно-зеленого и ярко-желтого. «Будто драгоценная чаша в малахитовой оправе» — мелькнуло сравнение.
Высоко в знойном июньском небе парил коршун. Жара предвещала грозу. Над западной частью горизонта уже темнела громадная туча, набухая дождем. И только в зените неровные, быстро смещающиеся края облаков ослепительно сверкали расплавленным серебром, источая нестерпимый свет. Ветер усиливался, все соцветия сурепки быстро раскачивались, будто исполняя какой-то экзотический танец.
Звенело, страстно и не переставая, множество невидимых глазу жаворонков. Будто перед грозой пели и цветы, и лес, и это далекое от человеческих селений поле. Но вот теплые серые комочки упали откуда-то с неба и зависли над кустиками золотистой сурепки. Некоторые жаворонки вились над самым полем, перепархивая от цветка к цветку и наполняя окраину неумолчным пилением. Другие, часто трепеща крылышками, поднимались вертикально и зависали метрах в четырех-пяти над землей и также громко славили жизнь.
Предгрозовые облака громоздились по всему небу, кое-где иссиня-розоватые, будто раскаленные изнутри, и я увидел, что над лесом осталось лишь небольшое голубоватое окно, из которого прямым широким водопадом прорывались к земле лучи, заливая теплым мягким светом все летнее благоухающее цветение. А в напряженном, наполненном электричеством воздухе беззвучно бушевала метель из летящего вокруг осинового пуха. Но вот где-то оглушительно ударил гром, и первые крупные капли дождя шумно хлестанули по золоту цветов сурепки. В тот миг, когда пришел ливень, вдруг показалось, что вся живая природа свободно и облегченно вздохнула, что все деревья, растения, птицы и звери обрадовались сверкающему, всполошному, сотканному из толстых водяных струй, дождю.
До нитки промокший, один среди затуманенного и вдруг притихшего, словно бы придавленного стихией поля, я также молча наслаждался упоительным счастьем человека, которому один, от силы два раза в году дано увидеть и ощутить прекрасное смятение в природе.
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski It was visible from a distance through the forest corridor-- all adorned and joyful, radiating an unusual purity and wholesome yellow shine. I came closer. It was an abandoned field, which no one had plowed for years, or planted with seed. Now, it had been taken over by some not very high plants–some kind of bushes. They instantly started giving out a pleasant, slightly bitter aroma. ”Yes. It is bitter cress.” I just remembered. I read about it once in a botanical book—some kind of weed.
Refreshing wind ran over the live carpet—the whole field started playing, emitting golden waves, which spread all the way up to the shaded form the sun forest wall, creating an amazing contrast between the dark green and bright yellow. “As if a precious chalice in a malachite frame.“ Such a comparison passed through my mind. High up in the hot June sky, a black kite was soaring. The heat was foretelling a storm. On the western side of the horizon, a big storm cloud was darkening the sky, all heavy with rain. Only at the zenith, the uneven, fast disappearing edges of the clouds were glistening, blinding the world with their liquid silver shine, while giving out unbearable light. The wind calmed down, and the bitter cress blossoms were moving rapidly, as if performing an exotic dance.
Suddenly, there was an ominous ringing in the air, which would not stop, and a multitude of larks, invisible to the eye, started singing. As if in anticipation of the storm everything began to sing -- the flowers, the forest and the field—far away from any human settlements. And then, some warm gray pebbles started pouring from the sky, which then got as if suspended over the golden bushes of the bitter cress. Some of the larks were flying right above the field, hopping from one flower to another, and filling the area with an unending chirp. Some other birds, frequently flipping their wings, were moving vertically, and then stayed afloat four to five meters above the earth—also, loudly glorifying life.
