How can I install PlusTools?
Autor wątku: Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Local time: 10:23
angielski > hiszpański
+ ...
Aug 1, 2009

I downloaded PlusTools at
The instructions say: "In Ms-Word, use the Tools/Templates & Add-Ins menu to add the template to your list of templates".
But when I go to Tools/Templates & Add-Ins, I do not see the template.
I am using Word 2003. Best regards, AT

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
niemiecki > hiszpański
+ ...
PlusTools installation Aug 1, 2009

1) Open MS-Word
2) Tools -> Options -> Files -> (File location)

There you will find the files location. should have been installed (copied) under one o f following folders:

a) personal templates or
b) startup (wil start automatically each times you open Ms-Word)

It it is correctly installed, and you still do not see the toolabr go to:

View -> Toolbars and check Plustools tio activate it.

Beste regards,
... See more
1) Open MS-Word
2) Tools -> Options -> Files -> (File location)

There you will find the files location. should have been installed (copied) under one o f following folders:

a) personal templates or
b) startup (wil start automatically each times you open Ms-Word)

It it is correctly installed, and you still do not see the toolabr go to:

View -> Toolbars and check Plustools tio activate it.

Beste regards,
Pablo B.

Luciano Drusetta
Luciano Drusetta
Local time: 15:23
węgierski > włoski
+ ...
StartUp folder Aug 1, 2009

First of all, you should copy into Word startup folder, typically:

C: / Documents and Settings/(user name)/Application data/Microsoft/Word/STARTUP

(remember to use backslashes, not slashes)


[Modificato alle 2009-08-01 16:03 GMT]

[Modificato alle 2009-08-01 16:03 GMT]

[Modificato alle 2009-08-01 16:05 GMT]

[Modificato alle 2009-08-01 16:05 GMT]

Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Local time: 10:23
angielski > hiszpański
+ ...
I have different folders Aug 1, 2009

Dear Luciano y Marianna, Thank you for your assistance.
I have the following directories:
C:\Documents and Settings\Usuario\Application Data\Microsoft
and inside a folder called Forms.
Where should I copy
I am using Windows XP Professional.
Best regards, AT

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
od 2006

angielski > afrikaans
+ ...
Add it via that dialog Aug 1, 2009

[quote]Argentine Translator wrote:
But when I go to Tools/Templates & Add-Ins, I do not see the template./quote]

This is why Windows is better than Linux. Simply right-click the file, select "Copy", then go to the Templates & Add-Ins dialog, try to open a file, right-click in the file-open dialog, and select "Paste". Then you should be able to select it.

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
niemiecki > hiszpański
+ ...
+Tools not shown on MS-Word toolbar Aug 1, 2009

[quote]Samuel Murray wrote:

Argentine Translator wrote:
But when I go to Tools/Templates & Add-Ins, I do not see the template./quote]

This is why Windows is better than Linux. Simply right-click the file, select "Copy", then go to the Templates & Add-Ins dialog, try to open a file, right-click in the file-open dialog, and select "Paste". Then you should be able to select it.

Hi, Samuel:

even +Tools may be correctly installed, it may still not be visible. It is a very common error: View -> Toolbars -> Check +Toolbar

Pablo B.

Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Local time: 10:23
angielski > hiszpański
+ ...
Which file should I open? Aug 1, 2009

Dear Samuel,
I go to Tools/Templates & Add-Ins and I click the Template Tab.
There, I see two boxes. The first one is called Document Template and the second one, The checked elements are loaded (inside this box, it is
Where should I paste
Thank you for your assistance and best regards,

[Editado a las 2009-08-01 18:13 GMT]

Sergei Leshchinsky
Sergei Leshchinsky  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:23
od 2008

angielski > rosyjski
+ ...
there is a better way than this... Aug 1, 2009

Luciano & Marianna Drusetta wrote:
C: / Documents and Settings/(user name)/Application data/Microsoft/Word/STARTUP
(remember to use backslashes, not slashes)

I never use STARTP folder, for I never need to have everything launched at startup.
Put it into:
C:/Documents and Settings/(user name)/Application data/Microsoft/Templates or
C:/Documents and Settings/(user name)/Application data/Microsoft/Word/Templates
or whatever you have there, but not STARTUP.

Then hook it up from the menu and add to the list of Add-ons and Plug-Ins. Then you can go there any time you need it and tick it in the list.

Otherwise you get too many unused tool-bars an menu items that sometimes mutually excluding, BTW.
It is like mending a fence... you don't need to carry all the hammers and saws... You know where they are and you take one of the as needed...

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:23
od 2006

angielski > afrikaans
+ ...
Is there... Aug 1, 2009

Argentine Translator wrote:
I go to Tools/Templates & Add-Ins and I click the Template Tab.

Is there anything there that might trigger a "File Open" dialog?


Kristyna Marrero
Kristyna Marrero  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:23
od 2007

How to install plus tools Aug 1, 2009

Argentine Translator wrote:

I downloaded PlusTools at
The instructions say: "In Ms-Word, use the Tools/Templates & Add-Ins menu to add the template to your list of templates".
But when I go to Tools/Templates & Add-Ins, I do not see the template.
I am using Word 2003. Best regards, AT


The simple way to do it is to go to Tools/Templates & Add-Ins, click the add button and browse to and click 'OK'. PlusTools will now appear in the list of templates and should be checked. You should now be able to use PlusTools.

Each time you want to use PlusTools, make sure that it is checked in the templates and add-ins list.



Spanish-English Translator
Spanish-English Translator
Local time: 10:23
angielski > hiszpański
+ ...
I have installed it Aug 1, 2009

Thank you to all of you for your help and consideration.
Samuel, I have a button called Add. I followed your instructions. They were very useful.
Sergei, I decided to put in Startup to avoid having to go to Templates and Add-ins everytime I want to use the software.
Best regards, AT


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How can I install PlusTools?

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