Removing bookmark 0 / Error 5825
Autor wątku: Sheila Hardie
Sheila Hardie
Sheila Hardie  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:17
kataloński > angielski
+ ...
Mar 13, 2009


I am using Wordfast Classic version 5.56g on a Mac PowerBook G4 with Mac OS X 10.4.11 and Microsoft Word 2004 for Mac. Normally I don't have any trouble cleaning documents, but today I've just finished translating a Word file with several columns and can't seem to clean it.

When I try the complete clean ('Nettoyage' in my version), it goes through the text, updates the TM and then stops at the end, without cleaning the whole document and the following message is dis
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I am using Wordfast Classic version 5.56g on a Mac PowerBook G4 with Mac OS X 10.4.11 and Microsoft Word 2004 for Mac. Normally I don't have any trouble cleaning documents, but today I've just finished translating a Word file with several columns and can't seem to clean it.

When I try the complete clean ('Nettoyage' in my version), it goes through the text, updates the TM and then stops at the end, without cleaning the whole document and the following message is displayed at the bottom of the file:

Suppression du signet 0
Removing bookmark 0

For some reason, it sometimes displays this message in French and other times in English!

When I tried to do a quick clean, it wouldn't allow it and I got the following message:

Se ha producido error 5825 en tiempo de ejecución

My computer was bought in Barcelona... and speaks many languages, just won't do what I want!

Does anyone know what I can do to solve this problem?

Many thanks in advance!!!


Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 06:17
francuski > angielski
+ ...
Same thing happened to me Mar 13, 2009

Hi Sheila,

I sympathise! The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago on a huge 256 page document. At first it stopped a quarter of the way through, but I reverted to an older version of Wordfast and it eventually seemed to clean up the text but then froze on the bookmarks. I posted a query on the Wordfast Yahoo group and tried various suggestions, but to no avail. In the end I sent the document off to the Wordfast technicians but I never heard anything back. I assumed it must have
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Hi Sheila,

I sympathise! The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago on a huge 256 page document. At first it stopped a quarter of the way through, but I reverted to an older version of Wordfast and it eventually seemed to clean up the text but then froze on the bookmarks. I posted a query on the Wordfast Yahoo group and tried various suggestions, but to no avail. In the end I sent the document off to the Wordfast technicians but I never heard anything back. I assumed it must have been a rogue document, but if you're experiencing it too, it suggests there might be some sort of bug. If I were you, I'd post it on the Yahoo group; Yves and David Daduc seem to monitor postings quite closely and they may think it's worth looking into more closely.

In the meantime, you can clean the file up manually by removing the hidden text, as was suggested to me, to my eternal gratitude!

Here's what to do:

Find what -> *
Replace with -> (nothing)
Use wildcards -> checked

with the cursor in the "Find what" field, select Format > Font > Hidden

You should have the following screen:

Then hit "Replace All" and your document should be cleaned.

Just in case, do this on a copy, of course!

Good luck!


Sheila Hardie
Sheila Hardie  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:17
kataloński > angielski
+ ...
Thanks, Claire! Mar 13, 2009

Hi Claire,

Many thanks for your help. I'm going to try what you suggest right away. It may be that there is something wrong with my document, but you are right, it could be a Wordfast problem too. In any case, I'm very grateful to you for your help.

I shall definitely make a copy before trying this method of cleaning the document. Just in case!

BTW, do you use a Mac too? I'm just wondering if it might be a Mac problem and whether it also affects PCs.
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Hi Claire,

Many thanks for your help. I'm going to try what you suggest right away. It may be that there is something wrong with my document, but you are right, it could be a Wordfast problem too. In any case, I'm very grateful to you for your help.

I shall definitely make a copy before trying this method of cleaning the document. Just in case!

BTW, do you use a Mac too? I'm just wondering if it might be a Mac problem and whether it also affects PCs.

Thanks again!


Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 06:17
francuski > angielski
+ ...
No, PC Mar 13, 2009

Hi Sheila,

No, I use a PC. But it seems to be something to do with particular documents with bookmarks and Wordfast. I've done other documents with bookmarks before and had no problems, but the one I had problems with was very complex with lots of field codes, contents, table and figures lists, so i just assumed Wordfast couldn't handle it. The agency in question admitted at the end that other translators had had problems processing these particular documents with CAT tools too - I
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Hi Sheila,

No, I use a PC. But it seems to be something to do with particular documents with bookmarks and Wordfast. I've done other documents with bookmarks before and had no problems, but the one I had problems with was very complex with lots of field codes, contents, table and figures lists, so i just assumed Wordfast couldn't handle it. The agency in question admitted at the end that other translators had had problems processing these particular documents with CAT tools too - I wish she'd warned me first!

One thing to note, although the manual clean-up did work, the agency said that when they printed the document out there were a number of strange hyperlinks in it which weren't there on screen. Again, this might be document-related, but I think it would be a good idea to double-check both on screen and by printing that all peculiar codes have really gone!

Best wishes,


Sheila Hardie
Sheila Hardie  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:17
kataloński > angielski
+ ...
It worked! Mar 13, 2009

Hi Claire,

Thanks for your advice about checking the document - I'll do that now.

I'm so happy that the search and replace appears to have worked! It's fantastic and saved me so much time!

Interestingly, my document contains quite a few hyperlinks, tables, etc., so maybe that's what caused the problem. Who knows?

In any case, I'm very grateful for your help!

Best wishes,


Velia Calcara
Velia Calcara  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:17
angielski > hiszpański
Find-Replace did not work, but tools did! Sep 1, 2014

I just have that problem too, the manual cleaning did not work for me, but I opened "Setup" in the Wordfast menu and clicked "Clean up" it worked in the original and the copy!!!


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Removing bookmark 0 / Error 5825

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