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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题
Autor wątku: chance (X)
David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 11:29
od 2013

angielski > chiński
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Moderator tego forum
Dec 6, 2014


講起文藝翻譯之難,最近在超市看到這個 “臭食粉” 。

同上海 “臭豆腐” 有異曲同工之妙。

將 baking powder 譯成 “臭食粉” 認真 “到家”。



pkchan wrote:


原來這句佶屈聱牙的話是譯文。原文是with a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale,語出霍桑名著《紅字》,小說中體態「大塊頭」的女子是犯了通姦罪的Hester Prynne,她在我們的想像中一向是個美人。我是從童元方〈丹青難寫是精神──論梁實秋譯《咆哮山莊》與傅東華譯《紅字》〉得到這條資料的。

傅東華曾任復旦大學中文系教授,譯作不少。我相信,如果《紅字》不是他的譯文,這位中文系教授絕對不會把一個女子的體態描繪為「大塊頭」的。為了求方便,也因為自己也無法肯定Hester Prynne的「塊頭」究竟多「大」,傅東華只好把on a large scale「硬譯」出來。

童元方教授所舉的翻譯「怪胎」還有這一款:「純潔興奮的空氣」。原文:Pure, bracing ventilation,出自Emily Bronte小說《咆哮山莊》。譯者是莎士比亞專家梁實秋教授。空氣「純潔」的意思我們懂,但我們通常只說空氣「清新」。Bracing呢,應該是「教人精神一爽」吧,絕對不會說「興奮的空氣」。

梁實秋的《雅舍小品》文字流麗如金風玉露。這種身手一用於翻譯就束縛重重。所謂「直譯」,用魯迅的話來說,就是「盡量保存洋氣」。這種論調,不再時髦,因為我們的生活與語言早已洋氣十足。一九五八年今日世界出版社給當時的台大外文系教授夏濟安出版了兩卷中英對照的美國《名家散文選讀》。董橋曾經對我說過,夏先生的翻譯,他特別欣賞霍桑的〈古屋雜憶〉(The Old Manse)這一篇,因為讀來不像翻譯,而是一篇古雅的散文。



Houses of any antiquity in New England are so invariably possessed with spirits that the matter seems hardly worth alluding to. Our ghost used to heave deep sighs in a particular corner of the parlor,...

細心讀者把兩種文字一字一句的比對一番後,說不定會覺得像「不清不白」和「事情雖怪」是多餘的話。So invariably possessed的另一個譯法可以是「絕無例外,家家鬧鬼」。「事情雖怪」是譯者消化so invariably後衍生出來的「過場句子」,在不損原義下讓行文更流暢一點。夏濟安先生對翻譯的理念,自然在跟捧着英漢辭典直譯、硬譯的minimalist大相徑庭。讀翻譯作品,如果要「啃」那真是自找苦吃。2014年12月5日

pkchan  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:29
od 2006

angielski > chiński
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發粉/蘇打粉/泡打粉 Dec 6, 2014

發粉- 维基百科,自由的百科全书發粉
Translate this pageChinese Wikipedia
發粉,又叫泡打粉(從英語Baking powder的「powder」音譯而來),是泡制麵包、甜點的常用材料之一,作用是令麵糰膨漲,吃下來便有更好的口感。 市面有些麵粉已 ...

蘇打粉?泡打粉? 兩者同為膨脹
... See more
發粉- 维基百科,自由的百科全书發粉
Translate this pageChinese Wikipedia
發粉,又叫泡打粉(從英語Baking powder的「powder」音譯而來),是泡制麵包、甜點的常用材料之一,作用是令麵糰膨漲,吃下來便有更好的口感。 市面有些麵粉已 ...

蘇打粉?泡打粉? 兩者同為膨脹劑,有何不同? - 賀揚國際 ...
蘇打粉(Baking Soda)學名又稱碳酸氫鈉(Sodium Bicarbonate)是一種單一化合物;泡打粉(Baking Powder)俗稱發粉,是一種複合化學物質,它是混合蘇打粉與其他 ...

