Wordfast removes links
Autor wątku: Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 16:25
francuski > angielski
+ ...
Oct 28, 2008


I suspect this has to do with bookmarks, but I'm not sure how to process them. Wordfast used to prompt me to retain bookmarks but it doesn't any more and I don't think I'd know what to do with them if it did! The problem I have is with documents which have internal links to the list of references. The contents lists and lists of tables work fine. I just click on update field at the end of the translation and they all transfer across. With the links, which appear as a number i
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I suspect this has to do with bookmarks, but I'm not sure how to process them. Wordfast used to prompt me to retain bookmarks but it doesn't any more and I don't think I'd know what to do with them if it did! The problem I have is with documents which have internal links to the list of references. The contents lists and lists of tables work fine. I just click on update field at the end of the translation and they all transfer across. With the links, which appear as a number in square brackets, e.g. [2], referring to the reference number in the list, I've been doing Alt insert to copy the source, which looks OK until the point at which I clean the document, when I get the message "Error: reference source not found" at every point where a link should be. I'm probably overlooking something very obvious, but I'd be grateful for any guidance.

Since writing this, I've just checked the source doucment and the reference links are not actually bookmarks (which probably explains the lack of prompt!), but field codes. The document is actually full of these codes, but the only ones that produce this error are the reference links. I'm not sure I can face having the field codes switched on whilst I translate as the document becomes virtually unreadable. Any thoughts?

Many thanks,


[Edited at 2008-10-28 23:45]

Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:25
francuski > angielski
copy source should work Oct 29, 2008

Hi Claire,

Normally, copy source should work for field codes ... I have done that in the past and it worked for me. Have you tired toggling back and forth with Alt F9 to see if everything looks right once inserted? What version of Word are you using?

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 16:25
francuski > angielski
+ ...
Alt F9 Oct 29, 2008

Hi Lori,

No I haven't tried Alt F9, but now I know about it, I'll try that next time so I can actually see what I'm copying. As I said it all looks fine until I clean up the document. I'm wondering if it's to do with the fact that I give different document names to the source, unclean and clean documents as they move through my system. Do the field codes refer to document names? I'm using Word 2003 on Windows XP.


Platary (X)
Platary (X)
Local time: 17:25
niemiecki > francuski
+ ...
I'm afraid, yes ! Oct 29, 2008

Claire Cox wrote:

Do the field codes refer to document names?

Better to say the document "path" (address) ? So yes, the location and the name.



Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 16:25
francuski > angielski
+ ...
So should I keep the same name? Oct 29, 2008

Although if it refers to the document path, that still isn't going to work as even if I keep the same name, the document moves from my source folder, to unclean, to clean. How does anyone else get round this?


Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:25
francuski > angielski
e-mail it to yourself Oct 29, 2008

to have a backup at each stage?


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Wordfast removes links

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