Translations of this segment (26 total; 26 unique)There will never be horses capable of delivering a more emphatic kick in the teeth to the laws of perspective, while at the same time having a more balanced concept of composition, than the kick of one of Paolo Uccello’s heroic Percheron draught horses No earthly horse’s kicks could ever shatter, more completely, the laws of perspective —and possess, simultaneously, a more balanced notion of composition— than the kicks of the heroic Percherons of Paolo Uccello No horses will ever exist that can give a couple of kicks that more completely violate the laws of perspective and that hold, at the same time, a more balanced view of the composition, than the couple of kicks that Paolo Uccello's heroic Percherons give There will never be horses as capable of giving a couple of kicks that more bluntly violate the laws of perspective, and that at the same time posses a more balanced concept of composition, than those couple of kicks that Paolo Uccello’s heroic Percherons always give There will never be horses whose kicking so resoundingly exceeds the bounds of laws on perspective, while adhering to such a fine balance in composition, as the kicks aimed by Paolo Uccello's mighty Percherons Never will there be horses capable of a kick that shatters, so utterly, the laws of perspective, and possess, all the while, a more balanced notion of composition, than the kicks of the heroic Percherons of Paolo Uccello Never will there be horses capable of thrusting a pair of kicks that violate, more roundly, the laws of perspective and maintain, at the same time, a more balanced approach to composition, than the pair of kicks thrusted by the heroic Percherons of Paolo Uccello There will never be a horse's kick capable of distorting the laws of perspective more completely, whilst at the same time possessing a more balanced concept of the piece, than the kicks of the heroic percherons of Paolo Uccello In real life, there will never exist horses with the power to unleash kicks that so completely shatter the laws of perspective while retaining, at the same time, such a balanced sense of composition, as the kicks launched by the titanic stallions of Paolo Uccello Never will be horses capable to throw a couple kicks that transgress, more flatly, perspective laws and to have, at one time, a more poised concept of composition, as pair kicks thrown by heroic Paolo Uccello’s shire horses There will never be horses capable to throw a couple of kicks which forced, even more emphatically, the laws of perspective and who possess, at the same time, a more balanced concept of composition, than the couple of kicks which throw the heroic Clydesdale horses of Paolo Uccello Never again will there be horses quite so capable to give a couple of kicks that so categorically contravene the laws of perspective and, at the same time, possess a more balanced concept of composition, like the couple of kicks given by Paolo Uccello’s heroic Percherons No horse will ever exist capable of throwing kicks so roundly able to distort the laws of perspective and at once possess the notion of a well-balanced work such as those thrown by Paolo Uccello’s valiant Percherons There will never exist horses able to throw a couple of kicks that more flatly break the laws of perspective and, at the same time, hold a more balanced concept of the composition, than the couple of kicks thrown by the Paolo Uccello's heroic Percheron horses There shall never be horses that can kick the laws of perspective so violently, so emphatically, while at the same time possess a more balanced concept of composition, than the couple of kicks thrown by the heroic Percherons of Paolo Uccello Never will there be horse kicks which, though preserving such a well-balanced concept of composition, should so brutally break the laws of perspective as the kicks given by Paollo Ucello's percheron horses Never will there be horses such as the heroic stallions of Paolo Uccello, who, with but a couple of kicks, break all the laws of perspective while achieving the utmost balance of composition There will never be horses capable of throwing a couple of kicks which violate, more rotundly, the laws of perspective and which, at the same time, possess a more balanced concept of composition, than the pair of kicks thrown by Paolo Uccello´s heroic shires Never will exist horses capable of kicking more emphatically the laws of perspective and at the same time, possessing the most balanced concept of composition than the couple of kicks thrown by Paolo Uccello’s heroic shire horses Never will there be horses capable to kick out as mightily and to estrange therewith the laws of perspective in such a way and, at the same time, to illustrate such a convincing concept of equilibrium and of composition as the ones that Pablo Ucccello’s heroic Percherons perform No horses will ever exist capable of landing a couple of kicks that so emphatically violate the laws of perception, and which at the same time possess a balanced view of the composition, as the couple of kicks meted out by the heroic Percherons of Pablo Uccello There will never exist horses capable of kicking with both legs which, more effectively, violate the rules of perspective, and which possess, at the same time, a more balanced concept of composition, than Paolo Ucello's heroic Percherons kicking with both legs Never will exist horses able to pull a couple of kicks violent enough to break perspective laws and, at the same time, hold a more balanced concept of composition than a pair of kicks pulled by heroic Percherons of Paolo Uccello There will never exist horses able to let go a couple of kicks that violate more firmly the laws of perspective, and possess at the same time a more balanced approach to the composition, than the couple of kicks from the heroic Paolo Ucceello’s percherons There will never be horses able to more abruptly kick the laws of perspective out of shape and, at the same time, possess a more balanced concept of composition than than the kicks given by Paolo Uccello's heroic Percherons There will never exist horses capable of kicking up a pair of hooves that more fully violate the laws of perspective and possess at the same time a more balanced idea of composition than the pair of hooves kicked up by the heroic Percherons of Paolo Uccello |