Członek od Oct '11

Języki robocze:
chorwacki > angielski
angielski > chorwacki
serbski > angielski
polski > angielski
włoski > angielski

Anastasia Kingsley Kinkusic
Legal, medical and technical texts 👌

Zadar, Zadarska

Język ojczysty: angielski Native in angielski, chorwacki Native in chorwacki
Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
7 positive reviews
3 ratings (4.00 avg. rating)
What Anastasia Kingsley Kinkusic is working on
Aug 9, 2024 (posted via  44 medical documents containing 24,000 words, from Croatian to EN in the CAT tool, Phrase. Finished two days ahead of schedule! ...more, + 56 other entries »
Total word count: 1697792

Typ konta Niezależny tłumacz pisemny i/lub ustny, Identity Verified Tożsamość zweryfikowana
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
This person is affiliated with:
Usługi Translation, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Interpreting, MT post-editing, Subtitling, Transcription
Znajomość dziedzin
Prawo (ogólne)Medycyna: opieka zdrowotna
Reklama/public relationsFinanse (ogólne)
Komputery: sprzętInżynieria przemysłowa
Gry/gry wideo/hazard/kasynoIT (technologia informacyjna)
Medycyna (ogólne)Prawo: patenty, znaki towarowe, prawa autorskie

chorwacki > angielski - Stawka podstawowa: 0.08 EUR za słowo / 50 EUR za godzinę
angielski > chorwacki - Stawka podstawowa: 0.08 EUR za słowo / 50 EUR za godzinę
serbski > angielski - Stawka podstawowa: 0.08 EUR za słowo / 50 EUR za godzinę
polski > angielski - Stawka podstawowa: 0.08 EUR za słowo / 50 EUR za godzinę

KudoZ (PRO) Punkty PRO: 4, Odpowiedzi na pytania 8, Zadane pytania 1
Payment methods accepted Skrill, Direct deposit, Wise | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfolio Przykładowe tłumaczenia: 1
Wykształcenie Other - Court Appointed Translator and Interpretor for the English and Croatian languages
Doświadczenie Lata doświadczenia jako tłumacz: 40. Zarejestrowany od: Dec 2010. Członek od: Oct 2011. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Poświadczenia kwalifikacji chorwacki > angielski (Center for Foreign Language)
angielski > chorwacki (Center for Foreign Language)
angielski (Native speaker)
włoski (University of Zadar)
hiszpański > angielski (Center for Foreign Languages)
Przynależność do organizacji N/A
Oprogramowanie Across, Adobe Acrobat, Lilt, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SDL TRADOS STUDIO 2022, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Protemos, SDLX, Smartcat, Trados Studio, Wordbee, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
Strona internetowa
Praktyki zawodowe Anastasia Kingsley Kinkusic popiera's Zasady postępowania.
American born, raised and educated, I come from a Croatian family background, and I have been living in Croatia since 1999. English is my mother tongue, and Croatian is my father's tongue, which is my second native tongue.

With the language pair of English <> Croatian / Bosnian / Serbian, I write, edit and translate in both languages. My services include proofreading and improving upon previously translated documents (into English), teaching and tutoring ESL students, linguistic coaching and pronunciation. I am also a court appointed translator for the Croatian government, with the authority to both act as a simultaneous translator and to stamp and present authorized documents in court.

During the summer months, I also utilize my language skills to organize and conduct tours for foreign visitors to the Balkan Peninsula as a licensed, professional tour guide and tour manager. The website for my company, Kingsley limited, can be found at

My Bachelors' of Science (B.S.) degree is from the College of Notre Dame (later renamed Notre Dame deNaMur University), a fully accredited, four year private Jesuit university. Along the same vein, not long after college graduation I became a business owner specializing in tax treatment for small businesses.

Since moving to Europe, I have worked for the Croatian government and the European Union. My other clients include the Institute of Oceanography and Fishing (IZOR), which publishes the biannual highly acclaimed periodical, Acta Adriatica, with contributions from scientists around the world ( I have also worked for the Croatian Tourist Board for website consultation and editing (, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, as well as the European Union.

My clients include professional firms and private individuals based in Europe and Asia, namely Russia, China, India, Spain, Malta, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Latvia, Hungary, Slovenia, Macedonia, Turkey, as well as the USA, and Australia.

I may be reached on Skype at a.kinkusic

Kind regards,
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects2
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
serbski > angielski1
Specialty fields
Other fields
Słowa kluczowe: english, croatian, technology, user-friendly, prevoditelj, uredarstvo, balkans, American english, materin jezik, localization. See more.english, croatian, technology, user-friendly, prevoditelj, uredarstvo, balkans, American english, materin jezik, localization, dialekt, redovito italian, taljanski jezik, engleski na taljanski, naši, nas jezik balkanski jezici izvorni govornik engleski sudski tumac. See less.

Ostatnia aktualizacja profilu
Feb 19