Translator's Toolbox: Clients Base Management

Formats: Videos
Topics: Business of Translation and Interpreting
Health and lifestyle for translators
Grow your translation business
Time management
Business skills for translators
Software, tools & computing

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 60 minutes.

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

Summary:Learn how to gather the most important and necessary information from your clients and store it in a compact and easily accessible way to serve your business and improve your productivity.
This training is dedicated to turning your clients data into a solidified, practical and easy-to-access database that can serve you in various situations, such as:
- marketing
- networking
- administration
and more

Some feedback from others on this course's trainer:

"Lots of useful information and tips and things I had never thought about before which I will definitely try."
Sarah Cutts

"The webinar was very interesting and Tanya is really great!"
Nona Stanciu Dell'Acqua
Target audience
- Freelancers starting in the translation industry.
- Experienced freelancers who want to maintain and expand their clients database.
Learning objectives
- gathering information from clients
- storing and updating the data
- using the data
- protecting the data
Average familiarity with MS Office, Gmail and cloud platforms.
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
Click to expand
Price: 20.00 USD
Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat

Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording and handouts provided by the trainer.

How do I purchase the video?

To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.

How do I access the video?

Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here.

How do I access handouts?

Follow the link on the top right corner as suggested here.

Where can I find a certificate of attendance?

A certificate of attendance can be issued upon training completion and as per your request. A certificate of attendance can be downloaded at
Created by
Tanya Rozanes Olevsky    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Since 2007 I have operated my own language studio, LinguaCom, providing translation and tutoring services to clients internationally. I have 15 years of experience as a translator and private tutor (before I started my own business, I worked with other service providers, translated and edited academic materials from scratch to publication, and taught English in various settings, both private and public). My first experience as a trainer was in 2015, when I was invited to teach a course of advanced proficiency in a translators training program in Lifshitz Academic College, Jerusalem. I was also a speaker on a ProZ Translator's Day Virtual Conference.

I share my experience, tips and thoughts in a translation blog on my website: You are welcome to visit and take a part in the discussion by posting your comments and questions.

I hold an MA in Special Education from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a BA in Psychology as well as a BA in Culture and Language Studies (English, French). I have a certificate in Technical Writing.
General discussions on this training