translation contests »
Sin telaraña en las pupilas: "Frases de Oliverio Girondo" » Spanish to English

Competition in this pair is now closed, and the winning entry has been announced.

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Source text in Spanish

- «Aspiramos a ser lo que auténticamente somos, pero a medida que creemos lograrlo, nos invade el hartazgo de lo que realmente somos».

- «Los únicos brazos entre los cuales nos resignaríamos a pasar la vida son los brazos de las Venus que han perdido los brazos».

- «Una luz sin fuerza para llegar al suelo ribetea con tiza las molduras y las aristas de las casas, que tienen facha de haber dormido mal, y obliga a salir de entre sus sábanas a las nubes desnudas, que se envuelven en gasas amarillentas y verdosas y se ciñen, por último, una túnica blanca».

- «Jamás existirán caballos capaces de tirar un par de patadas que violenten, más rotundamente, las leyes de la perspectiva y posean, al mismo tiempo, un concepto más equilibrado de la composición, que el par de patadas que tiran los heroicos percherones de Paolo Uccello».

- «Nada ansío de nada, mientras dura el instante de eternidad que es todo, cuando no quiero nada».

- «Aunque se alteren todas nuestras concepciones sobre la Vida y la Muerte, ha llegado el momento de denunciar la enorme superchería de las "Meninas" que —siendo las propias "Meninas" de carne y hueso— colgaron un letrerito donde se lee Velázquez, para que nadie descubriera el auténtico y secular milagro de su inmortalidad».

- «La disección de los ojos de Monet hubiera demostrado que Monet poseía ojos de mosca; ojos forzados por innumerables ojitos que distinguen con nitidez los más sutiles matices de un color pero que, siendo ojos autónomos, perciben esos matices independientemente, sin alcanzar una visión sintética de conjunto».

- «El cúmulo de atorrantismo y de burdel, de uso y abuso de limpiabotas, de sensiblería engominada, de ojo en compota, de rebote y de tristeza sin razón —allí está la pampa... más allá del indio... la quena... el tamboril— que se espereza y canta en los acordes del tango que improvisa cualquier lunfardo».

- «Los cubistas salvaron a la pintura de las corrientes de aire, de los rayos de sol que amenazaban derretirla pero —al cerrar herméticamente las ventanas, que los impresionistas habían abierto en un exceso de entusiasmo— le suministraron tal cúmulo de recetas, una cantidad tan grande de ventosas que poco faltó para que la asfixiaran y la dejasen descarnada, como un esqueleto».

- «Los bustos romanos serían incapaces de pensar si el tiempo no les hubiera destrozado la nariz».

There were 26 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase.

Entries submitted in this pair were rated on a per-segment basis. Listed below are all submitted translations of each individual source text segment.

Submitted segment translations

Translations submitted for each source text segment are listed below. Segments have had surrounding punctuation stripped, and the resulting identical segments have been grouped together, so each listed translation should differ, but the difference may be subtle (eg. internal punctuation or diacritics).

Viewing segment # out of 10

Source text segment #3

- «Una luz sin fuerza para llegar al suelo ribetea con tiza las molduras y las aristas de las casas, que tienen facha de haber dormido mal, y obliga a salir de entre sus sábanas a las nubes desnudas, que se envuelven en gasas amarillentas y verdosas y se ciñen, por último, una túnica blanca».
Rank by:
Terrible writing, including simple spelling errors.
+1 | -1
Este párrafo ocurre hacia el final de una prosa poetizada que describe no poco cínica y cómicamente las ceremonias de Semana Santa en Sevilla en c. 1923. Hay constantes y paradójicas contraposiciones entre lo profano y lo sagrado, el cielo y el “lla
Contraposiciones: nubes y luz Vs tacones/suelo/lápidas de aceras, etc. y las casas/balcones/cabezas/campanadas... entre medio? Hay imagenes de estrujamiento vertical en este “sandwich” sevillano (fémur perfora intestinos/cabezas sostenidas por cuerp
Contraposiciones: nubes y luz Vs tacones/suelo/lápidas de aceras, etc. y las casas/balcones/cabezas/campanadas... entre medio? Hay imagenes de estrujamiento vertical en este “sandwich” sevillano (fémur perfora intestinos/cabezas sostenidas por cuerp
Las nubes bajan a tierra ante el estupor de ver a Dios cogido (“bajan hasta la altura de los techos y [...] comienzan a llorar.”). Al final, esta ceremonia de la muerte “entronizada sobre el mundo” pide a gritos más bien... dormir (¿escape?/¿pa

Translations of this segment (26 total; 26 unique)

