Reverse propagation
Autor wątku: Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun
Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun
Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun
Local time: 11:16
angielski > portugalski
+ ...
May 1, 2011

Our WF glossaries definitely save us a lot of typing.

But when we translate from english (or other germanic) language to latin languages there is many times the need to invert the word sequence.

Ex: compact system -> sistema compacto (in Portuguese) is propagated in reverse (compacto sistema). I use cut and paste to adjust the order. In a long text this happen too often.

Is there any smarter solution for this? Has any version of WF a feature to handle th
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Our WF glossaries definitely save us a lot of typing.

But when we translate from english (or other germanic) language to latin languages there is many times the need to invert the word sequence.

Ex: compact system -> sistema compacto (in Portuguese) is propagated in reverse (compacto sistema). I use cut and paste to adjust the order. In a long text this happen too often.

Is there any smarter solution for this? Has any version of WF a feature to handle this inversion? If not, has anybody a trick that could be shared? Any suggestion is welcome, even if it saves a few clicks or a few key strokes. Even if the solution does not involve WF. In a long text this can make a big difference.

I, my fingers, my arms and my patience thank in advance.

Jean Lachaud
Jean Lachaud  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:16
angielski > francuski
+ ...
Glossary or reverse propagation? May 1, 2011

Your post is puzzling.

What is in the glossaries is what we put in them. IOW, if there is "sistema compacto" in the glossary for "compact system", then that is what will be either automatically propagated or manually entered.

When you mention propagation, I assume that you have enabled Pandora's Box, since that is where the propagation commands reside. Therefore, I am surprised that you appear to not know about PB's "PropagateInReverse" command, which Wf manual describe
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Your post is puzzling.

What is in the glossaries is what we put in them. IOW, if there is "sistema compacto" in the glossary for "compact system", then that is what will be either automatically propagated or manually entered.

When you mention propagation, I assume that you have enabled Pandora's Box, since that is where the propagation commands reside. Therefore, I am surprised that you appear to not know about PB's "PropagateInReverse" command, which Wf manual describes thusly: "Propagates terms in reverse order (useful by language pairs that have a reverse syntax order), when PropagateOnlyKnown (see below) is activated."

All the answers to your quest (within the limits of Wf) WRT propagation are in PB, and are clearly explained in the manual.

Local time: 11:16
francuski > niderlandzki
+ ...
Enter whole word groups into the glossary May 1, 2011

Wordfast is not limited, you can enter as many words as you want.

In my language pair this is even necessary because there is not always a space, and there is also a grammar problem.

système compact => compact systeem
fichiers compacts => compacte bestanden
poudre compact => compactpoeder

Another approach is to use the Word shortcuts, e.g. for
compacto sistema -> sistema compacto
you do sucessively :
Ctrl + Shift + right arr
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Wordfast is not limited, you can enter as many words as you want.

In my language pair this is even necessary because there is not always a space, and there is also a grammar problem.

système compact => compact systeem
fichiers compacts => compacte bestanden
poudre compact => compactpoeder

Another approach is to use the Word shortcuts, e.g. for
compacto sistema -> sistema compacto
you do sucessively :
Ctrl + Shift + right arrow (highlight the first "compacto")
Shift + Del (copy)
Ctrl + right arrow (one word to the right)
Shift + Insert (paste)
(Ctrl + Shift + right arrow doesn't work in WF Pro)

Hope this helps.

Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun
Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun
Local time: 11:16
angielski > portugalski
+ ...
PropagateInReverse May 2, 2011


"When you mention propagation, I assume that you have enabled Pandora's Box, since that is where the propagation commands reside. Therefore, I am surprised that you appear to not know about PB's "PropagateInReverse" command, which Wf manual describes thusly: "Propagates terms in reverse order (useful by language pairs that have a reverse syntax order), when PropagateOnlyKnown (see below) is activated."


Have used this command? Does i
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"When you mention propagation, I assume that you have enabled Pandora's Box, since that is where the propagation commands reside. Therefore, I am surprised that you appear to not know about PB's "PropagateInReverse" command, which Wf manual describes thusly: "Propagates terms in reverse order (useful by language pairs that have a reverse syntax order), when PropagateOnlyKnown (see below) is activated."


Have used this command? Does it really work?

Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun
Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun
Local time: 11:16
angielski > portugalski
+ ...
NMR's suggestion May 2, 2011


Thanks for the excellent tips! They spare me using the mouse which is a great improvement.

BTW, is there a word or (windows) shortcut that selects a whole word if the cursor is inside this particular word?

You are right. I can save in the dictionary composed expressions. I have been doing this for repetitive expressions. Time has shown that there are many possible word combinations and this method although good is not a general solution.

Local time: 11:16
francuski > niderlandzki
+ ...
Don't know May 2, 2011

Salvador Scofano and Gry Midttun wrote:

BTW, is there a word or (windows) shortcut that selects a whole word if the cursor is inside this particular word?

I don't know, but if you always move around in the target sentence with Ctrl + right arrow (or left arrow), you won't need it. (PS I have nearly always CopySourceWhenNoMatch and Propagate 1, 2 and 3 in PB, it saves a lot of time).

You are right. I can save in the dictionary composed expressions. I have been doing this for repetitive expressions. Time has shown that there are many possible word combinations and this method although good is not a general solution.

The value of this method is statistical. If in your source text "our compact system is very useful" (or whatever) occurs 20x, then enter it into the glossary, even if it is not a "regular expression" for other clients. It is also a reason to have client-specific glossaries.

[Modifié le 2011-05-02 08:57 GMT]


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Reverse propagation

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