Wordfast not loading entire TM?
Autor wątku: Gregory Flanders
Gregory Flanders
Gregory Flanders  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
francuski > angielski
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Feb 19, 2008

Hello Everyone,

I have been sent a very big TM (300k+ TU's) from a client, and I believe that Wordfast isn't sorting the entire file when I attempt to reorganize it. When I open the file in a text editor, I find all 300k TU's, but after the reorganization, WF tells me there are only 161,932 TU's.

Is it possible that I am running into a maximum number of TU's? That would surprise me, I thought the limit was closer to 500k, but I'm still a relatively new user to WF.
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Hello Everyone,

I have been sent a very big TM (300k+ TU's) from a client, and I believe that Wordfast isn't sorting the entire file when I attempt to reorganize it. When I open the file in a text editor, I find all 300k TU's, but after the reorganization, WF tells me there are only 161,932 TU's.

Is it possible that I am running into a maximum number of TU's? That would surprise me, I thought the limit was closer to 500k, but I'm still a relatively new user to WF.

My problem, ultimately, is that I'm not sure whether my additions to the TM (which are appended at the end of the file) are being considered for matches. However, when I open the TM in the TM editor, I can scroll to the bottom and see my TU's..

Any suggestions?


ps. WF 5.52zw1, registered copy.

Gregory Flanders
Gregory Flanders  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
francuski > angielski
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Problem solved Feb 19, 2008

Well, that was quick..

There was apparently an error in the formatting of the TM, after running "Repair and Compact" from the TM editor, WF is now recognizing 575,726 entries.

Please disregard my earlier post, is it possible to delete questions?



ps. Nothing like spending 3 days trying to figure out a problem that is resolved in 3 minutes by a program fea
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Well, that was quick..

There was apparently an error in the formatting of the TM, after running "Repair and Compact" from the TM editor, WF is now recognizing 575,726 entries.

Please disregard my earlier post, is it possible to delete questions?



ps. Nothing like spending 3 days trying to figure out a problem that is resolved in 3 minutes by a program feature I didn't know about.

[Edited at 2008-02-19 09:48]

Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
francuski > angielski
Don't delete your post! Feb 19, 2008

Someone else will surely encounter this problem one day and search for the solution I have never heard of "repair and compact" either.

Gregory Flanders
Gregory Flanders  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
francuski > angielski
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Well, not completely solved Feb 19, 2008

Thanks Lori, you're right about leaving this question open -- I had searched the forums before posting and didn't find anything that resembled my problem..

However, there are still some strange problems with this TM, for example, while trying to run a context search (CTRL-ALT-C) WF stops at 26%, and won't advance. Also, xbench hangs while trying to load the TM, even after I've "Repair and Compact"-ed it.

I believe it must be corrupted somewhere, but I can't seem to find
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Thanks Lori, you're right about leaving this question open -- I had searched the forums before posting and didn't find anything that resembled my problem..

However, there are still some strange problems with this TM, for example, while trying to run a context search (CTRL-ALT-C) WF stops at 26%, and won't advance. Also, xbench hangs while trying to load the TM, even after I've "Repair and Compact"-ed it.

I believe it must be corrupted somewhere, but I can't seem to find any obvious problems manually..

[Edited at 2008-02-19 10:51]

Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
francuski > angielski
Some ideas Feb 19, 2008

For context search hanging (does it also crash Word?) I had this experience before with a largish TM and deleting my .ini file and starting out with a fresh one solved that problem. Somehow my .ini had been corrupted along the way I suppose. Might be worth trying as with a TM that size I imagine you really need to use that function a lot.

No idea about xbench, I don't use that.

Other things to think about - was this a .tmx to start out with, or an original WF TM? M
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For context search hanging (does it also crash Word?) I had this experience before with a largish TM and deleting my .ini file and starting out with a fresh one solved that problem. Somehow my .ini had been corrupted along the way I suppose. Might be worth trying as with a TM that size I imagine you really need to use that function a lot.

No idea about xbench, I don't use that.

Other things to think about - was this a .tmx to start out with, or an original WF TM? Maybe something happened along the way ... do you know about this nifty tool Wf2Tmx http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/wordfast/files/
Maybe try to re-convert a copy of your TM using this and see if it helps?

What about encoding issues?

Post to the yahoo group?

John Di Rico
John Di Rico  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
Członek ProZ.com
od 2006

francuski > angielski
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TMX validator and Olifant, PB commands Feb 19, 2008

Thanks Lori for pointing us to this WF resource; I'll have to check it out.

You could also look at TMX validator: http://www.maxprograms.com/freetools.html
Olifant from Enlasso: http://www.translate.com/technology/tools/Olifant.html

As far as
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Thanks Lori for pointing us to this WF resource; I'll have to check it out.

