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Blocked all morning thanks to Wordfast
Autor wątku: Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
Oct 17, 2008

After an exchange on this forum I decided to update my copy of Wordfast for use with a big TM I needed for a job I have today. A colleague said that the update was free and this was confirmed with in a letter I received from WF after I had given them my licence number
"Welcome to Wordfast Hotline, You can update freely and use Wordfast 5.53q the latest version. Please download from …. Best regards ..... Wordfast support team"
I duly updated my Wordfast. However when I tried to u
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After an exchange on this forum I decided to update my copy of Wordfast for use with a big TM I needed for a job I have today. A colleague said that the update was free and this was confirmed with in a letter I received from WF after I had given them my licence number
"Welcome to Wordfast Hotline, You can update freely and use Wordfast 5.53q the latest version. Please download from …. Best regards ..... Wordfast support team"
I duly updated my Wordfast. However when I tried to use it I got a message saying that I couldn't use my WF as it was not licenced.
Although the WF hotline had managed to answer my original query about buying an update in 30 minutes, now 4 hours later they have still not replied to 4 letters about why it isn’t working.
After working things out for myself some advice for others:

You DO have to pay for a wordfast update every 3 years. 2) In order to buy an update you need the original install number in the letter they sent you when you bought the software and NOT the install number in your computer so always keep the number with you. 3) Updating takes some time (up to 4 hours to check your payment).

I still cannot work 5 hours after my original enquiry because the update payment procedure takes several hours.

Update wordfast when you have some time on your hands and not when you are in a rush

[Edited at 2008-10-17 10:38]

[Edited at 2008-10-17 11:04]

Simon Mountifield
Simon Mountifield  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
Ouch Oct 17, 2008

Thanks for the heads-up.

Unless I'm mistaken, updates are free, AS LONG AS your 3-year subscription hasn't expired! I think mine expired last year, which is probably one of the reasons I haven't bothered updating my version of Wordfast. Saying that, the last time I did install a new version of Wordfast, I simply copied the licence number from the old version and pasted it into the new version… and it worked!!

Might be worth a try!!


Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
The old licence number doesn't work Oct 17, 2008

After three years you have to get a new licence number. The old one doesn't work

The answer from WF is don't forget to renew your licence after 3 years. I'm pretty sure this was not mentioned when I bought my first licence.
Today I was able to update my wordfast (and therefore erase my old version) but still cant' use it!!
The payment system is also very weird. It's taking them hours to check my credit card. I'm effectively loosing a day's work

Simon Mountifield
Simon Mountifield  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
You know the saying Oct 17, 2008 learn something new every day (well, I have). I bought my version of Wordfast about 4-5 years ago. Just like you, I don't remember there being any mention of a 3-year subscription. As my licence has obviously expired, I think I'll wait until I really have to update... and after hearing about your problems, I'll make sure I do it at the weekend or during a quiet period.

I can't really see any workaround solution for your predicament. I would have suggested using your old versi
... See more learn something new every day (well, I have). I bought my version of Wordfast about 4-5 years ago. Just like you, I don't remember there being any mention of a 3-year subscription. As my licence has obviously expired, I think I'll wait until I really have to update... and after hearing about your problems, I'll make sure I do it at the weekend or during a quiet period.

I can't really see any workaround solution for your predicament. I would have suggested using your old version while waiting for payment to clear for the new version, but if you've already uninstalled it, then you're going to be stuck with the licence issue again.

Not much help, I know.


Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
Should have started with Trados Oct 17, 2008

I have always regretted not buying Trados first rather than WF. Now that most of my TM are in wordfast its hard to make the move to Trados. Converting all your Translation memories is much more difficult that people say. I have tried it and had big problems as the language codes in the two softwares are different.

David Daduč (X)
David Daduč (X)
Local time: 17:40
angielski > czeski
Relicensing Oct 17, 2008

You can actually relicense Wordfast (i.e. retrieve the license# you need) once even after your license has expired. This extra option is available precisely to help you if you need to relicense immediately after your license has expired and your payment takes time to be processed. So go ahead, log in at the Wordfast website, and relicense!

Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
Thanks for help but don't understand Oct 17, 2008

David Daduc wrote:

You can actually relicense Wordfast (i.e. retrieve the license# you need) once even after your license has expired. This extra option is available precisely to help you if you need to relicense immediately after your license has expired and your payment takes time to be processed. So go ahead, log in at the Wordfast website, and relicense!

Sorry I don't follow your reasoning. I have updated my wordfast software but it doesn't work with my old licence number. I cant' use it as WF won't give me a new number until my payment has been processed. They seem to have chosen the longest company in the world who take 24 hours to process a European credit card.