David Lin
David Lin  Identity Verified
Wielka Brytania
Local time: 11:29
od 2013

angielski > chiński
+ ...

Moderator tego forum
‘臭’ 從何處來? Dec 12, 2014


謝謝你的解釋,我直覺它是 “發粉”。那麼, ‘臭’ 從何處來?


Ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 ” is used in the food industry as a raising agent for flat baked goods, such as cookies and crackers, and in China in steamed buns and Chinese almond cookies. It was commonly used in the home before modern day baking powder was made available. In China it is cal
... See more

謝謝你的解釋,我直覺它是 “發粉”。那麼, ‘臭’ 從何處來?


Ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 ” is used in the food industry as a raising agent for flat baked goods, such as cookies and crackers, and in China in steamed buns and Chinese almond cookies. It was commonly used in the home before modern day baking powder was made available. In China it is called edible or food-grade "smelly powder". Many baking cookbooks (especially from Scandinavian countries) may still refer to it as hartshorn or hornsalt (e.g., FI: "hirvensarvisuola", NO: "hjortetakksalt", DK: "hjortetakssalt", SE: "hjorthornssalt", "salt of hart's horn") In many cases it may be substituted with baking soda or baking powder or a combination of both, depending on the recipe composition and leavening requirements.”

pkchan wrote:

發粉- 维基百科,自由的百科全书發粉
Translate this pageChinese Wikipedia
發粉,又叫泡打粉(從英語Baking powder的「powder」音譯而來),是泡制麵包、甜點的常用材料之一,作用是令麵糰膨漲,吃下來便有更好的口感。 市面有些麵粉已 ...

蘇打粉?泡打粉? 兩者同為膨脹劑,有何不同? - 賀揚國際 ...
蘇打粉(Baking Soda)學名又稱碳酸氫鈉(Sodium Bicarbonate)是一種單一化合物;泡打粉(Baking Powder)俗稱發粉,是一種複合化學物質,它是混合蘇打粉與其他 ...

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
chiński > angielski
+ ...
"No More Anchor Babies" Mar 4, 2015

An old post:

Seems like the Feds are starting to crack down on "maternity hotels" ...

Feds fight 'maternity tourism' with raids on California 'maternity hotels'
By Michael Martinez and Alexendra Meeks, CNN

Los Angeles (CNN)Federal agents on Tuesday raided more than three dozen "maternity hotels" in Southern California where foreign women give birth, allegedly for the sole purpose of having a U.S.-citizen baby, authorities said.

The "maternity tourism" sites included apartment complexes in Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties where authorities believe the businesses housed the foreign nationals about to give birth, federal officials said.


wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
chiński > angielski
+ ...
The booming "birth tourism" business is getting more media attention Mar 4, 2015

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
chiński > angielski
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"Maternity Tourism" Mar 4, 2015

On closer inspection, the video I provided a link to yesterday was a story done by CNN's Kyung Lah in early 2013.

But this video is new today ...

As the federal agent says in the clip, having a baby in the US is legal; but lying on one's visa application about one's intention for travel is not.

The way I see it, without passing new legislation, the ICE/HSI really can't do much about the pregnant women that come over to deliver their babies. But they could potentially close the illegal "maternity hotels" down.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
angielski > chiński
+ ...
Agree Mar 4, 2015

wherestip wrote:

As the federal agent says in the clip, having a baby in the US is legal; but lying on one's visa application about one's intention for travel is not.

It is likely that when those mothers want to come to the United States again in the future, their entry visas would be denied.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
angielski > chiński
+ ...
美卧底扮孕妇月子中心遭突查 媒体称或临四项控罪 Mar 4, 2015

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
chiński > angielski
+ ...
美卧底扮孕妇 Mar 4, 2015

ysun wrote:


Thanks for the news article from Most of the reports on this in English do not go into the detail of the Feds using an undercover agent. I finally found one that does mention it in passing.


In one instance, a trainer in China helped fabricate employment and income information for an undercover federal agent posing as a pregnant client to secure a tourist visa. The undercover agent was encouraged to fly through Hawaii, where customs officers were believed to be more lenient than in Los Angeles, according to a copy of an affidavit in support of a search warrant.