You could also look at TMX validator: http://www.maxprograms.com/freetools.html
Olifant from Enlasso: http://www.translate.com/technology/tools/Olifant.html

As far as xbench, I don't use this either but if it is anadd-in, Wordfast automatically shuts down all other add-ins or templates to avoid conflicts. Check out this PB command to see if it solves your problem:
When you expand the Wordfast template, Wordfast de-activates any template or add-in found in Tools/Templates & Add-Ins. Many templates have shortcuts or macros that conflict with Wordfast's.
If you want to keep a template which can work together with Wordfast, enter its name. The example provided here would keep the template named "addin.dot" active together with Wordfast.
To keep all templates, use KeepTemplate=All. This setting, however, may cause problems with templates that rely on shortcuts used by Wordfast. (p. 58)

Hope this helps!


Valentina Sarno (X)
Valentina Sarno (X)
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 16:35
włoski > angielski
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Help repair TM? Mar 11, 2008

Hi... I have spent yesterday googling and reading here but have had no solution... I see here you mention about repairing a TM, how is that done?
I am translating a large file in excel. Have done similar ones for months, never had any trouble. Just this once, with entire sentences repeated even within the very document, Wordfast doesn't seem to update the TM. Not only that, even if I go up and down in sentences I have just translated, which normally will have them all green as 100% matches
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Hi... I have spent yesterday googling and reading here but have had no solution... I see here you mention about repairing a TM, how is that done?
I am translating a large file in excel. Have done similar ones for months, never had any trouble. Just this once, with entire sentences repeated even within the very document, Wordfast doesn't seem to update the TM. Not only that, even if I go up and down in sentences I have just translated, which normally will have them all green as 100% matches, it still leave them grey.
It only seems to bring up older repetitions, but I have checked the TM and new stuff has been added, so why doesn't it "register it"?
I am aware that I'm speaking in very un-technical terms, but I hope you'll understand and especially, could you tell me more about that repair feature? I couldn't find it in the manual!
Thank you so much for any help you can offer.
I am working on a Mac, have a fully registered copy of Wordfast (although it seems my hotline privileges have expired).
I am referring to a similar problem as Gflan:

"""My problem, ultimately, is that I'm not sure whether my additions to the TM (which are appended at the end of the file) are being considered for matches. However, when I open the TM in the TM editor, I can scroll to the bottom and see my TU's.. """

If you already actually answered this, I may have gotten lost in your technical speech, so I'm sorry in advance!!!


Valentina Sarno (X)
Valentina Sarno (X)
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 16:35
włoski > angielski
+ ...
Glossary editing found to cause havoc in match recognition Mar 11, 2008

Welll, as I await approval for my posting I just want to put here for the record (in case other people encounter this problem) that even though I don't know WHY on earth it does it, I know WHAT does it, and that's editing the glossary.
If I edit the glossary, as wordfast suggests, directly in word, it will then proceed to fuzz up the whole process and it will start not recognizing matches and so on. So do not edit the glossary from inside wordfast is my advice if you have this problem.
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Welll, as I await approval for my posting I just want to put here for the record (in case other people encounter this problem) that even though I don't know WHY on earth it does it, I know WHAT does it, and that's editing the glossary.
If I edit the glossary, as wordfast suggests, directly in word, it will then proceed to fuzz up the whole process and it will start not recognizing matches and so on. So do not edit the glossary from inside wordfast is my advice if you have this problem.
I managed to reverse the mess only by opening the document and TM from my macbook, translating a couple of sentences, then closing it opening it again in the main computer.
So there, another computer mystery solved. Bah. Silly wordfast, shame I normally treasure this program.

Gregory Flanders
Gregory Flanders  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:35
francuski > angielski
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How to repair a Wordfast TM Mar 11, 2008

Valentina Sarno wrote:

Hi... I have spent yesterday googling and reading here but have had no solution... I see here you mention about repairing a TM, how is that done?

Hello Valentina,

You can repair the TM (though I'm not sure about a glossary), by

1. opening the TM in wordfast (the button to the left of the f in the Wordfast menu)
2. clicking on the "Tools" button in the upper right hand corner.
3. choosing "Repair and compact TM" under "Special Filters."

I'm not sure about glossaries, but the same things should be possible (choose the glossary instead of the TM.) This strips out all of the characters that are messing up Wordfast..

I hope this helps, the manual has more information on this feature (though not too much more.)



Valentina Sarno (X)
Valentina Sarno (X)
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 16:35
włoski > angielski
+ ...
thanks but methinks it's a word problem - again. Mar 12, 2008

as per subject, i have found the tool you said (can't close the window after that, I mean I can' t actually see where to click in order to close it), and it crashes word who protests something about the "microsoft framework library"
so I guess the problem is with word, and office.
When I have finished this job I will try removing all office components and reinstalling. Perhaps it's a microsoft ruse so you don't use macs... only kidding.
Thanks again,


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Wordfast not loading entire TM?

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