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:40
od 2003

fiński > niemiecki
+ ...
Why not use the old version? Oct 17, 2008

There is not much difference between the versions of the last two years. The same applies for Trados.
Switching from one version of Wf to another takes only a few seconds.

Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
How do you switch between versions? Oct 17, 2008

Heinrich Pesch wrote:

Switching from one version of Wf to another takes only a few seconds.

Hello Heinrich and thanks for your advice
Firstly though, version 5.1 doesn't work with Vista (it takes 5 -10 seconds to open each segment on my computer)
But anyway how do you switch between versions? Now I have updated I only have the new version 5.5 ?

Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
It is Murphy's law when everything that can go wrong does!! Oct 17, 2008

[Now the company in Germany that checks credit cards for Wordfast (share-it!) has refused my visa card twice. I rang them and they said it was probably because they thought it odd that an Englishman has a French credit card! Anyway I will be working without Wordfast like back in the old days and have to redo all my old translations with no TM. Happy Week-end to all

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
od 2006

angielski > afrikaans
+ ...
Comments Oct 17, 2008

NR_Stedman wrote:
After an exchange on this forum I decided to update my copy of Wordfast for use with a big TM I needed for a job I have today.

The fact that you could not use a big TM previous tells me that your original copy of Wordfast was unlicensed, or that it had been licensed in the days before you had to pay for it. Is this correct?

1. You DO have to pay for a wordfast update every 3 years.

1. No, not quite. Your Wordfast licence lasts three years. If you want to relicense after 3 years, you have to buy a new licence. If you only want to update your version of Wordfast (assuming the version you paid for originally is the same large version number), you can do so for free. You can even update your version after the 3 years had expired.

So the questions are... what was the version number of the Wordfast on your computer (more or less), and what was the version number of Wordfast when you first bought WF more than 3 years ago?

2. In order to buy an update you need the original install number in the letter they sent you when you bought the software and NOT the install number in your computer so always keep the number with you.

Yes, but that is written on the e-mail itself, and you need that number whenever you relicence WF also.

3) Updating takes some time (up to 4 hours to check your payment).

Somehow I think you (and possibly your colleague) are confusing updating with relicensing. Updating takes 10 minutes (simply download the latest version and install it). Relicensing takes 1 minute if you are within your 3 year period and if you haven't relicensed 4 times already; or it may take a few hours if you have exceeded 4 relicenses; or it may take a few hours if you are repurchasing.

Update wordfast when you have some time on your hands and not when you are in a rush.

Yes, but this applies to any software that you update or upgrade. And I do think there is a warning somewhere in the WF manual about updating while in the middle of a job.

What was the version of WF that you had before you decided to update?

Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
I think you are defending the undefendable Oct 17, 2008

Dear Samuel
Thank you for you long answer.
I have a perfectly valid Wordfast license number (version 5.0) that I send in my letter this morning to wordfast asking about updating.

I was then clearly told that the update was free (which is untrue) and to go ahead with the updating.

Secondly you are allowed to update your software without being told beforehand that it might take up to 24 hours to work. If wordfast are worried about payment then they should ch
... See more
Dear Samuel
Thank you for you long answer.
I have a perfectly valid Wordfast license number (version 5.0) that I send in my letter this morning to wordfast asking about updating.

I was then clearly told that the update was free (which is untrue) and to go ahead with the updating.

Secondly you are allowed to update your software without being told beforehand that it might take up to 24 hours to work. If wordfast are worried about payment then they should check the validity of your payment before they allow you to update and erase your existing system.

Thirdly the install number with your licence number (click ? on WF) is not the install number they need. Not everyone goes around with all their old bills on them. Also it is unusal for a company checking credit cards to tell you that it may take 24 hours to verify your payment.

[Edited at 2008-10-17 13:24]

[Edited at 2008-10-17 13:32]

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:40
od 2003

fiński > niemiecki
+ ...
My Wf 5.53 does not work on Vista Oct 17, 2008

Lots of folks got it working but not me. Since I bought my Vista laptop I use Wf only on my old machine under XP.
I even removed McAfee protections software to no avail. will not install even if I put it into the Startup folder of Word and my macro protection is low.
So this could be bad news for you. Hope I'm too pessimistic.

Where is your old wf 5.1? The zip should be somewhere and you can use it again.

Nicholas Stedman
Nicholas Stedman  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:40
francuski > angielski
5.5 does work with Vista Oct 17, 2008

Heinrich, just to say that I have at least been able to verify that 5.5 does work very well with Vista (by creating a new TM).
As I said before 5.1 doesn't work and as I only have a Vista computer with me here today I can't use my old zip.

David Daduč (X)
David Daduč (X)
Local time: 17:40
angielski > czeski
Thanks! Oct 17, 2008

NR_Stedman wrote:

Happy Week-end to all

Many thanks, same to you!

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Blocked all morning thanks to Wordfast

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