A light too feeble to reach the ground strews pallid embroidery across the mouldings and edges of the houses, with their sleepless, washed-out look, and rousts out from under their bedsheets the naked clouds, which wrap up tightly in yellowish muslin and, finally, attire themselves in pale gowns
A light too fragile to reach the ground trims the moldings and edges of houses with chalk, which have a look of having slept wrong, and forces the bare clouds out from under the sheets, which wrap themselves in yellowish and greenish gauzes and cling to, at last, a white tunic
A light with no strength to reach the ground trims with its chalk the moldings and the edges of houses, that look as if they've had a bad night’s sleep, and from under their sheets it forces the popping out of the naked clouds, those now wrapping yellowish and greenish muslins around them, and covering themselves up, at last, with a white robe
A light too weak to reach the ground chalks out the frames and the edges of the houses, which have a semblance of having slept poorly, and forces the naked clouds from between their sheets to be enveloped in gauzes of yellows and greens before finally taking the shape of a white robe
A light too faint to reach the ground limns the mouldings and arrises of houses, that look like they haven’t slept well, and summons from under their sheets the naked Nephelae, who wrap themselves in greenish yellow gossamer before finally donning their white tunics
A light that is too weak to reach the ground draws a silhouette in chalk around the moldings and edges of the houses, which look like they slept poorly, and forces the bare clouds to get out from under the covers, wrapped in yellowish-greenish mist, and, finally, cling to a white tunic
A light too faint to reach the ground put chalk stripes on the corners of the houses, which looked as if they had slept badly, and pulled from under their sheets the bare clouds, which wrapped themselves in gauze tinged with yellows and greens and fastened a white tunic on top
A light too weak to reach the ground, traces in chalk the mouldings and edges of the sleep-crumpled houses; forcing out from their bed sheets the naked clouds, cloaked in a veil of greens and yellows, to finally gird themselves in a robe of white
A light too feeble to reach the floor outlines in chalk the mouldings and edges of the houses, which have the look of having poorly slept, and forces you out from between your sheets into the naked clouds, which wrap you in yellowish and greenish gauze and, lastly, fold you into a white robe
A light without strength to reach the ground highlights with chalk the moldings and edges of the houses, which look as if they have had a bad night’s sleep, and forces the clouds to come naked from their sheets, and wrap themselves in greenish and yellowish gauze and finally, they tie on a white tunic
The chalk-coloured light, too weak to reach the ground, scratches along the edges and corners of yawning houses, and forces the clouds out, naked, from beneath their sheets to wrap themselves up in dirty greens and yellows, before, finally, stepping into their white robes
A faint light almost unable to reach the ground tinges in white the mouldings and edges of the houses, which look as if they had had a restless night, a light that orders out of their bed-sheets the naked clouds wrapped in yellowish greenish chiffons and a white clinging tunic
A light without force to reach the ground, edges with chalk the mouldings and the arrises of houses which seem to have slept bad, and makes you get out from between the sheets to the undressed clouds which are wrapped in yellow and greenish gauzes, and finally put on a white tunic
A light so frail which will not graze the floor, chalks the edgings of frames and ridges of homes which appear to have had a dreadful night, and forces the naked clouds out of their sheets, to be wrapped in yellowish and greenish muslin, and finally cling into a white tunic
A light without the energy to reach the ground, diffusely draws the shapes and outlines of the houses, that give the impression of having slept badly, and forces the unclad clouds to step out from their bed sheets to wrap themselves in yellow-greenish hazes and to gird themselves finally with a white tunic
A light that is not strong enough to reach the ground draws a chalk border around the mouldings and edges of the houses, who look like they have slept badly, and obliges the naked clouds to come out from between the sheets, wrapping themselves in yellow and green gauzes and finally covering themselves in a tight white tunic
a light without sufficient strength to reach to the ground edges with chalk the houses’ mouldings and corners, who don’t look as if they’re well rested, and forces the naked clouds to abandon their sheet, who shroud themselves in yellowish and greenish muslin and who finally hug a white robe
Not strong enough to reach the floor, a light fringes with chalk the moldings and arrises of the houses, which have the air of having had a bad night's sleep, and it forces the clouds to come out naked from between their sheets, so they wrap themselves up in yellowish and greenish gauzes and girdle themselves, lastly, with a white tunic
A light without strength to reach the floor outlines with chalk the molding and the edges of the houses, which look as having slept badly, and it forces the naked clouds out from the sheets, which wrapped themselves in yellowish and greenish gauze and, finally, they fasten in a white tunic
A light without the strength to reach the ground sketches the outlines of the moldings and edges of the houses, which have a badly slept look, and obliges the clouds, draped with yellow and greenish gauze and wrapped in white tunics, to emerge naked from their sheets
A light, without the luster to touch the floor hazily fringes the contours and edges of houses that appear to have badly slept, and impels from its sheets denuded clouds that wrap themselves in greenish and yellowed gases, finally self-girdling in a white robe
A powerless to reach ground light chalks out moldings and edges of houses with a bad dreaming visage, and forces naked clouds out from below its bed sheets, which wrapped in yellowish and greenish voiles and fit tightly, lastly, a white robe
A chalky light, too feeble to reach the ground, adorns the frames and edges of the houses, which apear to have have slept badly; and from between the sheets forces out bare clouds wrapped in pale yellow and green gauze ending up draped in a tunic of white
A light too wan to reach the floor ribbons with chalk markings the protrusions and edges of houses presenting the appearance of having slept poorly and forces from amid their sheets the departure of naked clouds that are enwrapped in yellowed and greenish gauzes and that gird themselves lastly in a white robe
A light, powerless and unable to reach the ground, chalk-borders moldings and edges of houses, which look like having slept poorly, and forces bare-naked clouds out of their sheets, the clouds that get wrapped in yellowish and greenish gauze, and finally gird a white robe
A light, powerless to reach the groung, trims with chalk the mouldings and edges of the houses that seem to have slept badly, and forces the naked clouds to come out from in between their sheets to wrap themselves up in yellowish and greenish gouzes, wearing lastly a white robe

Viewing segment # out of 10