"Translate until No Match" not working properly
Autor wątku: Alex Lago
Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:14
angielski > hiszpański
+ ...
Mar 29, 2012

Don't very often use the "Translate until No Match" feature but it always worked fine in the past.

Today I used it for the first time with the latest version 2.4.4., and it's not working properly.

When it reaches a segment with no match it places the source text in the segment, colors the segment purple (the color for "changed segment") and keeps on going so in effect it is operating like "Translate All".

I tried with "Translate until Fuzzy" and the same th
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Don't very often use the "Translate until No Match" feature but it always worked fine in the past.

Today I used it for the first time with the latest version 2.4.4., and it's not working properly.

When it reaches a segment with no match it places the source text in the segment, colors the segment purple (the color for "changed segment") and keeps on going so in effect it is operating like "Translate All".

I tried with "Translate until Fuzzy" and the same thing happens if there is a segment with no match it keeps on going, though it does stop when it reaches a fuzzy match.

I've looked in the preference settings to see if there was a setting that could explain this behavior but couldn't find anything.

Would appreciate any help with this,

[Edited at 2012-03-29 13:53 GMT]

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:14
angielski > arabski
Copy source on no match Mar 29, 2012

Dear Alex,

I could replicate this with "Translate Until No Match", but NOT with "Translate Until Fuzzy". This should be reported.

Please go to Edit menu > Preferences > Translation Memory and uncheck the option: "Copy source on no match".

I hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Yasmin Moslem

Wordfast Technical Support Speci
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Dear Alex,

I could replicate this with "Translate Until No Match", but NOT with "Translate Until Fuzzy". This should be reported.

Please go to Edit menu > Preferences > Translation Memory and uncheck the option: "Copy source on no match".

I hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Yasmin Moslem

Wordfast Technical Support Specialist
www.wordfast.com | www.wordfast.net

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:14
angielski > hiszpański
+ ...
Works for No Match but not for Fuzzy Mar 29, 2012

Thanks for the advice Yasmin

With "No Match" the program is now stopping when it doesn't find a match, so that seems to be working now.

"Until Fuzzy" stops at fuzzies but does not stop at no matches though it no longer puts the source in it leaves the segment empty and keeps on going until it find a fuzzy match. I don't think this is normal behavior, the way I understood it was that with "Translate Until Fuzzy" the program should stop at either a fuzzy or a no match.

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:14
angielski > arabski
Reported Apr 13, 2012

Dear Alex,

As for the main topic of this thread: not stopping with "Translate until no match" if "Copy source on no match" is active, I have reported it, and it should be fixed. Thanks for your feedback!

As for not stopping at "no matches" while using "Translate until fuzzy", this is how it works; otherwise, you can use "Translate until no match" instead.

Best Regards,
Yasmin Moslem... See more
Dear Alex,

As for the main topic of this thread: not stopping with "Translate until no match" if "Copy source on no match" is active, I have reported it, and it should be fixed. Thanks for your feedback!

As for not stopping at "no matches" while using "Translate until fuzzy", this is how it works; otherwise, you can use "Translate until no match" instead.

Best Regards,
Yasmin Moslem

Wordfast Support Team
www.wordfast.com | www.wordfast.net

[Edited at 2012-04-13 10:24 GMT]


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"Translate until No Match" not working properly

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