can't use glossary with WF classic
Autor wątku: Eleonora Tondon
Eleonora Tondon
Eleonora Tondon  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
czeski > włoski
+ ...
Oct 1, 2010

Good evening everybody!

I'm a WF user and for a very big translation project I'm using WF classic (I'm a Mac user and I'm using WFclassic with VirtualBox). My client just sent me a glossary but I can't use it with WF classic because at every segment I get this message: "This file cannot be reorganised because it is shared by another process."

Is there anyone who can help me with this?


[Modificato alle 2010-10-01 17:01
... See more
Good evening everybody!

I'm a WF user and for a very big translation project I'm using WF classic (I'm a Mac user and I'm using WFclassic with VirtualBox). My client just sent me a glossary but I can't use it with WF classic because at every segment I get this message: "This file cannot be reorganised because it is shared by another process."

Is there anyone who can help me with this?


[Modificato alle 2010-10-01 17:01 GMT]

Magdalena Szewciów
Magdalena Szewciów  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
angielski > polski
+ ...
huh Oct 1, 2010

It seems as if you had the glosary opened in your Notepad at the same time. Was it the case when you tried to reorganise it?

Eleonora Tondon
Eleonora Tondon  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
czeski > włoski
+ ...
:( Oct 1, 2010

No Magdalena,

I've only the .rtf document to translate opened.

Thanks for the hint!

John Fossey
John Fossey  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:24
od 2008

francuski > angielski
+ ...
Locked file Oct 1, 2010

This happens sometimes when a program that accessed the file hasn't released it. This can happen if the program terminated unexpectedly, or it can simply be a bug in the program. I have had MS Word and even the Windows operating system do this sometimes.

I have been using a simple little program called Unlocker for a while that solves this problem. After closing the file, right click on it and select Unlock, and it will disconnect it from the program that hasn't released it.
... See more
This happens sometimes when a program that accessed the file hasn't released it. This can happen if the program terminated unexpectedly, or it can simply be a bug in the program. I have had MS Word and even the Windows operating system do this sometimes.

I have been using a simple little program called Unlocker for a while that solves this problem. After closing the file, right click on it and select Unlock, and it will disconnect it from the program that hasn't released it.

Unlocker is available from

Hope this helps.

[Edited at 2010-10-01 17:36 GMT]

I just notice you said you're a Mac user - not sure if this will work with Mac or not.

[Edited at 2010-10-01 17:38 GMT]

Eleonora Tondon
Eleonora Tondon  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
czeski > włoski
+ ...
thanks but.. Oct 2, 2010

Good morning John!
Thank you for sharing but it didn't solve my problem

Have a nice day

Lesley Clarke
Lesley Clarke  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:24
hiszpański > angielski
Copy and paste Oct 4, 2010

Have you tried copying the glossary, starting a new glossary and pasting your glossary into it?

Eleonora Tondon
Eleonora Tondon  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
czeski > włoski
+ ...
I tried... Oct 5, 2010

Hello Lesley!

I just tried but it didn't work But thank you so much for sharing!
In the meantime I opened it with notepad and using the glossary in a very silly way: searching the term I need with ctrl+f!! But is the only way to use it!!


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can't use glossary with WF classic

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