173 registrants

Virtual companion to the 2011 ProZ.com conference in Rome, ITA

May 21, 2011

Virtual companion to ProZ.com's
2011 international conference in Rome, ITA
May 21st 2011
6:00 GMT - 20:00 GMT

This event allowed ProZ.com members not able to attend the event in Rome to experience some of the exciting components of the in-person event & featured:

  • live footage from the event registration desk
  • opportunity to meet some of the event attendees
  • interviews with several event speakers
  • tours of event areas and much more

  • To view recordings of various virtual companion sessions - click here.

    Discuss this event

    Discussion for Virtual companion to the 2011 ProZ.com conference in Rome, ITA (2011)
    Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL
    Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL  Identity Verified
    Wielka Brytania
    Local time: 02:44
    Członek ProZ.com
    od 2006

    angielski > polski
    + ...
    What a great idea! May 12, 2011

    Once one hears about it, it seems to be obvious consequence of organizing both virtual and in-person conferences but kudoz to someone who came up with combining the two.
    Who knows maybe in the future it will be feasible to charge a reasonable fee for participation in virtual event and subsidize this way organization of the proper conference while broadcasting entire presentations.


    Daniela Zambrini
    Daniela Zambrini  Identity Verified
    Local time: 03:44
    angielski > włoski
    + ...
    share the fun :-) May 13, 2011

    Looking forward to sharing the fun and details of the 1st ProZ.com Europe International Conference with all colleagues who are unable to attend!

    Nothing beats in-person events, but this is the closest second-best opportunityicon_smile.gif

    Sign up!

    Sales Admin
    Sales Admin

    Local time: 22:44
    Prepare for the virtual companion! May 20, 2011

    A prepare page has been created for the virtual companion to ProZ.com's 2011 international conference in Rome.

    Go to http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/280/prepare to view the full details on how to prepare for the virtual event.

    We look forward to "seeing" you virtually!


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