WF Pro hitches
Autor wątku: pcs_MCIL
angielski > włoski
+ ...
Nov 3, 2012


I have recently migrated to MacOS and I was expecting something more from Wordfast Pro, the only CAT I use that has a version for Mac.
Let's skip on the keyboard shortcuts that doesn't work and I have to set manually (as already told on this forum), another issue I encountered is that I cannot open TXML files double-clicking on them.
Wordfast is launched, but the file is not loaded - I have to do it manually by dragging the file on the WF windows or from the Open
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I have recently migrated to MacOS and I was expecting something more from Wordfast Pro, the only CAT I use that has a version for Mac.
Let's skip on the keyboard shortcuts that doesn't work and I have to set manually (as already told on this forum), another issue I encountered is that I cannot open TXML files double-clicking on them.
Wordfast is launched, but the file is not loaded - I have to do it manually by dragging the file on the WF windows or from the Open file > menu.

Second, I don't understand why before a TAG there is a vertical grey bar. In the version for Windows I never saw that. It kind of mess the look of the segment, so I'd like to get rid of it. Is it possible?

Third (not Mac-related), is it possible to keep one TM always selected for all of the projects? I'd like to build my own TM that is independent from the various projects, but currently I can achieve this by selecting it manually every time.

Fourth (not Mac-related): anybody ever noticed that it is not possible to sort projects and TM alphabetically? After having worked on 60 projects (so 60 projects/TM listed), it was time consuming to retrieve the one I wanted.

Fifth (not Mac-related): when I select a TM, the cursor is moved to top, and I have to manually scroll down again all of the projects. Can this be fixed?

Sixth (not Mac-related): the review feature is cool, but once I import back the reviewed files, the TM is not updated automatically. This is a problem when a project consists of 10 files with repetitions across all of them. I need to keep consistency - how I can make sure that I translated the repetitions the same way? (When reviewing in word, there is no TM available, thus I must rely on my memory, only)

christela (X)
christela (X)
Some comments Nov 4, 2012

Paola Slajmer wrote:

Fourth (not Mac-related): anybody ever noticed that it is not possible to sort projects and TM alphabetically? After having worked on 60 projects (so 60 projects/TM listed), it was time consuming to retrieve the one I wanted.

I do not understand why you create a TM per project. It seems counterproductive. I work on some 200 projects/month! Reorganize your TMs per subject, or per end client. Or have two or three big personal TMs.

Sixth (not Mac-related): the review feature is cool, but once I import back the reviewed files, the TM is not updated automatically. This is a problem when a project consists of 10 files with repetitions across all of them. I need to keep consistency - how I can make sure that I translated the repetitions the same way? (When reviewing in word, there is no TM available, thus I must rely on my memory, only)

Well this is a basic question= one always does reviews in the BILINGUAL file, not in the output. Then re-export it again.

Sorry but I cannot answer for the other points.

angielski > włoski
+ ...
Why do I work with multiple projects Nov 4, 2012

christela wrote:
I do not understand why you create a TM per project. It seems counterproductive. I work on some 200 projects/month! Reorganize your TMs per subject, or per end client. Or have two or three big personal TMs.

The agency I work with and that requires the use of Wordfast sends me the TXML plus the TM for that each job. The TM is specific for each end-client.
Plus, they work with a TEP workflow: even if I do all of the translations for client X, during EP stages my translations will be edited by other linguists, so my TM is not the most up-to-date.

Also, since I get the TXML from the agency, they set the language pair. I work only in the EN>IT pair, but it in Wordfast the source could be EN, EN-US, EN-GB, etc. and the target could be IT or IT-IT. So there are many combinations and the TM language pair and the TXML language pair must match.

christela wrote:
Well this is a basic question= one always does reviews in the BILINGUAL file, not in the output. Then re-export it again.

Of course you review bilingual file, but the TM must be updated after the review is made, otherwise you will repeat the same mistakes the next time.
The way WF Pro is, is just too time consuming: you have to export the TXML in the doc-reviewable format, then re-import the doc into TXML, but again you need to open each file and commit to TM all of their segments manually.
In another post it was mentioned that the autoupdate TM feature did not work.

For me is just time consuming this project: I proofread bilingually directly in WF Pro, and record my comments with a voice recorder. Wanna bet what method is faster?


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WF Pro hitches

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