Networking and Wordfast
Autor wątku: Money Shot (X)
Money Shot (X)
Money Shot (X)
Local time: 23:24
japoński > angielski
Jan 18, 2008


We have been trying to use Wordfast in a multiple user client environment, sharing a TM and glossary stored in a server PC. So far, we have been having so many problems and I would like to ask for your experienced advice/help in case you might have already encountered these similar problems.

Let me first explain our setup.
1.) Server PC
- OS: Windows Server 2003
- Has a full-shared folder which stores the Translation Memory and Glossary to be share
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We have been trying to use Wordfast in a multiple user client environment, sharing a TM and glossary stored in a server PC. So far, we have been having so many problems and I would like to ask for your experienced advice/help in case you might have already encountered these similar problems.

Let me first explain our setup.
1.) Server PC
- OS: Windows Server 2003
- Has a full-shared folder which stores the Translation Memory and Glossary to be shared
- (I'm assuming having Wordfast installed in this PC is irrelevant, as well as MS Word)

2.) Clients (less than 20)
- OS: Windows XP
- running either MS Word 2000 or 2003
- installed Wordfast
- set unique user ID in TM Attribute
- mapped network drive to shared folder in Server PC
- checked "Share TM through LAN", and selected the shared TM
- checked "Glossaries are shared through a LAN", and selected the shared Glossary

The shared TM and Glossary files are newly created, therefore do not contain anything.
With the following setup, 18 users attempted to translate various documents at the same time.
The results were varied among many users. A few had no problems, while most encountered errors and/or dialogs that keep on popping up annoyingly.

I will describe some of the problems as best as I can.
1.) Networked session -> some users kept getting a dialog box that asked to join a networked session with another user. This was annoying because it served no clear purpose, since others were able to work fine without getting these dialog box. These dialog box popped frequently while translating a single document!

2.) Error writing to file: Glossary.txt -> could not understand the cause of this error.

3.) Glossary is shared & cannot be found, Glossary is read-only -> these are error messages encountered during testing. Basically a networking problem with the Glossary file. Around more than half of the users encountered these problems. Strangely, unchecking "Glossaries are shared through a LAN" seemed to eliminated the dialog box displaying the error messages. At one point, our Glossary file was even deleted during the testing!!!
Refer to quote from a user:
"First major problem was that after several additions to the Glossary, it happened that during the addition of another word using the 'add new entry to the glossary' box, after clicking the OK button, an error message popped up saying 'the glossary cannot be found' in the network (This isn't the exact error message) I checked if the glossary is selected, and it was selected, but just to make sure I selected it again. Then adding the same word, this time no more error. But after checking the glossary, all of the previous entry from me and my group were all gone. another user added after me and the japanese text also turned into garbage.What could have been the cause?"

4.) Old (default) user ID was recorded in TU attribute -> so we changed all our user ID's, however, some users when they inserted a new TU into the TM, the user ID attribute used was the default user ID.

5.) Major slowdown with Wordfast menus. -> basically, opening the Wordfast dialog was slow (2-4 seconds delay).

We have found many more bugs with Wordfast which we have not logged. We will try to log them from now on. Other bugs we found are not related to networking however.

Looking forward to your insights.
Thank you!

Daniel Grau
Daniel Grau  Identity Verified
od 2008

angielski > hiszpański
Networking and Wordfast Feb 5, 2008

I had similar problems. This is what worked for me:

1) Only one user has to select "Share this TM" for a local TM in the dialog box. Despite all logic, I could not make it work otherwise.

2) For convenience, I opened Word right in the server, selected a local copy of the TM and made the server "Share this TM". This ensures the TM is always as required by 1) above, so no one else has to be the first one sharing it.

3) All users have a the server disk mounte
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I had similar problems. This is what worked for me:

1) Only one user has to select "Share this TM" for a local TM in the dialog box. Despite all logic, I could not make it work otherwise.

2) For convenience, I opened Word right in the server, selected a local copy of the TM and made the server "Share this TM". This ensures the TM is always as required by 1) above, so no one else has to be the first one sharing it.

3) All users have a the server disk mounted in the desktop, so all can access the shared TM.

I haven't tried with a glossary, but I guess my solution would be the same: have just one user share it.



Money Shot (X)
Money Shot (X)
Local time: 23:24
japoński > angielski
I will try it... Feb 6, 2008

Thanks for your reply.

We will try to setup our environment as you have described.
When you say "All users have a the server disk mounted in the desktop", is this equivalent to mapping a network address? Just making sure.

So what you're trying to say is only one user should be have the "Share TM through LAN" option checked and same case with the Glossary right? And you let the PC which hosted the TM and glossary locally be the one to have the options checked. This
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Thanks for your reply.

We will try to setup our environment as you have described.
When you say "All users have a the server disk mounted in the desktop", is this equivalent to mapping a network address? Just making sure.

So what you're trying to say is only one user should be have the "Share TM through LAN" option checked and same case with the Glossary right? And you let the PC which hosted the TM and glossary locally be the one to have the options checked. This is interesting, since David Daduc replied stating that ALL users sharing the TM and/or glossary should have the option checked.

So far, we're now using Wordfast 5.52zx, and we are still encountering ALL the problems that I discussed below. Sometimes even, Wordfast will not find the matching TU and/or glossary item even if we are 100% sure that it is already in our TM/glossary. Reorganizing doesn't help, but again weirdly enough, after sometime Wordfast will work again. This unstability is something we really do not need, and the company needs to work upon on.

Daniel Grau
Daniel Grau  Identity Verified
od 2008

angielski > hiszpański
Networking and Wordfast Feb 13, 2008

> " is this equivalent to mapping a network address?"

Yes, that's right, as all users need to access files in the server.

Make sure all users have the same version of WF (very important, as there are some indexing differences). I failed to mention this before, so try again using the "proper way" if not all users had the same version. Do a reduced test with two computers only, and take it from there.

Not necessarily the last WF version will give satisfaction
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> " is this equivalent to mapping a network address?"

Yes, that's right, as all users need to access files in the server.

Make sure all users have the same version of WF (very important, as there are some indexing differences). I failed to mention this before, so try again using the "proper way" if not all users had the same version. Do a reduced test with two computers only, and take it from there.

Not necessarily the last WF version will give satisfaction; see the WF site for a repository of older stuff. In WF, bugs come and go, but a large portion of this is the buggy VBA. Me, I'm using a three-year-old version (I know its bugs).

>"only one user should be have the "Share TM through LAN" option checked and same case with the Glossary right?"

That's what works for me. With some glitches, of course, as once in a while I am forced to close out all sessions on account of sharing problems (insufficient privileges, busy files, etc.). Word has a little blame in all this, you know. It does not like sharing.

> "David Daduc replied stating that ALL users sharing the TM and/or glossary should have the option checked"

I guess this depends on the WF version. With the one we use here (5.17z3), there was no way to make it work using the "logical" settings. And I tried all permutations: share here, share there; share here, not share there; etc. I fact, I have no idea why I need to keep Word open in the server, but it won’t work otherwise.

I've also experienced the update problems you mention, but since I've seen some .tmp files in the shared folder, perhaps that has something to do with the updates not being instantaneous.

> "This instability is something we really do not need"

The sempiternal WF problem. That's why I stopped updating once I found a version that filled my needs and no longer afforded surprises.

Regards, and keep trying!



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Networking and Wordfast

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