4.22 or 5.0
Autor wątku: Natasha Stoyanova
Natasha Stoyanova
Natasha Stoyanova  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:22
angielski > bułgarski
+ ...
Jun 28, 2005

Hi All!

I am using version 4.22t22 from the beginning of the year (licenced), but feel myself steel as a beginner, as I do not use/try yet all the functions and possibilities of Wordfast.
I am wondering if there is sense to upgrade to the most recent version 5.0?
As I saw, the main new possibility is the TM editor, which of course seems very useful.
What are your experience/suggestions?

Gerard de Noord
Gerard de Noord  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:22
Członek ProZ.com
od 2003

angielski > niderlandzki
+ ...
Just do it! Jun 28, 2005

Wordfast 5.0 is a superior product. Yves Champollion has simplified the user interface - and not all users were glad with that - but you'll get used to that soon.

Put your old Wordfast.dot and INI files in a save place for backup purposes and start with fresh INIs. I'm sure you'll never need them again.


Natasha Stoyanova
Natasha Stoyanova  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:22
angielski > bułgarski
+ ...
Thanks, Gerard Jun 29, 2005

Gerard de Noord wrote:

Wordfast 5.0 is a superior product. Yves Champollion has simplified the user interface - and not all users were glad with that - but you'll get used to that soon.

Put your old Wordfast.dot and INI files in a save place for backup purposes and start with fresh INIs. I'm sure you'll never need them again.


but just one (stupid) question - will I be able to use my old TM created?

Gerard de Noord
Gerard de Noord  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:22
Członek ProZ.com
od 2003

angielski > niderlandzki
+ ...
Of course Jun 30, 2005

Without a problem. Reorganise it once in version 5 and you're ready to work. Always keep backups of your TMs and glossaries.


Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:22
Członek ProZ.com
od 2006

angielski > afrikaans
+ ...
WF 4.22t22 is more stable but 5.0 is not particularly unstable either Jul 18, 2005

AmusedNath wrote:
I am using version 4.22t22 from the beginning of the year (licenced), but feel myself steel as a beginner, as I do not use/try yet all the functions and possibilities of Wordfast.
I am wondering if there is sense to upgrade to the most recent version 5.0?

The problem with WF 5.0x is that you never know whether the version you're using has some bug in it. Sure, these bugs are fixed very quickly, but that means that you have to be subscribed to the WF Yahoogroup and read Yves' posts regularly to see whether there is a newer version available.

The advantage of WF 4.22t22, therefore, is that it contains virtually no bugs and you don't have to keep your ears open for patches or updates.

WF 5.0x is also leaner, because some of the more "industrial-strength" features have been removed or reduced. This should be a problem unless you were using those features. WF 4 tried to be a complete CAT tool for freelancers and agencies. WF 5 tries to be a complete CAT tool for freelancers only.

The WF 5.0x GUI has been redesigned, and a few features have been moved to other places (and some have been moved from WF to PlusTools and vice versa). Some things which used to be possible in PT without using WF now require having WF present.

All in all, I would encourage you to switch to WF 5.0x unless you have very irregular internet access.


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4.22 or 5.0

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