The storm clouds were gathering over the entire sky: in some places, they were bluish-pink, as if feverish from inside. I saw that only a small bluish opening was left above the forest, through which some beams were trying to get down to the earth in a cascade of light, covering the site with warm, soft light. And then, the dense air, all filled with electricity, was silently overtaken by a snowstorm of alder fuzz, flying all over the place. Suddenly, a thunder struck somewhere, deafening everything around, and the first huge drop of rain loudly splashed against the bitter cress. In a moment, it started raining. Suddenly, it seemed as if the whole live nature became free and made a sigh of relief: that all the plants, trees, birds and animals became happy, glistening underneath the coat of rain, woven roughly from thick streaks of water.
Wet as a dog, in the middle of the field covered with fog, and suddenly quiet, as if suppressed by the storm, I was quietly enjoying the full happiness of a man who once, or twice a year the most, was given the pleasure of seeing and experiencing this unfathomable and totally awesome miracle of nature.
szwedzki > angielski: Poetry General field: Literatura/sztuka Detailed field: Poezja i literatura
Tekst źródłowy - szwedzki Gåva
Ja ville ge dig en gåva.
Jag gett till ingen förut.
Så ger jag gig min ensamhet.
Den varar till livets slut.
Ebba Lingquist
A Gift
I will give you a gift
That I have not given to anyone.
I will give you my loneliness,
That should last until the end.
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski A Gift
I will give you a gift
That I have not given to anyone.
I will give you my loneliness,
That should last until the end.
rosyjski > angielski: Poetry General field: Literatura/sztuka Detailed field: Poezja i literatura
Tekst źródłowy - rosyjski Marina Tsvetayeva
Мне нравится, что Вы больны не мной,
Мне нравится, что я больна не Вами,
Что никогда тяжелый шар земной
Не уплывет под нашими ногами.
Мне нравится, что можно быть смешной
Распущенной-и не играть словами,
И не краснеть удушливой волной,
Слегка соприкоснувшись рукавами.
Мне нравится еще, что Вы при мне
Спокойно обнимаете другую,
Не прочите мне в адовом огне
Гореть за то, что я не Вас целую.
Что имя нежное мое, мой нежный, не
Упоминаете ни днем ни ночью — всуе...
Что никогда в церковной тишине
Не пропоют над нами: аллилуйя!
Спасибо Вам и сердцем и рукой
За то, что Вы меня — не зная сами! —
Так любите: за мой ночной покой,
За редкость встреч закатными часами,
За наши не-гулянья под луной,
За солнце не у нас на головами,
За то, что Вы больны — увы! — не мной,
За то, что я больна — увы! — не Вами.
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski I am glad that you are not obsessed with me.
I am glad that I am not obsessed with you.
That never, ever
the heavy Earth Globe, will move away underneath our feet.
I lam glad that I can be frivolous and funny, and not expected
to play with words.
And, that I won't get overcome by that suffocating blush,
when my sleeve accidentally touches yours.
I also like, that you, in my presence,
calmly put your arm around another,
Don’t make predictions that I will burn in the eternal fire,
for simply kissing another.
I also like that you don’t call my lovely name in vain, my dear,
at night or in the morning
That never in the quietness of the church
anyone will sing us Hallelujah.
I thank you with my heart and with my hand,
that you, without personally knowing me,
love me so.
For my peace at night.
for the scarcity of our meetings at the late
For our not walking under the moon.
for the sun not over our heads.
That you are, unfortunately, not obsessed with me.
That I am, unfortunately, not obsessed with you.
polski > angielski: Book on linguistics for laymen General field: Nauki ścisłe Detailed field: Językoznawstwo
Tekst źródłowy - polski to come--text has to be located
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski The ability to talk is most likely genetic, and only the exposure to one of the over 4,000 languages determines which language becomes your first. Our brain structure which is responsible for the language skills is fitted (today we can use the word: programmed) to allow language learning.
