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| ysun USA Local time: 05:35 angielski > chiński + ...
不错,我没否认,regret 后面可以接名词短语作宾语。在我举的例子中,"regret the negligence” makes sense. 但是,如果 "I’d not regret a thousand times” 中 a thousand times 不是修饰regret,这句话能 makes sense 吗?
"would not regret dying ”肯定没错。这是虚拟语气,表示与目前事实相反的事情。张璐用的也是虚拟语气,这一点很对。如果一个人真的死了,他或她就不会说话了。这里再举�... See more 不错,我没否认,regret 后面可以接名词短语作宾语。在我举的例子中,"regret the negligence” makes sense. 但是,如果 "I’d not regret a thousand times” 中 a thousand times 不是修饰regret,这句话能 makes sense 吗?
"would not regret dying ”肯定没错。这是虚拟语气,表示与目前事实相反的事情。张璐用的也是虚拟语气,这一点很对。如果一个人真的死了,他或她就不会说话了。这里再举两个"regret dying ”的例子:
What are your views of England and life over here? Would you regret dying here?
It would be preferential not to, but, I would not regret dying alone, as long as I die in a room with a big window and a lovely view, nice books, and knowing that I was genuinely loved and made some difference to somebody.
你上面举的例子 "The cat may have nine lives, but it also has nine times to die.” 并不能说明问题,因为我们讨论的动词是regret,而不是have。这是两码事。再说,"to die"是动词不定式作"nine times"的定语,而不是你说的那个意思。
nigerose wrote:
“regret a thousand times the negligence to the dear one”
这里 a thousand times的确修饰regret,但“the negligence to the dear one”名词短语做regret的宾语。
在张璐的翻译“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”中,“a thousand times to die”是名词短语做regret的宾语。a thousand times不是修饰regret的。
为什么要用to die而不是dying,因为不定式短语有表示将来的意思,分词有表示完成的意思。所以在这里“regret dying ”是不对的,因为人还没有死。
英语语法:regret doing/to do
本篇文章来源于《点睛考试网》[] ;原文链接地址:
当然,正如一些网友所说,张璐的那句翻译改成“I'd not regret to die a thousand times”更好。这里是用“regret +不定式”的句型,语义重点在die。如果是按张璐“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”的翻译,则只能语法分析为“regret+名词短语”的句型,语义重点在a thousand times。 [修改时间: 2010-03-18 01:24 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | nigerose Chiny Local time: 19:35 chiński > angielski + ...
ysun wrote:
不错,我没否认,regret 后面可以接名词短语作宾语。在我举的例子中,"regret the negligence” makes sense. 但是,如果 "I’d not regret a thousand times” 中 a thousand times 不是修饰regret,这句话能 makes sense 吗?
"would not regret dying ”肯定没错。这是虚拟语气,表示与目前事实相反的事情。张璐用的也是虚拟语气,这一点很对。如果一个人真的死了,他或她就不会说话了。这里再举两个"regret dying ”的例子:
What are your views of England and life over here? Would you regret dying here?
It would be preferential not to, but, I would not regret dying alone, as long as I die in a room with a big window and a lovely view, nice books, and knowing that I was genuinely loved and made some difference to somebody.
“would not regret dying”应该可以(我前面说“不对”有误),但dying在这里应该不是分词而是动名词。分词有表示完成的意思,但人还没有死,所以dying是动名词,相当于名词,也就是说“regret dying”是“regret +名词”的结构。
为什么就不能把张璐的“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”理解为“regret + 名词短语 (a thousand times to die)”呢,不要以为a thousand times就是修饰regret的。
我认为原文“虽九死其犹未悔”的语义重点在“九”(而不是“死”)和“悔”,张璐的翻译可能也考虑到了这一点,所以用了名词短语a thousand times to die,用to die 修饰a thousand times。 | | | wherestip USA Local time: 05:35 chiński > angielski + ...
ysun wrote:
Yueyin 说得很好. 我也这样认为.
同时我也同意 Yueyin 对这句话语法上的分析 -- 现代英语语法是不会将 a thousand times 放在 to die 前面的. 若是中世纪的 Shakespearean English 或诗歌中为了押韵还马马虎虎说得过去.
For example, in today's English, the grammar of the following sentence would be considered correct ...
"I'd guarantee to finish the job in one day."
It would be very rare to hear someone phrase the same sentence this way though ...
"I'd guarantee in one day to finish the job", or
"I'd guarantee one day to finish the job" | | | nigerose Chiny Local time: 19:35 chiński > angielski + ...
