translation contests »
27th translation contest: "Stories about nature" » English to Serbian

Competition in this pair is now closed.

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Source text in English

We live in one of the tiny apartments in a multi-storeyed building complex that provides shelter to a number of middle-class families. But, the members of the family Felis Domestica who have taken a fancy to our complex might very well outnumber the members of Homo Sapiens. Because these quadrupeds with retractable claws, who can boast of their country cousins- Lions, Tigers, Lynxes, and Ocelots fear no one in our vicinity. The increasing feline population possessing nine lives up their claws bothers everyone but provides comic relief to many.

These cats in our avenue have their own strict demarcations about territory. The ground floor, first and second-floor mousers keep to their floors except for hungry forays into the kitchens across the lines of control. The terrace is exclusively reserved for the young ones and occasionally used by the aristocrats from the erstwhile Siam for body lickings and sunbaths. Some of the tomcats find cozy corners for a purring sleep in places where there isn’t room to swing a cat in, such as the watchman’s cabin, where they might have found the poor fellow catnapping. God has gifted these cats with two voice boxes one for purring and another for meowing and a few of the feline sopranos in our locality keep all the residents awake with their nocturnal orchestras on special occasions.

Some of the residents who wish to be clean as a cat in pattens get irritated when these grey cats mess up their things. The hawks among the residents strongly feel that these cats should be driven out with a cat o’nine tails. But the doves are undecided waiting to see which way the cat jumps. Well, we don’t know who will be called to bell the cat!

Winning entries could not be determined in this language pair.

There were 13 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase. Not enough votes were submitted by peers for a winning entry to be determined.

Competition in this pair is now closed.

Entries (13 total) Expand all entries

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Entry #33124 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry5.005.00 (2 ratings)5.00 (2 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
gdе se nemaš gde okrenuti
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
razoruža neprijatelja
Flows well
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
Entry #33343 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Montenegrin
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry5.005.00 (2 ratings)5.00 (2 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 3 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
ноћним аријама
Good term selection
Jelena Petrovic
ове мачке треба истерати огњем и мачем
Good term selection
Maša Radonić
упусти у рат са мачкама
Good term selection
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
Entry #33100 — Discuss 0 — Variant: serbian
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.844.67 (3 ratings)5.00 (3 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 5 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
  • 2 users disagreed with "likes" (5 total disagrees)
rgana za oglašavanje
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
da se u vodu ne bacaju samo prvi mačići.
Good term selection
Maša Radonić
kao mačka oko vrele kaše
Good term selection
Maša Radonić
situacija stvarno nije mačji kašalj
Good term selection
Maša Radonić
Entry #33509 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.674.67 (3 ratings)4.67 (3 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 3 "like" tags
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
седефли нанулама
Good term selection
Jelena Petrovic
на коју ће страну превагнути.
Good term selection
Svetomir Mijovic
Entry #32752 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.504.57 (7 ratings)4.43 (7 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 3 users entered 6 "like" tags
  • 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
  • 1 user disagreed with "likes" (2 total disagrees)
ojoj polazi za kandžama da ima devet života,
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
kada ih glad natera
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
Good term selection
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
gde možda čak zateknu ovog mučenika kako i sam dremka
Flows well
Jelena Petrovic
ujutru ni belu mačku ne vide
Flows well
Jelena Petrovic
da li će se mačke dočekati na noge.
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
Entry #32773 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Anita Dalsaso
Anita Dalsaso
Bośnia i Hercegowina
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.504.33 (3 ratings)4.67 (3 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
9 života u svojim kandžama
Flows well
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
Entry #32737 — Discuss 0 — Variant: serbian
Cmilja Milosevic
Cmilja Milosevic
Bośnia i Hercegowina
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.254.50 (2 ratings)4.00 (2 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 2 "like" tags
једва да могу да се увуку
Flows well
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
Good term selection
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
Entry #33139 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.255.00 (2 ratings)3.50 (2 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
pruža razbibrigu
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
glađu izazvanih upada
Good term selection
odlično re​šenje
Jelena Petrovic
Entry #33163 — Discuss 0 — Variant: serbian
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.253.50 (2 ratings)5.00 (1 rating)
Entry tagging:
  • 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
simboli tajanstvenosti
Flows well
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
Entry #33523 — Discuss 0 — Variant: serbian
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry4.004.00 (4 ratings)4.00 (4 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
glađu izazvanih
Good term selection
Jelena Petrovic
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
Entry #33224 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry3.753.50 (4 ratings)4.00 (4 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • 4 users entered 7 "like" tags
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
plemstvo iz bivšeg Sijama
Flows well
Jasna Gonda
Good term selection
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
oka da sklope
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
naprave nered
Good term selection
Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic
kao mačka oko vruće kaše.
Flows well
izraz u ko​me se pomi​nje mačka,​ u skladu ​sa tekstom
Maša Radonić
ko će se latiti tog vrućeg krompira
Flows well
Natalija Galacheva Dimitrieva
Entry #32749 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.753.00 (2 ratings)2.50 (2 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • No "like" tags
Entry #32821 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specified
Voting points1st2nd3rd
Rating typeOverallQualityAccuracy
Entry2.502.50 (2 ratings)2.50 (2 ratings)
Entry tagging:
  • No "like" tags