Nowadays, the ability to communicate with people from all the continents is very important. It makes personal contacts easier and helps conducting business. What is the best method to learn a foreign language? Recently, the X method has been very popular, but there are different schools and methods of effective language learning It might be worthwhile to examine them and choose the best type for your brain. What I am saying here sounds like an encouragement to learn languages, and this is what it actually is. The ability to talk to another person in their native language widens our horizons, allows us to get to know other nations better and affects our self-valuation in a positive way, increasing our self-confidence. It also allows us to achieve many personal goals closely linked to our interests. What should one do to master a language? In addition to the selected language courses, you should also read a lot (carefully choosing the language level of the books and magazines, not to get discouraged), consciously work with various dictionaries—mono and multi-lingual, and travel abroad to be immersed in a particular language environment.
Is communication in a foreign language the only skill that we can acquire due to the unusual abilities of our brain? Of course, not. Without the functioning of this very important organ we could not perform even the simplest actions, however, those are not the subject of our discussion. Our brain helps us to have control over our life, which is to make decisions and choose what is best for us.
“Happiness or lack thereof, depends mostly on how we think. It is worth analyzing and remembering!’
Using the amazing power of our brain as an instrument of shaping our own lives is possible provided that we are aware of that phenomenon. You have probably heard about people with some amazing powers which enable them to read very fast or perform complex mathematical tasks. Everybody can develop such and similar capabilities, because we use only slightly more than a dozen percent of our brain capabilities. Peter Russell claims that the problem of getting to know the secrets of our brain, regardless of countless years of research, still remains open. I would like to encourage you to study this problem thoroughly , since the knowledge about the capabilities of our brain is astonishing. I am convinced, that thanks that knowledge everybody will be able to awaken their own path of development within themselves, which will lead to self-fulfillment and permanent satisfaction.
‘One cannot live happily, without living in an honorable, moral and honest life.” Epicurus
Establishing the frontier of human cognition was the task, which the German philosopher and thinker of the 18th c, Emanuel Kant decided to tackle. By defining the subject, he made a breakthrough so important that it was called a Copernican revolution in philosophy. Kant determined that during the cognitive process the subject conditions the object. Serious consequences arise from this seemingly simple sentence—it is man who creates the reality, creates and names the world, and he is also the one who can change it.
litewski > angielski: Poem General field: Literatura/sztuka Detailed field: Poezja i literatura
Tekst źródłowy - litewski 20 ANTINOMIJŲ
Tu sutvėrei mane ir laikyk.
Nesutvėrei manęs, nelaikyk.
Tu davei man gyvybę ir saugok.
Nedavei man gyvybės, nesaugok.
Tu auginai ir valgydinai mane.
Neauginai, nedavei valgyt.
Tu mokei mane ir guodei.
Nemokei ir neguodei.
Tu sakei, aš gražus ir garbingas.
Negražus, negarbingas.
Tu liepei man pratęsti pasaulį.
Tu sakei, turiu galvą, lūpas, akis.
Neturiu nei galvos, nei lūpų
Tu sakei įdėjęs man širdį.
Neįdėjai širdies.
Tu sakei, turiu ką mylėti.
Neturiu ką mylėtie
Tu sakei, aš žmogus.
Ne žmogus.
Tu, sakei, esu vyras.
Ne vyras.
Tu sakei, esu moteris.
Ne moteris.
Tu sakei, kad man reikia turėti draugų.
Tu sakei, kad aš privalau žudyti.
Tu sakei, kad pasaulis nesveikas.
Tu sakei, kad aš greitai mirsiu.
Tu sakei, kad mane mylėsi.
Mylėsi.Tu sakei, kad mane išduosi.
Tu sakei tą ką sakei ką sakysi?
Sigitas Geda
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski Twenty Antonyms
You made me, so hold me.
You didn’t make me – don’t hold me..
You gave me life and safety,
You did not give me life, no safety.
You nurture me and feed me,
No nurture, no feeding.
You teach me and console me,
You don’t teach me or console me.
You were saying: you are beautiful and worthy,
Not beautiful and unworthy.
You were telling me to go and expand the world.
You did not say it.
You were saying: you have a head, a magnifying glass and eyes.
I don’t have a head, or a magnifying glass. .
You were saying: you have ideas in your heart.
No ideas, in my heart.
You were saying: you need someone to love.
I don’t need anybody to love.
