Confusions of untranslatability

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Confusions of untranslatability

By MarishaM | Published  06/18/2017 | Language Specific | Recommendation:RateSecARateSecIRateSecIRateSecIRateSecI
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It is customary to call untranslatable a semantic unit that does not have an equivalent in another language, which makes it difficult to translate the text and convey the semantic nuances.
These include words with a wide meaning, puns, word games or names of terrain, animals, etc., we will not consider them, but we will dwell on concepts that can be used in everyday life.These words, formed and consolidated in the course of the historical development of a particular nation, are semantic forms peculiar only to this nation and reflect its uniqueness, color, their way of being, thinking аnd a picture of the world.
These words make the translator resort to footnotes or borrowings that do not give new views without explanations and discourse.
So, one of the most closed for understanding can be considered the eastern countries - Hinduism and Islam. Indian word SATORI ("enlightenment") is an inner personal experience of the experience of comprehending the true nature through the attainment of the "state of one thought", a kind of holistic and complete awareness of reality, which can only be understood through meditative practice.The same mysterious remained NIRVANA - a state of complete tranquility and bliss, to which all living things and achievable strives to get rid of emotions and unrest and in the end, getting rid of the very thought of any thought.And the word OM is a sacred sound used for meditation, reading mantras and sacred texts, which is a symbol of the unity of time, space and all living beings. It is implied that it consists of the letters aumn, symbolizing the states of wakefulness-sleep-deep sleep-dissolution of everything in everything (therefore the last letter is not written, as if dissolved).
In Arabic there are varieties of time, actions, causes, etc., for example, time is at all, the past, the future and a certain extent. The word MUAKKANT originated from such a root and means "temporary residence". The action can also be an action in general (without binding to an object) or for the sake of something, like JIHAD - any action for the sake of faith, whether it be donation, punishment, self-education, education, military service and involvement in one's religion.
German language is distinguished by words that indicate something (or someone) that carries a certain property: FUNFQIGER is usually translated as a man between the ages of 50 and 60, SHADENFRUDE - a sense of pleasure at the sight of someone else's misfortune, similar to the gloating or the word BUCHENMESS - corresponding to the entries in the accounting books.

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