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Search results: (160 matches)
ForumWątekTytułTekstAutor wątkuCzas
Scams Beware of some people Rotten potatoes [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote: Just
imagine I bought a bag of potatoes and the farmer
came to me to say that I cannot eat my potatoes
because the supermarket company hasn't paid h
traductorchile Mar 20, 2012
Scams Beware of some people I must agree in part [quote]Simon Bruni wrote: Translations are
protected by copyright law. But even under your
analogy, if a supermarket is involved in illegal
activities, its customers have the right to k
traductorchile Mar 20, 2012
Translation news Why bilinguals are smarter Bilingualism - imagination - open-mindness The experiment of the babies made me think that
the bilingual's reaction might be due to having a
more versatile imagination, maybe more
open-minded, more ready to doubt of pre-concieved
traductorchile Mar 19, 2012
Translators Associations Should the FIT-IFT judge the corporate ethics of its member associations? Do you think that the FIT-IFT should accept as
member associations or terminate membership of
those associations that have a corrupt Board of
Directors? If one of the purposes of the
traductorchile Mar 19, 2012
Safe computing All power to Big-Google-is-watching-you? Good ideas go as fast as the wind [quote]Charlotte Blank wrote: If you are worrying
about your privacy (and not only that!) try this
engine: "Startpage
search engine protects your P
traductorchile Mar 5, 2012
Money matters Discounts and rates for fuzzy match and repetitions Simple it is [quote]Vladimír Hoffman wrote: But, generally,
if a client has a right to ask me to translate
only highlighted parts (and I believe he has the
right), then he can ask me to do same (i.e.
traductorchile Feb 28, 2012
Money matters Discounts and rates for fuzzy match and repetitions Certified Pro and Ethics If an agency or a translating company doesn't want
to pay for repetitions or 100% matches I can
understand it; it is part of their "philosophy" to
try and gobble up as much as they can wit
traductorchile Feb 28, 2012
OmegaT support OmegaT segmentation rules - splitting or merging segments in OmegaT Sorry to bother Sorry I had saved the PDF as a text document so
all the (line end) format had dissapeared. I
copied the PDF on to .docx and know the sentences
got segmented correctly. Sorry.
traductorchile Feb 15, 2012
OmegaT support OmegaT segmentation rules - splitting or merging segments in OmegaT Hope you can help Vito I have a text with lists of short sentences,
i.e.: Jack went up the hill Jill didn't follow
him, Jack got in a fuss Jill had a laugh Jack
came tumbling down. Default segmentation
traductorchile Feb 15, 2012 Translator Coop Where are all the volunteer translations? Is it real? [quote]Prof. Angie G. wrote: I can assure you
and swear on the bible if you want, the number of
words indicated in my profile (just as an example)
is very real... believe me. All th
traductorchile Jan 12, 2012 Translator Coop Where are all the volunteer translations? I have been a volunteer translator (theoretically)
for TSF or TWB for about a year now, and month
after month I have a bug inside me that is sort of
confused. I would like to hear the exp
traductorchile Jan 12, 2012's Virtual Conferences Discussion for's 2011 freelance translator virtual conference session (2011): Translator Pre-event Coffee Mate? [quote]Epameinondas Soufleros wrote: Have a
coffee or tea or mate with fellow translators?
What do you mean? [/quote] Please don't eat a
mate, it might be unhealthy.
traductorchile Sep 30, 2011
Translation feedback area English - Spanish - Social Sciences (news item on missing house in Malaysia) Missing I also like the use of "desaparecida" as a
translation for "missing" (although "perdida" o
"extraviada" could have expressed the same sense
of humour), a humoristic ending that is captured
traductorchile Jul 8, 2011
Translation feedback area English - Spanish - Social Sciences (news item on missing house in Malaysia) Malaysian A Malaysian landlord was shocked to find This
has been translated as "El propietario malasio de
una casa de madera..." I believe that
"Malaysian" has been used here not to express t
traductorchile Jul 8, 2011
Spanish ME NIEGO ... (oferta de trabajo rechazada por no disponer de SDL Trados) Volviendo al tema [quote]Clarisa Moraña wrote: si a Shakespeare
le hubiera gustado o no tener una Mac, por
ejemplo. Clarisa [/quote] El problema no es
"si a Shakespeare le hubiera gustado" sino,
traductorchile Jul 8, 2011
Money matters Tricks of the trade Jeffs link If anyone is
traductorchile Jun 30, 2011
Money matters Tricks of the trade Once I tied myself up with something near acceptable to later find out it was near
unacceptable. My Dear Krzysztof I would
read that quote with care. To me it souds like an
Ad. The Job posted offers, at best 50.000 wds a
traductorchile Jun 30, 2011
Money matters Tricks of the trade Because knowledge protects others David Russi. Why give it a thought? Well,
clearly most of us would stay clear of an offer
limited to 0.015 USD. But if that offer says,
that you'll only have to do half of the work, t
traductorchile Jun 29, 2011
Money matters Tricks of the trade X button? What do you call the X button? traductorchile Jun 29, 2011
Money matters Responding to unsolicited offers of excessively low rates Richard McDormand I just posted something similar from a US agency,
although the poster has a spanish name. Maybe
you'd like to hava a look at it.
