WORDFAST error ""Next segment (TM Commit)" did not complete normally."
Autor wątku: Monika Marczak
Monika Marczak
Monika Marczak  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:33
polski > angielski
Nov 26, 2012


I just updated to the new demo version of Wordfast (3.1.1) and everytime I press 'alt+down' it comes up with the error message '"Next segment (TM Commit)" did not complete normally.' I have seen this in others threads and tried to close current TM and open a new one, close current terminology and open a new one, working without an active terminology - all to no avail. I would appreciate any help in this matter. Thank you in advance for your responses!!

Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:33
francuski > angielski
Did you already read this thread? Nov 27, 2012


Monika Marczak
Monika Marczak  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:33
polski > angielski
Yes, I read that thread Nov 27, 2012

Yes I did and tried and failed. I finally ended up following the advice to install the previous version. This solved the problem, but now on this version (3.1) when I want to open a terminology it says 'reindexing xxx' and gets stuck on that screen - flickering while at it, so I can't open termonologies. Have you had this happen before?
Thank you!

Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:33
francuski > angielski
no Nov 27, 2012

Sorry - hopefully Yasmin will come to the rescue soon... I'm not much of an expert with WFP actually, I still have a really old version because I don't use it very often.

By terminology, do you mean glossary, or TM? Does this happen with any glossary/TM or just one in particular?

[Edited at 2012-11-27 11:23 GMT]

Monika Marczak
Monika Marczak  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:33
polski > angielski
Glossary Nov 27, 2012

Hi Lori,
I meant glossary - I only tried one because the program kept freezing on it I gave up on one. I was in a rush and the glossary wasn't essential for the project I was working on so I just deactivated all glossaries and it worked fine. I'll try another one tomorrow. Thank you for your help Lori

John Daniel
John Daniel
Local time: 01:33
Workaround for 3.1.1 users Nov 27, 2012

Workaround for 3.1.1 users to stop this exception:

Go to Window > Show View > Select Outline, now Next Segment shortcut Alt+Down should work fine. Error occurs when outline view needs to be refreshed.

This is fixed in latest version and should be released very soon.

Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
angielski > arabski
Good news! Nov 27, 2012

John D. from Wordfast wrote:

Workaround for 3.1.1 users to stop this exception:

Go to Window > Show View > Select Outline, now Next Segment shortcut Alt+Down should work fine. Error occurs when outline view needs to be refreshed.

This is fixed in latest version and should be released very soon.

Many thanks, John!

Kind regards,

Monika Marczak
Monika Marczak  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:33
polski > angielski
Good news indeed :) Nov 27, 2012

Thank you very much for all the replies I'll be on the lookout for the new version.

Peggy Maeyer
Peggy Maeyer  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:33
angielski > niemiecki
It does work indeed! Dec 3, 2012

Dear all,
I encountered the same problem when I started working with 3.1.1 for the first time today - thanks for this workaround!


Yasmin Moslem
Yasmin Moslem  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
angielski > arabski
WFP 3.1.2 Dec 3, 2012

Peggy Maeyer wrote:

I encountered the same problem when I started working with 3.1.1 for the first time today - thanks for this workaround!

Dear Peggy,

The new version, WFP 3.1.2, is already there. So you do not need for workarounds anymore.

Kind Regards,
Yasmin (WF)

[Edited at 2012-12-03 21:42 GMT]


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WORDFAST error ""Next segment (TM Commit)" did not complete normally."

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