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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Autor wątku: chance (X)
Jason Ma Chiny Local time: 19:27 angielski > chiński + ...
Bin Tiede wrote:
Jason Ma wrote:
曾经有个和我共事过的英国人告诉我, 每次他到街道上兑换人民币,他都要找女性作交易。理由是:at least they would not produce a knife and stab me. | | |
Jason Ma Chiny Local time: 19:27 angielski > chiński + ...
[Edited at 2009-12-30 16:24 GMT] | | |
wonita (X) Chiny Local time: 08:27
Jason Ma wrote:
Bin Tiede wrote:
Jason Ma wrote:
曾经有个和我共事过的英国人告诉我, 每次他到街道上兑换人民币,他都要找女性作交易。理由是:at least they would not produce a knife and stab me.
晚上搭出租我也愿意坐女司机的车,比较有安全感。 | | |
wonita (X) Chiny Local time: 08:27
wherestip wrote:
五毛钱上趟厕所, 还有观众 -- 除非是 exhibitionist 才乐意.  我看比机场 full-body scan 还不带劲儿. 后者起码是为了公共安全迫不得已而采取的措施.
How about some curtains to provide some privacy?
挤在公共浴室洗澡的人恐怕不会在乎这个。 | |
ysun USA Local time: 05:27 angielski > chiński + ...
Zhoudan wrote:
jyuan_us wrote:
如果我在80年代来美前能有幸看到电视剧《北京人在纽约》,我也许就不出国了!:D 1993年,我已在加州定居。有一次我打电话给国内的亲戚,是我外甥女接的。她说,“我们正在看《北京人在纽约》,真惨!” 我说“是吗?”从此我就一直想看一看到底如何个惨法,但直到去年,才抽空看了该电视剧。
《北京人在纽约》中有一句台词:“如果你爱他,就把他送到纽约,因为那里是天堂;如果你恨他,就把他送到纽约,因为那里是地狱。” 我看问题就在于某些人把美国描写成天堂,而另一些人却把美国描写成地狱。我头几次到纽约时,也不怎么喜欢纽约,但我的一些住在纽约的朋友却很喜欢纽约。 | | |
wonita (X) Chiny Local time: 08:27 下面再谈谈“蹲”和“蹲厕” | Dec 30, 2009 |
jyuan_us wrote:
The thread is getting way too toilet-obssessed.
上个世纪,中国大陆的厕所绝大多数为“蹲厕”。那时我也天真地以为,“蹲”是与生俱来的一种本能,人皆会之。后来到了德国,有一次我带着几个德国小孩在家门口的一个公园玩,其中一个三岁多的女孩儿chaochao着让我带她回家上厕所。我说不用,你蹲在后面那棵树下就可以。那个小孩说:“我不会蹲!”她的回答很令我震惊,这世上还有不会蹲的人,难道“蹲”也要学吗? | | |
wherestip USA Local time: 05:27 chiński > angielski + ... |
wherestip USA Local time: 05:27 chiński > angielski + ... Creatures of habit | Dec 31, 2009 |
看看这个 -- 也许可说是一些西方人在 toilet training 这个问题上发现世界一些其它地区的传统做法更合情理, 并予以效法 ...
此文可能也间接地回答了你对那个小朋友连 "蹲" 都不会 "蹲" 的疑问 -- many things we know or do are knowledge or actions conditioned by customs an... See more Bin,
看看这个 -- 也许可说是一些西方人在 toilet training 这个问题上发现世界一些其它地区的传统做法更合情理, 并予以效法 ...
此文可能也间接地回答了你对那个小朋友连 "蹲" 都不会 "蹲" 的疑问 -- many things we know or do are knowledge or actions conditioned by customs and habits; and sometimes even natural instincts could be inhibited by repetitive, reinforced training. If you keep putting diapers on an infant, eventually the infant would go against its natural instinct and relieve itself in the diaper. If a kid has always been trained to use a toilet seat, of course he or she wouldn't know how to go to the bathroom any other way.
[Edited at 2009-12-31 18:15 GMT] ▲ Collapse | |
redred Chiny Local time: 19:27 angielski > chiński + ...
发达国家的外国人来到第三世界国家(不晓得中国现尚属此列否),看见那么脏的公共坐厕,怎样方便,确是一个问题。 | | |
redred wrote:
祝各位新年快乐!身体健康!万事如意,五福吉祥! | | |
jyuan_us USA Local time: 06:27 Członek od 2005 angielski > chiński + ... 这个在英语里还真不知道用哪个词 | Dec 31, 2009 |
Bin Tiede wrote:
jyuan_us wrote:
The thread is getting way too toilet-obssessed.
得现查字典。 | | |
pkchan USA Local time: 06:27 Członek od 2006 angielski > chiński + ...
座厕和蹲厕的英文_百度知道 - [ Translate this page ]
2008年10月29日 ... 蹲厕= squat toilet(又被称作:squatting toilet, Eastern toilet 或floor-level toilet) 座厕= flush toilet(又被称作:flushing toilet, ... › 教育/科学 › 外语学习 › 英语考试 - Cached - | |
wherestip USA Local time: 05:27 chiński > angielski + ...
pkchan wrote:
座厕和蹲厕的英文_百度知道 - [ Translate this page ]
2008年10月29日 ... 蹲厕= squat toilet(又被称作:squatting toilet, Eastern toilet 或floor-level toilet) 座厕= flush toilet(又被称作:flushing toilet, ... › 教育/科学 › 外语学习 › 英语考试 - Cached -
As I remember, some of the public squat toilets also had flush mechanisms when I lived in Beijing; and that was a long time ago. So I don't think "flush toilet" is quite the right term for "座厕". IMO, "sitting toilet" might be more accurate.
The most common type of toilet in modern cities is the flush toilet, in which water takes away the waste through sewers to a waste treatment plant. In rural areas where sewers are not practical, septic tanks may be installed instead.
The most common design in western countries is the sitting toilet. Squat toilets are still used by the majority of the world's population.
Here's the wikipedia page where I got the above little blurb from. I believe it has everthing we ever want to know about toilets ...
[Edited at 2009-12-31 18:38 GMT] | | |
wonita (X) Chiny Local time: 08:27
很多年以前,那时我的孩子还小,有次我带她出去玩,回家的路上小孩子睡着了。我抱着她,还要走一段上坡路,很累。周围没有凳子,我就靠着一棵树蹲下,想歇歇再走。刚蹲下还没有半分钟,就有人停车下来问:“您是不是不舒服,要我帮忙吗?” 我说没有啊,我只是想休息一下。 | | |
wonita (X) Chiny Local time: 08:27
James_xia wrote:
可以去申请一下吉尼斯:全世界最大的“蹲厕”。千万别忘了附上照片,否则那个情形老外想象不出的。 | | |
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