What are some particular strengths of Wordfast Pro?
Autor wątku: Thomas Johansson
Thomas Johansson
Thomas Johansson  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:22
angielski > szwedzki
+ ...
Nov 11, 2014

I wonder what people feel are the particular strengths, advantages or strong features of Wordfast Pro, in general comparison with other CAT tools?

I just got it through the group buy that is currently being organized by Proz, but I don't know much about it.

Thank you,


[Edited at 2014-11-11 22:12 GMT]

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:22
fiński > francuski
Find out Nov 12, 2014

Thomas Johansson wrote:
I wonder what people feel are the particular strengths, advantages or strong features of Wordfast Pro, in general comparison with other CAT tools?

Just start using it and find out!
Thomas Johansson wrote:
I just got it through the group buy that is currently being organized by Proz

Since you're a freelancer and are based in Latin America, you could actually have got it cheaper using the 50% country discount.

Dan Ilioiu
Dan Ilioiu  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:22
angielski > rumuński
+ ...
. Nov 12, 2014

Things that I see as strengths are:
- simpler, straightforward and more intuitive project creation
- simpler project folder structure (in fact all you see is one file, the txml).
- simpler translation memory management
- simpler interface
- fuzzy terminology highlighting in both source and target. Especially languages like Romanian, the fuzzy option is gold.

Another thing that like a lot is the text view mode, but this is just a personal opinion.
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Things that I see as strengths are:
- simpler, straightforward and more intuitive project creation
- simpler project folder structure (in fact all you see is one file, the txml).
- simpler translation memory management
- simpler interface
- fuzzy terminology highlighting in both source and target. Especially languages like Romanian, the fuzzy option is gold.

Another thing that like a lot is the text view mode, but this is just a personal opinion.

As weak points:
- display of the glossary terms found in the target (as list of terms in a separate area). Sometimes I forget a specific term I used and having these displayed would help.
- lack of segment filtering (like in memoQ)

All these refer to version 3.4.x. I know the two weaknesses are going to be "cured" in version 4.x.

Put it at work, you will soon find your own likes and dislikes. I am sure there will be more likes.


Alexander Matsyuk
Alexander Matsyuk  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:22
angielski > rosyjski
+ ...
[Like] Nov 12, 2014

Catalina/Dan Ilioiu wrote:
Another thing that like a lot is the text view mode...

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:22
Członek ProZ.com
od 2003

fiński > niemiecki
+ ...
Excel advanced wizard Nov 12, 2014

When you open an Excel file you can select Advanced, and then you can define into which column your translation will be placed. Later you only save the file, open it in Excel and do some final formatting. No copying step needed.
The editor is less comfortable than Studio, but it got better over the years.


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What are some particular strengths of Wordfast Pro?

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