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Off topic: 不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies)
Autor wątku: chance (X)
Guang Li
Guang Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
od 2008

angielski > chiński
+ ...
因为审美疲劳了 Jan 24, 2010


wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 08:32
影院的声响效果震耳欲聋 Jan 24, 2010

wherestip wrote:

所以我宁可赖在家里看电视。Documentary film很有意思,只可惜中文几乎没有纪实的documentary film,but lots of propaganda films,unbearable。

Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:32
angielski > chiński
+ ...
战争题材的你会感兴趣吗? BIN Jan 24, 2010

最近和儿子一口气看完了央视十套的 [探索·发现]中国远征军, 真有点意犹未尽的感觉。

应该是你爱看的Documentary film.

[Edited at 2010-01-24 14:34 GMT]

Guang Li
Guang Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
od 2008

angielski > chiński
+ ...
兄弟连 Jan 25, 2010


QUOI  Identity Verified

chiński > angielski
+ ...
张家界“南天一柱”正式更名为《阿凡达》“哈利路亚山” Jan 26, 2010

(张家界市政府官方网站) 1月25日上午,张家界“南天一柱”(又名“乾坤柱”)正式更名为《阿凡达》“哈利路亚山”,当地数名身着土家族服装的原住居民为名称标识牌举行了揭牌仪式。仪式由袁家界管委会主任宋志光主持。


Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:32
angielski > chiński
+ ...
国人真的好无聊 Jan 26, 2010


words@large wrote:

(张家界市政府官方网站) 1月25日上午,张家界“南天一柱”(又名“乾坤柱”)正式更名为《阿凡达》“哈利路亚山”,当地数名身着土家族服装的原住居民为名称标识牌举行了揭牌仪式。仪式由袁家界管委会主任宋志光主持。


wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 08:32
Globalization Jan 26, 2010

Zhoudan wrote:



Guang Li
Guang Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:32
od 2008

angielski > chiński
+ ...
Jan 26, 2010


Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:32
angielski > chiński
+ ...
乾坤柱 Hallelujah Mountain Jan 26, 2010

刚看过xinhuanet的投票,91.4%, 4327票反对,认为改名丢掉了中国文化元素,6.21%, 294票支持,认为借助电影时尚元素提高景点知名度,促进了旅游业。

干吗非要改名,立一石碑,上面同时刻上“乾坤柱 Hallelujah Mountain”不更好吗?

[Edited at 2010-01-26 13:16 GMT]

[Edited at 2010-01-26 13:16 GMT]

Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:32
angielski > chiński
+ ...
想不到八台开始播映根据其中一段故事改编的连续剧 Feb 2, 2010

Jason Ma wrote:

最近和儿子一口气看完了央视十套的 [探索·发现]中国远征军, 真有点意犹未尽的感觉。

应该是你爱看的Documentary film.

[Edited at 2010-01-24 14:34 GMT]


[Edited at 2010-02-02 05:37 GMT]

[Edited at 2010-02-02 09:10 GMT]

pkchan  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:32
od 2006

angielski > chiński
+ ...
阿凡達,看了! Feb 4, 2010


wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:32
chiński > angielski
+ ...
反纳粹 Feb 6, 2010

pkchan wrote:


我们这里 downtown 也有一个 IMAX 3D theatre. Avatar tickets also sell for $14. 立体眼镜大概还要收点费. 不过我还没那个兴头.

Quentin Tarantino 的 "Inglourious Basterds" 挺带劲儿的. 开始买了 DVD 也是摆在那儿没看. 最近获这届 Oscars 最佳电影提名才看. 他的电影总是血淋淋的.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:32
chiński > angielski
+ ...
演技 Feb 6, 2010

Look how many awards Christoph Waltz garnered for playing a Nazi ...

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:32
chiński > angielski
+ ...
Avatar Feb 18, 2010

Some perspectives from the writer/director James Cameron himself ...


Elisabeth Hasselbeck: ... What about to the emotional response? You've certainly hit some nerves with this film. Like Sherri said, you know, the tears, and the love, and the fight. But then there's also been a million incredible reviews ... some sort of criticism that it's - you know, we've even talked about it here on "Hot Topics" - anti-American, anti-troops. What's your response to that? 'Cause I also think this is fiction, and people should step back, and understand the creative aspect, not just critique a political stance.

James Cameron: Yeah, I think people ... I think it's fair game to attack a movie based on your perception, of your reality. I think that's fair game. I think movies ... a movie that's trying to communicate ... if that starts a dialog, that's fine. My personal ...

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Were you trying to?

James Cameron: No, no. Here's, here's ... I think the film is definitely anti-corporate, you know. And I think that the corporations, and the corporate lobbyists are doing a huge damage to the country, and to the environment. But, but ... (applause) I think they are; I believe that. But you gotta remember, the troops in the movie are corporate security guys; they're mercenaries. The main character is a former Marine - the guy that we follow, who's a hero. And he enlists the aid of a female pilot, who is meant to be a former Marine. My brother, John David, was a Marine for 6 years, fought in Desert Storm. I feel very close to the psychology of the Marine Corps, their sense of duty, and honor, and courage. And so my main character, that I ... you know ... we've spent, you know, couple of hundred million dollars making a movie about this guy - he's a Marine, and he does what Marines do, which is to be courageous, and ultimately to become a hero ... So that's where my heart lies; so that ain't anti-military.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Well, it's good to hear it from you too, 'cause I think that people have been sort of getting on a bandwagon of treating it as an anti-American film.

Whoopi Goldberg: Also, this is meant to wake folks up?

James Cameron: Sure, sure, clearly. I mean, that ... to me it's a very personal film, in the sense of when I was a kid, uh, you know, in high school; it was the start of the environmental movement. and I made a film in high school about pollution. So, you know, in the years since, trying to get documentaries funded about the environment? - Can't raise any money to do that; nobody wants to buy that stuff. So I thought if I make a big spectacular action, science fiction film, I can embed these themes in a movie that people are going to see for other reasons. (I tell ya, it's absolutely subversive ...)

Sherri Shepherd: Speaking of themes, when you think about making a statement, and themes, Avatar ... it became a political statement for some groups. Because, recently in Jerusalem, a Palestinian and some Israeli activists dressed up as the Na'vi aliens from Avatar, and they peacefully protested a security fence, which was built by Israel, near their village. So does something like that worry you? Does something like that make you proud, Or ...?

James Cameron: I think it's cool. I mean, look, the movie starts with the main character opening his eyes, and ends with the main character opening his eyes. It's about changing our perception. It's about this idea that "I see you". It's about seeing the other person past the cultural barriers, past the language barriers, for who they really are. And so here, they're saying, "Look, we're like these guys in this movie. Look at us; see us differently." Well, I think that's cool. And, you know, the film has done that, for a lot of different groups around the world.

Here's a link to today's whole episode of "The View" ...

BTW, James Cameron is going to be on "Charlie Rose" tonight. I imagine the interview would be along the same lines.

[Edited at 2010-02-18 14:56 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:32
chiński > angielski
+ ...
Environmental Message Feb 18, 2010

James Cameron's interview goes on and on, and after a while gets to be a bit mind-numbing. However, he definitely doesn't mince words when it comes to the central message of his movie ...

BTW, there's a transcript of the interview at the bo
... See more
James Cameron's interview goes on and on, and after a while gets to be a bit mind-numbing. However, he definitely doesn't mince words when it comes to the central message of his movie ...

BTW, there's a transcript of the interview at the bottom of the page.

[Edited at 2010-02-19 16:29 GMT]

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不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies)

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