How do I translate only non-translated cells in Excel?
Autor wątku: Edward Potter
Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
od 2003

hiszpański > angielski
+ ...
Oct 25, 2005

I have 2 columns in Excel. The first column has the source language. The second column is for typing in the translation. However, the second column already has some of the cells filled in with translated text.

How do I go about attacking this translation with WordFast?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Pernille Chapman
Pernille Chapman  Identity Verified
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 18:29
od 2004

angielski > duński
+ ...
Work around the cells that have already been translated Oct 25, 2005

I haven't been in this situation myself, but in Excel, I usually translate directly into a copy of the source text column (although you're working in a Word file, the translated text goes directly into the worksheet). If you're working on a relatively short text, you should be able to copy only those source text cells that haven't been translated into the same column as the already translated cells. When the latter comes up in your Word file, you can then use the 'copy source' function to leave ... See more
I haven't been in this situation myself, but in Excel, I usually translate directly into a copy of the source text column (although you're working in a Word file, the translated text goes directly into the worksheet). If you're working on a relatively short text, you should be able to copy only those source text cells that haven't been translated into the same column as the already translated cells. When the latter comes up in your Word file, you can then use the 'copy source' function to leave the translation intact.

Obviously, this is no good for a much longer text, so I'm keen to know if there is a better way...

Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
od 2003

hiszpański > angielski
+ ...
Still need a better way Oct 25, 2005

Thanks for the reply, Pernille.

I do indeed have a very large file (over 3,000 lines) and several hundred are already translated in the next column. I need a way to translate into the empty cells in the next column while leaving the cells with the translations already done alone.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
od 2007

angielski > włoski
Use a filter... Oct 25, 2005

...on the second column only. Then choose "empty" option from the filter. This should leave you with only the empty cells. Hope this helps.

PS Filter > Automatic Filter from the Data menu. Then click on the arrow in the second column and choose "empty"

[Edited at 2005-10-25 15:58]

Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
od 2003

hiszpański > angielski
+ ...
Please explain more Oct 25, 2005

Hi Gianni,

Could you be a little more specific, please? I don't quite understand how to use the filter. Is it under the Formatting menu? Do I have to select the entire column?

Thank you!

Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
od 2003

hiszpański > angielski
+ ...
I can't find the arrow and "empty" Oct 25, 2005

PS Filter > Automatic Filter from the Data menu. Then click on the arrow in the second column and choose "empty"

Hi Gianni,

I'm feeling kinda dumb. I did find the Automatic Filter. When you say "the arrow" do you mean select the entire column? Where do I find that arrow? And, where do I choose "empty"? Do you mean "delete" by any chance?

Edward Potter
Edward Potter  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
od 2003

hiszpański > angielski
+ ...
I think I got it! Oct 25, 2005

Gianni, you have been a great help!

"The arrow" was a little arrow that appeared at the top of the selected column. I then selected the option "all" and it filters out (i.e. hides) all cells that has text in it. I can now go on my merry way translating all other text with WF and take out the filter when I am finished.

Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
od 2007

angielski > włoski
Hi Edward... Oct 25, 2005

Edward Potter wrote:

PS Filter > Automatic Filter from the Data menu. Then click on the arrow in the second column and choose "empty"

Hi Gianni,

I'm feeling kinda dumb. I did find the Automatic Filter. When you say "the arrow" do you mean select the entire column? Where do I find that arrow? And, where do I choose "empty"? Do you mean "delete" by any chance?

as I have never used wordfast, the procedure I explained can be done in Excel (dunno about doing the same in wordfast).

1) Select the column you want to apply the filter by clicking on (say) the B letter on top of the second column.

2) On top menu, go to Data (I have Excel in Italian, and it's called "Dati") It's the menu on the right of Tools

3) Select "Filter" and then "Automatic Filter"

4) On top of the column you have previously selected, notice a popup menu button

5) Click on that button. You should see a list of option. Scroll down til you see "empty cells" (or something similar) and select it.

6) This makes the filter select only the empty cells, leaving out the one with data in.

Try this and let me know

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
od 2006

angielski > afrikaans
+ ...
Reposting my reply from Yahoogroups Oct 26, 2005

Edward Potter wrote:
I have 2 columns in Excel. The first column has the source language. The second column is for typing in the translation. However, the second column already has some of the cells filled in with translated text.

The identical question was asked on the Yahoogroup, and I provided an answer (but received no reply). Does my solution not work? Here it is again:

1. Sort the columns alphabetically by the second column. This should give you all the translated rows together (either at the top or the bottom of the file). Copy only those rows with translations, and turn them into a TM. You can do this using Align in PlusTools (save the first column as source.txt, save the second column as target.txt, open both in MS Word, run PlusTools, and press the Align button).

2. Copy the source column to a new worksheet, and translate it using Wordfast, as usual, using your new TM. If you feel more comfortable working in MS Word, you can copy the column into an empty MS Word document instead, and translate it (just make sure you don't add additional line breaks).

3. When you're done, paste the translated column over the second column (it will replace everything in the second column).

If you have made changes to any of the existing translations, the above method will reflect those changes. If you want the existing translations to override any changes you've made, do this:

4. Paste the translated column into the third column instead of the second column.

5. Copy the three rows to MS Word or any other text editor that supports find/replace of tab characters. The newly translated strings will now have a double tab between the source and the target. Remove all double tabs using Find/Replace (find ^t^t, replace with ^t).

6. Copy everything back into Excel, and delete the third column.

So... does this method work?


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How do I translate only non-translated cells in Excel?

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