traductorchile Jun 29, 2011
Money matters Tricks of the trade When I went to the US in a students exchange
program my foster parents showed me an
encyclopaedia that said that Chile was a country
full of Indians running around in loincloth, and
traductorchile Jun 29, 2011
Business issues The 1 million words trick Please read between lines [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: Since when have
these types of jobs guaranteed payment? Haven't I
heard time and time again that it's the companies
offering the worst rates that are the slo
traductorchile Jun 8, 2011
Business issues The 1 million words trick I have just seen a job posted from Argentina with
the following offer: 1 million words for $0.01
USD to $0.025 USD per word I get out my
calculator, and lets see: I can translate
traductorchile Jun 7, 2011
Money matters Job posting - a near scam Modern Translating and Consistency [quote]Laurent KRAULAND wrote: There seems to
be a need for clarification, namely about the OCR
part: - 1° is this traductorchile's own choice
or - 2° a requirement from the outso
traductorchile Feb 9, 2011
Money matters Job posting - a near scam Costs [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: is the translator's
own cost. [/quote] You are right Samuel, it
has a cost. In business nothing is for free.
traductorchile Feb 9, 2011
Money matters Job posting - a near scam not only wouldn`t she pay BTW, just for the record, when I said "not only
wouldn`t she pay" I meant she didn´t consider it,
expressly, in her payment scheme, not that I told
her she had to pay me extra for that.
traductorchile Feb 9, 2011
Money matters Job posting - a near scam Word or Image The problem isn't so much if the source was Word
or Jpg or XLS or timbuctú, the problem is she
didn't state it outfront that one would have to do
OCR work that can be more time consuming
traductorchile Feb 9, 2011
Money matters Job posting - a near scam The following job has been posted at
se by a member that proclaims she is a translator
and has a professional profile. A
traductorchile Feb 9, 2011
Business issues Pricing creative work I absolutelly agree [quote]Ronald van der Linden wrote: 1) I saw
some quotes on the internet while googling
"pricing information slogan", where some slogan
creations are charged with USD
150. ......
traductorchile Nov 17, 2010
Translation Project / Vendor Management Use by agency of translator CVs in bidding for tenders Susan, Atilla and Co. I answered calls from two agencies bidding on the
same EU tender (previously I asked if they had any
problem with that). Not only did they want a full
CV, but they also wanted me to backu
traductorchile Nov 17, 2010
Literature / Poetry Cases of translating something we didn't like by principle? the more the better, professionally speaking [quote]Giles Watson wrote: We could add: "Pay
me enough, and I'll even help you to say it in
another language" ;-) [/quote] Well said
Giles, some irony in that I presume
traductorchile Nov 17, 2010
Business issues Agency builds TMs with MTs WYPIWYG Yes, I think I've heard that term before,
somewhere. Maybe if we use it regularly enough,
some day it will STAND-OUT in's main
pages and other translation related sites. By the<
traductorchile Sep 10, 2010
Business issues Agency builds TMs with MTs Hello Tomás Well, I don't think it's a question of what they
think (I couldn't care less), it's a question of
the effect it has on the trust that customers give
us as translators, that we are trying t
traductorchile Sep 9, 2010
Business issues Agency builds TMs with MTs I was once warned about mentioning an outsourcer
in a forum, but I suppose I can mention the case
of an eastern agency that very recently offered
the following job for the pair English to
traductorchile Sep 8, 2010
Spanish Agencias construyen TMs con MTs Ya fuí advertido una vez por nombrar a una
empresa en un foro. Pero supongo que puedo decir
que una agencia oriental muy recientemente
ofrecía el siguiente trabajo (Este hilo lo inicio<
traductorchile Sep 7, 2010 job systems Possible inconsistency in Blue Board and outsourcer linking Great work Lucia I'm sorry to give you so much work Lucia, because
as you say so many branches mean a lot of
connections. In fact at this time I'm trying to
