Winters used to be cold in England. We, my parents especially, spent them watching the wrestling. The wrestling they watched on their black-and-white television sets on Saturday afternoons represented a brief intrusion of life and colour in their otherwise monochrome lives. Their work overalls were faded, the sofa cover—unchanged for years—was faded, their memories of the people they had been before coming to England were fading too. My parents, their whole generation, treadmilled away the best years of their lives toiling in factories for shoddy paypackets. A life of drudgery, of deformed spines, of chronic arthritis, of severed hands. They bit their lips and put up with the pain. They had no option but to. In their minds they tried to switch off—to ignore the slights of co-workers, not to bridle against the glib cackling of foremen, and, in the case of Indian women, not to fret when they were slapped about by their husbands. Put up with the pain, they told themselves, deal with the pain—the shooting pains up the arms, the corroded hip joints, the back seizures from leaning over sewing machines for too many years, the callused knuckles from handwashing clothes, the rheumy knees from scrubbing the kitchen floor with their husbands' used underpants.
When my parents sat down to watch the wrestling on Saturday afternoons, milky cardamon tea in hand, they wanted to be entertained, they wanted a laugh. But they also wanted the good guy, just for once, to triumph over the bad guy. They wanted the swaggering, braying bully to get his come-uppance. They prayed for the nice guy, lying there on the canvas, trapped in a double-finger interlock or clutching his kidneys in agony, not to submit. If only he could hold out just a bit longer, bear the pain, last the course. If only he did these things, chances were, wrestling being what it was, that he would triumph. It was only a qualified victory, however. You'd see the winner, exhausted, barely able to wave to the crowd. The triumph was mainly one of survival. | Simplified Chinese version:
在我的记忆里,英国的冬季是相当寒冷的.我们一家,尤其是我的父母,靠收看摔角节目度过冬季。星期六下午,在他们的黑白电视机上所播出的摔跤节目替我父母的单调生活带来一些活力与色彩。他们工作时穿的工装裤早已洗得发白,许多年以来都没换过的沙发套也褪了色,他们对来英国以前的那个自己的记忆也渐渐消逝。我的父母亲那一代的人,把他们人生中最美好的那一段时光,浪费在日复一日单调乏味的工作上,为了微薄的工资在工厂里苦干。单调沉闷的工作,变形的背骨,慢性关节炎,伤痕累累的手,就是他们人生的写照。除了紧咬着嘴唇忍受疼痛之外,他们别无选择。他们尝试将一切隔绝在外头- 忽略同事们的轻蔑,隐忍着不去反抗工头那些无意义且刺耳的命令。除了这些以外,对印度裔女人来说,还得试着别在被丈夫无缘无故赏一耳刮子以后耿耿于怀。忍耐着点,她们说服自己,这点疼不算什么- 手臂上锥心的刺痛,经年累月被磨损的髋关节,多年弓着身操作缝纫机的背部肌肉不时地抽搐。指关节因长年赤手洗衣而生满了老茧。患有风湿的膝盖则是多年来用先生穿过淘汰的旧内衣裤跪在地上刷洗地板的结果。
Traditional Chinese version:
在我的記憶裡,英國的冬季是相當寒冷的.我們一家,尤其是我的父母,靠收看摔角節目度過冬季。星期六下午,在他們的黑白電視機上所播出的摔跤節目替我父母的單調生活帶來一些活力與色彩。他們工作時穿的工裝褲早已洗得發白,許多年以來都沒換過的沙發套也褪了色,他們對來英國以前的那個自己的記憶也漸漸消逝。我的父母親那一代的人,把他們人生中最美好的那一段時光,浪費在日復一日單調乏味的工作上,為了微薄的工資在工廠裡苦幹。單調沉悶的工作,變形的背骨,慢性關節炎,傷痕累累的手,就是他們人生的寫照。除了緊咬著嘴唇忍受疼痛之外,他們別無選擇。他們嘗試將一切隔絕在外頭- 忽略同事們的輕蔑,隱忍著不去反抗工頭那些無意義且刺耳的命令。除了這些以外,對印度裔女人來說,還得試著別在被丈夫無緣無故賞一耳刮子以后耿耿於懷。忍耐著點,她們說服自己,這點疼不算什麼- 手臂上錐心的刺痛,經年累月被磨損的髖關節,多年弓著身操作縫紉機的背部肌肉不時地抽搐。指關節因長年赤手洗衣而生滿了老繭。患有風濕的膝蓋則是多年來用先生穿過淘汰的舊內衣褲跪在地上刷洗地板的結果。