[修改时间: 2010-03-19 00:59 GMT] | |
VictorLi Chiny Local time: 19:35 chiński > angielski + ... | ysun USA Local time: 05:35 angielski > chiński + ... The Difference in Meaning Between Regret to Do Something and Regret Doing Something | Mar 19, 2010 |
Teacher: Welcome to daily tips on learning English. Today's tip is on the difference in meaning between regret to do something and regret doing something.
Teacher: Let's take an example. What's the difference between I regret to tell you that your father died and I regret telling you that your father died.
Teacher: Well, I regret to tell, I regret to say are used to inform someone of some bad news in a polite way.
Teacher: Before you tell someone bad news, it's polite to warn the person that he's about to get some bad news by telling him you feel sorry about it. Regret too must be followed by a verb which means say, for example, tell, inform, announce, report, verbs that do not have this meaning can not be used.
Teacher: On the other hand, regret doing something means you wish you had not done something.
Teacher: So I regret telling you that your father died means you wish you had not told someone his father died. Maybe because after hearing the bad news, he tried to kill himself or maybe because it was a mistake that his father had not actually died.
Teacher: Let's look another example. I regret to inform you that the basketball game has been canceled. In this sentence, I am telling someone some bad news. The bad news is that there will be no basketball game tonight.
Teacher: Here is another example. I regret eating so much. This sentence means that I ate too much in the past and now I wish I had not eaten so much. So if you have to tell someone bad news, say I regret to tell you. But if you wish you had not done something, say I regret doing it. And if you are glad that you did something, say I don't regret doing it.
Teacher: This has been today's daily tip on learning English. Tune in tomorrow for another tip.
| | | ysun USA Local time: 05:35 angielski > chiński + ...
英语语法:regret doing/to do
不言而喻,无论是张璐的 "I’d not regret a thousand times to die” ,还是某些网友主张的 "I'd not regret to die a thousand times”,都�... See more 根据上面所说,《点睛考试网》的那篇中考辅导文章是错误的,是误人子弟的。原文链接地址:
英语语法:regret doing/to do
不言而喻,无论是张璐的 "I’d not regret a thousand times to die” ,还是某些网友主张的 "I'd not regret to die a thousand times”,都是错误的。
再说,"a thousand times” 这个短语是状语而不是宾语。它放在 regret 之后就是修饰 regret。如果想修饰 to die 或 dying,就应该放在 to die 或 dying 之后。因此,可以接受的译法应该包括但不限于:"I'd not regret dying a thousand times”。
nigerose wrote:
在张璐的翻译“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”中,“a thousand times to die”是名词短语做regret的宾语。a thousand times不是修饰regret的。
为什么要用to die而不是dying,因为不定式短语有表示将来的意思,分词有表示完成的意思。所以在这里“regret dying ”是不对的,因为人还没有死。
英语语法:regret doing/to do
本篇文章来源于《点睛考试网》[] ;原文链接地址:
当然,正如一些网友所说,张璐的那句翻译改成“I'd not regret to die a thousand times”更好。这里是用“regret +不定式”的句型,语义重点在die。
如果是按张璐“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”的翻译,则只能语法分析为“regret+名词短语”的句型,语义重点在a thousand times。我认为原文“虽九死其犹未悔”的语义重点在“九”(而不是“死”)和“悔”,张璐的翻译可能也考虑到了这一点。
[修改时间: 2010-03-18 02:05 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | ysun USA Local time: 05:35 angielski > chiński + ...
wonita (X) Chiny Local time: 08:35
ysun wrote:
从事业的角度来讲,能给国家领导作口译,这似乎是一个翻译所能达到的最高境界。欧洲国家翻译的最高境界大概是欧盟的同声传译。张璐年薪50万,和欧盟同声传译的起薪差不多。 | | | wonita (X) Chiny Local time: 08:35 不是想得太多,而是根本没时间想 | Mar 19, 2010 |
nigerose wrote:
口译根本没有时间考虑语法,现场翻译只能考虑组织好温总理讲话的纲领和要点,用中文表达出来。至于说到语法上的细节,那全靠平时的练习积累,临场发挥跟着语感走了。 | | | ysun USA Local time: 05:35 angielski > chiński + ...
如果我没听错的话,张璐对于“虽九死其犹未悔”的翻译不是 "I’d not regret a thousand times to die",而是 "I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die”。这种译法无瑕可谪,而且与著名翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的翻译完全一致。那么,"I’d not regret a thousand times to die" 是谁编出来的?
请看大翻译家是如何翻译这句话的(I regret to say that 我认为许渊冲先生的翻译相形见绌):
... See more 如果我没听错的话,张璐对于“虽九死其犹未悔”的翻译不是 "I’d not regret a thousand times to die",而是 "I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die”。这种译法无瑕可谪,而且与著名翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的翻译完全一致。那么,"I’d not regret a thousand times to die" 是谁编出来的?
