Maximize Your Productivity with Effective Machine Translation Post-Editing

Formats: Videos
Topics: Technical & scientific documents translation
Machine Translation Post-Editing
Overview of translation tools
Software, tools & computing
Productivity tools
Translation project skills
Services and specialization
Editing and proofreading
Grow your translation business
Translation project management
Translation quality assurance

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 60 minutes.

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Turn Machine Translation from Foe to Ally

Maximize Your Productivity with Effective Machine Translation Post-Editing
Summary:This course aimed at translators, LSPs and project managers debunks the myths about machine translation (MT) and explains the challenges involved in setting up customized MT systems. Participants are guided through the key steps in the process of successfully integrating MT into their translation workflows, to reduce turnaround times and offer competitive rates without sacrificing the quality of the final product.
This course explains how translators, LSPs and project managers can turn machine translation (MT) from a dreaded foe into a powerful ally. By learning the strengths and weaknesses of this much talked about but little understood technology, you will be able to assess if, why and how you could use MT as part of your business, depending on your language pairs, specialization areas and type of clients.
The main approaches to MT system design are presented in a non-technical accessible way, including the well-established rule-based architectures and the increasingly popular statistical and hybrid approaches, which rely on parallel corpora and translation memory databases. You will be alerted to the key factors to consider when assessing the actual potential and the limitations of MT, balancing the pros and cons of introducing it into your own translation workflows, especially with regard to the initial investment and its expected return.
Target audience
- Translators starting in the industry who want to develop up-to-date professional skills
- Experienced professionals (both freelance and in-house) wishing to explore the potential of MT
- Translation project managers
- LSPs and translation agencies
- Localization vendors
Learning objectives
In this course you will:

- understand the principles behind how MT systems work, covering rule-based, statistical and hybrid systems
- learn how to plan the preparation of the resources required to build MT systems using well-established open-source development platforms
- familiarize yourself with the key variables to consider when deciding if/how/why you could use MT, depending on your own language pairs, specialization areas and clients
- Interest in understanding how MT works and how it can play a role in professional translation
- English as one of your working languages (source or target)
- Experience in technical/specialized translation is desirable
- Familiarity with CAT tools (especially translation memory software) is an advantage, but not essential
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- Recent evolution and latest developments in MT
- Main approaches to MT system design: rule-based, statistical and hybrid
- Challenging linguistic and translation-related phenomena for MT
- Issues to consider when incorporating MT into your translation workflow
- Integration of MT and CAT tools (in particular translation memory software)
- Current trends and future prospects in MT
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
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Price: 25.00 USD
Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat

Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording and handouts provided by the trainer.

How do I purchase the video?

To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

How do I access the video?

Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here.

How do I access handouts?

Follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

Where can I find a certificate of attendance?

A certificate of attendance can be issued upon training completion and as per your request. A certificate of attendance can be downloaded at
Created by
Federico Gaspari    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Federico Gaspari is associate professor of English linguistics and translation studies at the University for Foreigners ‘Dante Alighieri’ of Reggio Calabria (Italy), where he is coordinator of the two-year Masters-level Programme in ‘Interpreting and Cross-Cultural Mediation Studies’ and director of the ‘Dante Alighieri’ University Language Centre. Since 2010 he has been a visiting postdoctoral researcher at Dublin City University (Ireland), where he has worked on 4 European research projects focusing on machine translation evaluation (CoSyne, QTLaunchPad, MLi and currently TraMOOC).

After graduating in translation studies from the University of Bologna at Forlì (Italy) he completed an MSc and a PhD in machine translation at the University of Manchester (UK) and has held lecturing and research positions at the Universities of Manchester, Salford, Bologna at Forlì and Macerata. His teaching and research interests include translation technologies (with a special focus on machine translation, post-editing and translation quality evaluation), technical and specialised translation, translation theory, corpus linguistics, corpus-based translation studies and English linguistics. He has published widely on these subjects and is a regular speaker at international conferences on these topics.
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