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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Autor wątku: chance (X)
Zhoudan Local time: 19:26 angielski > chiński + ... |
rainstone Local time: 11:26 angielski > chiński |
ysun USA Local time: 05:26 angielski > chiński + ... |
wherestip USA Local time: 05:26 chiński > angielski + ...
I'm no civil engineer, but how come there's no sign of any re-bars sticking out of the broken concrete?
Here's an image from the web that shows what the inside construction of a highway bridge ought to look like. Typically there's this intricate network of reinforcing steel bars …

[Edited at 2011-07-22 15:10 GMT] | |
pkchan USA Local time: 06:26 Członek od 2006 angielski > chiński + ... |
wherestip USA Local time: 05:26 chiński > angielski + ... Shoddy Construction | Jul 22, 2011 |
pkchan wrote:
Now it is making a 2,050ft-long bridge spanning the San Francisco bay.
Let's just hope that there's a different standard when it comes to projects overseas. 
I'm just kidding. The people in charge of those shoddy constructions should be criminally prosecuted. | | |
pkchan USA Local time: 06:26 Członek od 2006 angielski > chiński + ...

Bridge Comes to San Francisco With a Made-in-China Label
Workers at Shanghai Zhenhua finish the welding on a section of the eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. The replacement eastern span is on the right, with the city of San Francisco beyond.
... See more
Bridge Comes to San Francisco With a Made-in-China Label
Workers at Shanghai Zhenhua finish the welding on a section of the eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. The replacement eastern span is on the right, with the city of San Francisco beyond.
The new Bay Bridge, expected to open to traffic in 2013, will replace a structure that has never been quite the same since the 1989 Bay Area earthquake. At $7.2 billion, it will be one of the most expensive structures ever built. But California officials estimate that they will save at least $400 million by having so much of the work done in China. (California issued bonds to finance the project, and will look to recoup the cost through tolls.)
[修改时间: 2011-07-22 14:41 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun USA Local time: 05:26 angielski > chiński + ... different standard | Jul 22, 2011 |
wherestip wrote:
Let's just hope that there's a different standard when it comes to projects overseas.
[Edited at 2011-07-22 19:47 GMT] | |
ysun USA Local time: 05:26 angielski > chiński + ... 用不着 civil engineer | Jul 22, 2011 |
wherestip wrote:
I'm no civil engineer, but how come there's no sign of any re-bars sticking out of the broken concrete?
Here's an image from the web that shows what the inside construction of a highway bridge ought to look like. Typically there's this intricate network of reinforcing steel bars …
[Edited at 2011-07-22 19:50 GMT] | | |
ysun USA Local time: 05:26 angielski > chiński + ... |
wherestip USA Local time: 05:26 chiński > angielski + ... Saving up for 20 percent down payment on a mortgage | Jul 25, 2011 |
wherestip wrote:
这种文章 吹牛不上税 ...
Here's an article from the "Economy" section of this week's Time magazine (August 8, 2011). Unfortunately, the online copy is accessible to paid subscribers only.,9171,2084574,00.html
The article has an illustration in the form of a windy road, with the caption: "The Road to Buying a Home Can be Long ...". Along the road there are signposts, indicating the time it would take to save up for an average home's 20% down payment, based on average income by profession.
The chart can be summarized as follows ... remember, this is only 20% of a mortgage they're talking about ...
Lawyer ................................................ 7 years
Airline Pilot ......................................... 8 years
Computer Programmer ...................... 11 years
Registered Nurse ............................... 12 years
Accountant ........................................ 13 years
Elementary School Teacher ................ 15 years
Police Officer ..................................... 15 years
Firefighter ......................................... 18 years
Social Worker .................................... 20 years
Residential-Construction Worker ....... 20 years
Army Staff Sergeant .......................... 26 years
Child-care Worker .............................. 41 years
Sources: Genworth Mortgage Insurance; Center for Responsible Lending
BTW, IMO, the data is probably based on people who live a normal life and don't kill themselves obsessing over home ownership. In other words, it most likely doesn't factor in those who scrimp and save to an extreme.
[Edited at 2011-07-25 17:59 GMT] | | |
ysun USA Local time: 05:26 angielski > chiński + ...
那篇引用戈登·罗克研究数据的文章作者也许对美国情况不够了解,但中美之间房价、物价的巨大差异,还是事实。两年前,我们这里曾经谈起过《蜗居》。像海萍夫妇这样拥有名牌大学硕士学位的白领,如果是在美国,就不至于为了买房而成天吃方便面、啃咸菜,甚至还要去啃双方父母多年省吃俭用积攒下来的养老钱。两年前,1.74万元/平方米是上海的历史最�... See more Steve,
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wherestip USA Local time: 05:26 chiński > angielski + ...
ysun wrote:
在美国买房子当然容易得多。 不过我对那些把在美国赚钱吹嘘得为不费吹灰之力的文章很不以为然。你我都知道,如果赚钱真是那么容易,国会在 debt ceiling 问题上也不会那么久久僵持不下。 ...
[Edited at 2011-07-25 20:54 GMT] | | |
ysun USA Local time: 05:26 angielski > chiński + ...
不过,像海萍夫妇那样的白领,在美国应该可以活得轻松得多。但是,像赖昌星那样的人还是在中国吃得开。他到加拿大之后,就只能吃瘪了。 | | |
wherestip USA Local time: 05:26 chiński > angielski + ...
ysun wrote:
我不知赖昌星是何人。 可刚刚搜索了一下,真巧! 两天前他被加拿大政府遣返中国。 | | |
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