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[View Powwow Report] powwow: End of year lunch

December 18, 2008, 1:00 pm
AustraliaPerth, WAIn personangielski

I will be relocating to Perth next year and will be in the area this December to organise some things, so I thought it might be nice to already meet up with some (future) local colleagues.

With regards to the venue I rely on your recommendations, as this will be my first visit to Perth. :) I'm flexible on the date as well, as long as it's in that week.

I hope there are a few translators in that corner of the world!


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Interested members (8) / Confirmed: 2 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Nicole Y. Adams, M.A.  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
transatgees   ...  
Patricia Will   Great idea Nicole, there are indeed quite a few colleagues located in Perth and we have a very active group of members from the professional association AUSIT. Please contact me for more information about regular networking and PD events in Perth.  y
Claudia Ait-Touati   Not sure if I find time to attend, but will certainly try. Perth is very active. WA even had the very first professional organisation WAITI I believe. There are many fantastic colleagues in WA and I would love to catch up with all again in December.  m
XNick John (X)   Will be recovering from a knee reconstruction so unable to attend but good luck here in Perth!  n
XJeremy_Chen   Too far for a Victorian but best wishes and hope to vist Perth someday  n
Anna Herbst   I'm afraid I can't make it all the way across Australia this time, but wishing you all the best!  n
Pierre Francois   Hi there....where are you going to meet up exactly?  

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