You were saying: you are a man.
Not a man.
You are a male:
Not a male
You were saying: you are a woman.
Not a woman.
You were saying: you need a friend,
I don’t need a friend.
You were saying I had to kill
I am not killing.
You were saying the world was not wholesome.
The world is not wholesome.
You were saying I would die soon.
I am not dying.
You were saying, you loved me
You love me.
You were saying you would betray me.
You betray me.
You were saying whatever you were saying, and keep saying.
I will not say it.
polski > angielski: short contract General field: Prawo/patenty Detailed field: Prawo: umowy
Tekst źródłowy - polski to be located
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski Loan Agreement
Made on this 27th day of May, 2009, between
Mr. XY, residing at XYZ, France, hereafter referred to as "the Lender' and Adam X, residing at XYZ Poland, and the Company XYZ LLC, represented by its owner and the CEO, Adam X, hereinafter referred to as "the Borrower';.
1. This Agreement shall be based on the loan repaying capabilities of the Borrower and his trustworthiness.
2. The Lender lends the Borrower the sum of 150,000 DM (one hundred fifty hundred thousand DM).
3. The interest rate of this loan shall be 12% payable at the repayment of the loan.
4. The collateral of this loan shall be as follows: all the assets of XYZ company.
The Borrower shall give the following as his collateral:
-- all the rights, documents, agreements and his own work efforts used for the operation of the XYZ company
-- all the patents and rights related to the project X
-- all the patents and rights related to X
-- all the assets on the accounts of the X Transit LLC
5. The Borrower, as a physical and legal person, is jointly responsible for the return of the loan along with the interest.
6. The loan is a term loan. The return of the loan along with the interest shall happen no later than August 12, 2010. The Termination of the loan does not require notice.
7. In the case if any of the clauses of the Agreement shall be found ineffective, the loan shall not be affected in its entirety, and the parties agree to interpret the ineffective clause to the benefit of the Lender.
8. Any changes and amendments to the Agreement have to be made in writing.
9. All disputes which may arise in connection with the fulfillment of this Agreement shall be resolved by the parties within the jurisdictions of the Republic of Poland.
10. The agreement has been prepared in two identical copies, one for each of the parties.
polski > angielski: Poems General field: Literatura/sztuka Detailed field: Poezja i literatura
Tekst źródłowy - polski Świat umieliśmy kiedyś na wyrywki:
- był tak mały, że się mieścił w uścisku dwu rąk,
tak łatwy, że się dawał opisać uśmiechem,
tak zwykły, jak w modlitwie echo starych prawd
Nie witała historia zwycięską fanfarą:
- sypnęła w oczy brudny piach.
Przed nami były drogi dalekie i ślepe,
zatrute studnie, gorzki chleb.
Nasz łup wojenny to wiedza o świecie:
- jest tak wielki, że się mieści w uścisku dwu rąk,
tak trudny, że się daje opisać uśmiechem,
tak dziwny, jak w modlitwie echo starych prawd.
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski We used to know the world by heart
It was so small--fitting in the space
between your clenched hands.
So easy--you could describe it with a smile
So ordinary--like the echo of the old truths
in a prayer.
History did not greet us with fanfares
It threw dirty sand into our eyes
There were roads--long and blind
in front of us
Poisoned wells and bitter bread.
Our war trophy--is the knowledge about the world,
The world--so large that you could hold it between your
clenched hands
So difficult-- that you could describe it with a smile
So strange, like the echo of the old truths
in a prayer.
rosyjski > angielski: Cosmetology General field: Medycyna
Tekst źródłowy - rosyjski Not available--Russian text
Tłumaczenie pisemne - angielski Contour plastic injection is a method of correcting degenerative skin defects through the intradermal, subdural and supra dermal application of special non-capsular fillers.