请看大翻译家是如何翻译这句话的(I regret to say that 我认为许渊冲先生的翻译相形见绌):
But since my heart did love such purity,
I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die.
My heart tells me it’s good and meet, oh!
I won’t regret to die nine times.
[Edited at 2010-03-19 21:25 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | ysun USA Local time: 05:35 angielski > chiński + ...
Bin Tiede wrote:
ysun wrote:
还没到顶吧。杨洁篪就是从翻译做起的。不少驻外大使也是翻译出身。李肇星是否当过翻译,不知道;只知道给他当翻译时必须有仙才灵。:D杨洁篪 | |
nigerose Chiny Local time: 19:35 chiński > angielski + ...
ysun wrote:
如果我没听错的话,张璐对于“虽九死其犹未悔”的翻译不是 "I’d not regret a thousand times to die",而是 "I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die”。这种译法无瑕可谪,而且与著名翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的翻译完全一致。那么,"I’d not regret a thousand times to die" 是谁编出来的?
请看大翻译家是如何翻译这句话的(I regret to say that 我认为许渊冲先生的翻译相形见绌):
But since my heart did love such purity,
I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die.
将杨宪益、戴乃迭的翻译“I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die”与“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”进行比较,发现句子结构是类似的。杨、戴的翻译也是regret接名词短语宾语,to die也是不定式做后置定语。因此,a thousand times也可以理解为regret的宾语,是regret的对象。只是a thousand times也容易误解为状语修饰regret,所以“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”容易引起歧义。 | | | nigerose Chiny Local time: 19:35 chiński > angielski + ...
ysun wrote:
Teacher: Welcome to daily tips on learning English. Today's tip is on the difference in meaning between regret to do something and regret doing something.
Teacher: Let's take an example. What's the difference between I regret to tell you that your father died and I regret telling you that your father died.
Teacher: Well, I regret to tell, I regret to say are used to inform someone of some bad news in a polite way.
Teacher: Before you tell someone bad news, it's polite to warn the person that he's about to get some bad news by telling him you feel sorry about it. Regret too must be followed by a verb which means say, for example, tell, inform, announce, report, verbs that do not have this meaning can not be used.
Teacher: On the other hand, regret doing something means you wish you had not done something.
Teacher: So I regret telling you that your father died means you wish you had not told someone his father died. Maybe because after hearing the bad news, he tried to kill himself or maybe because it was a mistake that his father had not actually died.
Teacher: Let's look another example. I regret to inform you that the basketball game has been canceled. In this sentence, I am telling someone some bad news. The bad news is that there will be no basketball game tonight.
Teacher: Here is another example. I regret eating so much. This sentence means that I ate too much in the past and now I wish I had not eaten so much. So if you have to tell someone bad news, say I regret to tell you. But if you wish you had not done something, say I regret doing it. And if you are glad that you did something, say I don't regret doing it.
Teacher: This has been today's daily tip on learning English. Tune in tomorrow for another tip.
另外:Grammar Q & A Newsgroup
“As you know. "regret" + the gerund refers to a time in the past. The meaning of the verb "regret" ensures that, when used with the gerund, the situation referred to is in the past"
[修改时间: 2010-03-20 02:24 GMT] | | | ysun USA Local time: 05:35 angielski > chiński + ...
nigerose wrote:
将杨宪益、戴乃迭的翻译“I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die”与“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”进行比较,发现句子结构是类似的。杨、戴的翻译也是regret接名词短语宾语,to die也是不定式做后置定语。因此,a thousand times也可以理解为regret的宾语,是regret的对象。只是a thousand times也容易误解为状语修饰regret,所以“I’d not regret a thousand times to die”容易引起歧义。
两句话的句子结构并不类似。"a thousand times” 正是修饰动词的状语,而不是 regret 的宾语。把它理解为 regret 的宾语 makes no sense。"to die” 也不是修饰 "a thousand times”。而杨、戴伉俪的译法 "I'd not regret a thousand deaths to die” 中,"a thousand deaths to die” 确是 regret 的宾语。这种译法,是源自 "die a death” 的习惯用法,确实地道。例如:
She lived a long happy life and died a natural death.
现在我估计,"I’d not regret a thousand times to die” 是某位(些)点评专家听错的结果,而张璐是被冤枉的。 | | | Stron w wątku: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Protemos translation business management system | Create your account in minutes, and start working! 3-month trial for agencies, and free for freelancers!
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