Become proficient, become mobile learning how to use the new version of the free CAT tool Wordfast Anywhere

Formats: Videos
Topics: Overview of translation tools
CAT tool training
Productivity tools
Software, tools & computing

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 150 minutes.

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

Summary:Would you like to learn how to use a free CAT tool with interesting features? Would you like to gain mobility or even work from your tablet or smartphone? Follow this presentation and learn how to use the main features of the new version of Wordfast Anywhere.
Learn the main features of this free CAT tool and become proficient.

The training will be presented in an easy to follow manner that should enable you to be able to reproduce what you will have learnt on your next translation assignment.
You will learn also how you can gain mobility with this tool, not depending on a specific computer and even use it on your tablet or phone!

This training will be based on the soon to be published modern new version of the interface of Wordfast Anywhere. You can be among the first to be trained on this new version!

Training plan:

  • Wordfast Anywhere's assets (besides being free)
  • How to set it up
  • Step by step translation session that will show you main features and time-saving features
  • How to use other useful features
  • How to use mobility features
  • Q and A

  • Examples of points to be considered:

  • Know WFA
  • How to set it up
  • How to translate a document
  • How to review a document
  • How to use and manage TMs (we will demonstrate what they are and what they do)
  • How to use and manage MTs (we will also demonstrate what they are and what they do)
  • How to connect to a larger TM
  • How to connect to a cloud glossary resource
  • How to create and manage glossaries
  • Spellcheck
  • Transcheck
  • How to align your documents
  • How to use it on your tablet or smartphone
  • How to exchange files from cloud storage
  • Q and A

  • After the first hour, 10 minutes break

    Here is some feedback from others on this course's trainer:

    "Kudos to Philippe, who presented the webinar "Domptez Wordfast Anywhere, le seul outil TAO vraiment gratuit qui en vaille la peine". The content of the presentation was excellent and the flow was just right...not painfully slow as one might expect with this sort of material (after watching certain YouTube presentations by IT personnel of a well-known company who sadly know nothing about teaching). Philippe thinks and speaks clearly and shares his knowledge honestly with his audience."
    Michelle Arpin

    "Very clear, well presented and interesting. Thank you Philippe!"
    Danielle Reeve

    Target audience
    Freelancers starting in the translation industry
    Freelancers with some knowledge of CAT tools who want to use a free tool or gain mobility
    Very advanced features will not be presented
    Learning objectives
    In this webinar you will learn how to:

    Work on a project from start to finish
    Use time-saving functions
    Use associated features (alignment tool, expanded TM)
    How to use Wordfast Anywhere from your tablet or smartphone
    Working internet browser and connexion
    Computer (PC, Mac or Linux)
    Word processing software (Microsoft Word, Libre Office or other)
    Click to expand
    Wordfast Anywhere's assets (besides being free)
    How to set it up
    Step by step translation session that will show you main features and time-saving features
    How to use other useful features
    How to use mobility features
    Q and A

    Examples of points to be considered:

    Know WFA
    How to set it up
    How to translate a document
    How to review a document
    How to use and manage TMs (we will demonstrate what they are and what they do)
    How to use and manage MTs (we will also demonstrate what they are and what they do)
    How to connect to a larger TM
    How to connect to a cloud glossary resource
    How to create and manage glossaries
    How to align your documents
    How to use it on your tablet or smartphone
    How to exchange files from cloud storage
    Q and A

    After the first hour, 10 minutes break
    Registration and payment information (click to expand)
    Click to expand
    Price: 49.00 USD
    Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat

    Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording and handouts provided by the trainer.

    How do I purchase the video?

    To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

    How do I access the video?

    Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here.

    How do I access handouts?

    Follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

    Where can I find a certificate of attendance?

    A certificate of attendance can be issued upon training completion and as per your request. A certificate of attendance can be downloaded at
    Created by
     Philippe Locquet    View feedback | View all courses
    Bio: Fi2 n Co are professional linguists and trainers. Fi2 n Co train professionals, linguists-to-be/students in interpretation and translation. By the careful choice of material and pedagogical methods they help students and professionals to hone their skills and display professionalism.
    General discussions on this training