Synonyms: Augmentation (filling)
Filling (from English- to fill)
The popularity of contour plastic procedures among both doctors and patients is growing every year. It is not surprising. ‘Filling’ is one of the few techniques in modern cosmetology which, within minutes, allows you to eliminate cosmetic imperfections that may have been bothering someone for years, at the same time achieving results which last up to a year and a half. This procedure is conducted as a walk-in patient, and does not require surgery, which means it does not prevent the patient from carrying on with their everyday life.
Out of all the multiple fillers popular on both the international and domestic Russian markets, the most optimal fillers, as of today, are considered to be those based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. They are characterized by a low level of risk,being highly bio-compatible and biodegradable. Moreover, the multiple methods used for the stabilization of the hyaluronic acid allow the substance to remain in the tissues longer. XXXX* is the only 100% effectively cross-linked— hyaluronic acid monophasic gel prepared using the unique A.P.R. I. technology.
The XXXX* line of products represents a new generation of fillers based on the stabilized hyaluronic acid, biosynthetic in origin, and manufactured by the XXXX company (Switzerland). Fifty years of research devoted to examining the characteristics of hyaluronic acid and its reaction with the skin has enabled the famous Swiss company XXXX produce this line of XXXX* fillers. The unique character of XXXX* fillers is generated by the purity of the product’s ingredients and their safety which is achieved through the innovative method of crosslinking the hyaluronic acid by a process called A.P.R.I.
The advantages of the A.P.R.I. technology over other methods can be described as follows—the whole process of the hyaluronic acid stabilization is done in one phase—using highly concentrated water solution without the addition of other acids or alkaloids as such, since this is a neutral medium. Under such conditions, it is possible for more effective connections between the molecules within the hyaluronic acid molecular connections to occur thereby keeping other peripheral connections to a minimum. This also allows for butanediol diglycidyl ether (BDDE) to be formed in the final product. The XXXX* products are manufactured in accordance with the quality standards---ISO XxxX, and have a CE certificate. High quality standards are followed throughout the entire manufacturing process.
Graduate diploma - City University of NY
Lata doświadczenia jako tłumacz: 34. Zarejestrowany od: Apr 2012.
polski > angielski (NYS Unified Court System ) szwedzki > angielski (sub-specialization ) rosyjski > angielski (NY Legal translator/interpreter ) rosyjski > angielski (native level --learned at home ) polski > angielski (native level learned at home plus early education )
szwedzki > angielski (minor in MA program plus lived in Sweden )
Legal and literary translator from New York, with linguistic and creative writing education and long-term experience in the legal field, which includes working for numerous New York law firms, international corporations, governmental entities, including the New York State Unified Court System, the City of New York, and other US governmental offices. MA in theoretical linguistics from a top NY school. 32 PhD level credits in theoretical linguistics. Studied with three Prof. Chomsky's students. Specialization Native American languages, ethnopoetics, discourse analysis, language typology, and phonetics. Some of my translations and my own literary works have been published. Most of the literary works I translated were translations from Russian into English and from Polish into English. I have translated several shorter pieces from Swedish and Lithuanian as well, including some translations of old manuscripts. Recently I have been working on translations of two collections of poems and a novel, a non-fiction book and regular everyday translations, mainly legal.
I have extensive experience in translating medical trials and financial materials as well.
I provide legal translation only from Russian, Polish and Swedish into English (not from any other language). I also provide court and conference interpreting in Polish/English and English/Russian language pairs. I mainly provide general and literary translation from Swedish.
I learned all the languages I work with as a child, including English, both the natural way and then in school. My mother was Polish-speaking and father Lithuanian-Russian. I also have some German background. The languages I use the most in my ordinary life are English and Russian. I have lived most of my life in the United States and have all higher education in English (British and American). My graduate education is all at the doctoral level, with an MA awarded so far. Associations: Phi Beta Kappa, Linguistic Society of America, Hunter Alumni Association
Only the highest rates are shown—my starting rates are slightly lower.
Court and other government-related interpreting, including the Federal Court of the United States in Polish and Russian.
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Słowa kluczowe: Polish to English translation, Russian to English translation, legal translation, literary translation, court interpreting, editing, subtitling, federal court interpreting, medical interpreting.