learn, PHP and some other web page
traductorchile Aug 13, 2010 job systems Possible inconsistency in Blue Board and outsourcer linking Dear Lucia I did post a support request, but the answer I got
didn't answer this issue, so I posted a
"company-anonymous" version here because I'm not
sure if only one case is enough to consider it a
traductorchile Aug 13, 2010 job systems Possible inconsistency in Blue Board and outsourcer linking I’d like to hear opinions on a situation I
have encountered and that might reflect a misuse
of the BlueBoard system, and might affect its
usefulness to service providers: I was
traductorchile Aug 13, 2010 job systems Job quotes and profiles: wondering on what basis I'm being eliminated / declined Lucky You Ildiko I have been quoting since mid 2007 (member since
Apr 2008). I have quoted to 110 jobs, those that
answered, including those declined I can count
with my fingers and maybe a few toes. In
traductorchile Jul 11, 2010
Reports to members Mid-year report to members, 2010 My Kingdom for a Proz Thanks Jared and all the team. Without Proz, and
you behind the curtains, it would be like not
having a leg or an arm. In fact Proz is like the
Hydra, but with many more heads and a pea
traductorchile May 13, 2010
KudoZ Kudoz abuse? Kudozitis [quote]Valery Kaminski wrote: There are
people who rarely ask questions, though they
answer quite a lot. Reasons? A bunch to choose
from. Please Valery, could you tell me what you<
traductorchile Apr 29, 2010
Money matters Are PayPal withdrawal limits eternal? Thanks AT How about withdrawing funds. The only option for
us low class countries (non-US countries as a
matter of fact) is receiving a cheque if we don't
have a credit card. In the Withdrawal s
traductorchile Apr 10, 2010
Money matters Are PayPal withdrawal limits eternal? PayPal Verification procedures PayPal rules say they can perform an alternative
process for the verification of accounts of people
that don't have american based Credit or Debit
Cards, which is my case. Has anyone
traductorchile Apr 10, 2010 job systems Update on changes made to the job posting system, 08 April, 2010 Thanks Jared I am glad to see that some of the changes I
believed would lead us in the right direction have
been included. Obviously some 200 surveyed
translators thought the same. Specially the lin
traductorchile Apr 8, 2010 suggestions How to improve Proz blue board and rates problem at the same time The times are changin' [quote]Robert Forstag wrote: What you have
proposed here is very similar to an idea I
suggested for modification of the Blue Board some
months ago, an idea that in my view would help
traductorchile Apr 4, 2010
Money matters 100% prepayment I agree with you DZiW [quote]DZiW wrote: Astrid, I agree that some
50% advance is ok, but *if* you like all terms and
you *can* cope with it for sure then why should
you feel stressed being paid 100% in adva
traductorchile Apr 4, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you continue interpreting/translating if you suddenly got a large sum of money? I would be more selective As my answer is in the 1.1% only I feel I'm
obliged to explain my answer. Yes, if I got a
large sum of money, I would continue translating,
but I would be more selective. I would keep th
traductorchile Mar 27, 2010
Money matters Discounts and rates for fuzzy match and repetitions To pay or not to pay that is the accoutability [quote]Laura Bissio CT wrote: Why should they pay
for the 100% matches? Why should I
proofread/edit them if the client does not need
it? Some segments (fuzzy matches) just need
traductorchile Mar 8, 2010
Money matters Discounts and rates for fuzzy match and repetitions Where or Who are the agencies In my application letter to various agencies I
have included the following parragraphs. Many
never answered. Another kept up an e-mail
exchange for about a week or more trying to
traductorchile Mar 6, 2010
Being independent Paypal's bait and switch technique - be aware! Virtual Banks are a higher risk than face to face I also had a problem with PayPal. A payment from
a client was frozen and returned to the client.
According to PayPal this was all done for my
security and best interest. I won't go into
traductorchile Oct 12, 2009

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