Chinese Embassy spokesman Zhu Haiquan said in response to the crackdown that compared with "4 million people traveling between our two countries every year, these cases are sporadic. The Chinese government always requests overseas Chinese citizens to abide by the laws of their resident countries."

Authorities did not release details of their findings or say how many women they found. Whether the women will stay here to give birth will be handled on an individual basis; authorities say some may need to remain as material witnesses.

Hmm... Sporadic indeed.

pkchan  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:29
od 2006

angielski > chiński
+ ...
中國女翻譯員譯「任性」 capricious 一字有爭議 Mar 13, 2015

By admin 2015 年 03 月 05 日 中英翻譯, 新聞報導

中國全國政協發言人呂新華日前在記者會提及反貪腐,「我套用一個網路熱詞,就叫『大家都很任性』。」當時女口譯張蕾愣了一下,沒意會過來,後來她以英文「capricious」一字翻譯「任性」,獲網友稱讚,中國媒體昨以神準形容她的翻譯。據悉,現年 34 歲的張蕾曾就讀杭州外語學校,後保送北京外國語大學。她丈夫孫寧
... See more
By admin 2015 年 03 月 05 日 中英翻譯, 新聞報導

中國全國政協發言人呂新華日前在記者會提及反貪腐,「我套用一個網路熱詞,就叫『大家都很任性』。」當時女口譯張蕾愣了一下,沒意會過來,後來她以英文「capricious」一字翻譯「任性」,獲網友稱讚,中國媒體昨以神準形容她的翻譯。據悉,現年 34 歲的張蕾曾就讀杭州外語學校,後保送北京外國語大學。她丈夫孫寧則是中國國家主席習近平的御用翻譯。


據國內《蘋果日報》報導,台大外文系教授劉毓秀指出,capricious 一字主要表達多變、善變的意思,與兩會現場語境表達的意思不完全相同,因此以 capricious 作為大家都很任性的「任性」翻譯並不精確。中原大學應用外語學系講座教授戴維揚也指出,capricious 單詞若用來形容美國歌手女神卡卡 (Lady Gaga)「任性」的行為作風很合適,但若用在中國兩會「大家都很任性」的翻譯上則差別甚大。

[Edited at 2015-03-13 18:30 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
chiński > angielski
+ ...
Gung-ho Mar 13, 2015

pkchan wrote:

據國內《蘋果日報》報導,台大外文系教授劉毓秀指出,capricious 一字主要表達多變、善變的意思,與兩會現場語境表達的意思不完全相同,因此以 capricious 作為大家都很任性的「任性」翻譯並不精確。中原大學應用外語學系講座教授戴維揚也指出,capricious 單詞若用來形容美國歌手女神卡卡 (Lady Gaga)「任性」的行為作風很合適,但若用在中國兩會「大家都很任性」的翻譯上則差別甚大。

I agree. "Capricious" is not what the guy meant. Judging by context, I think he meant something like "resolute" or "steadfast".

pkchan  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:29
od 2006

angielski > chiński
+ ...
有錢就是任性! Mar 13, 2015


wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
chiński > angielski
+ ...
"大家都很任性" Mar 13, 2015

>>> 而兩會會場上所提及的「大家都很任性」意指民眾對當局反腐所抱持的態度是「打貪不應手軟」,落馬貪官越多越好。

This explanation seems to refer to an unwavering determination by the populace to expose and combat corruption.

[Edited at 2015-03-14 13:09 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
chiński > angielski
+ ...
take your pick Mar 13, 2015


: very tough and aggressive

: having a fierce, relentless, or merciless character
[take–no–prisoners politics]

relentless, unyielding, staunch ...

but definitely not "capricious"

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:29
angielski > chiński
+ ...
该发言人用词不当 Mar 13, 2015

wherestip wrote:

>>> 而兩會會場上所提及的「大家都很任性」意指民眾對當局反腐所抱持的態度是「打貪不應手軟」,落馬貪官越多越好。

This explanation seems to refer to an unwavering determination by the populace to expose and battle corruption.



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